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S3 licensed
awesome 'cockpits' guys! it's the ultimate in real-car feel!
S3 licensed
yeah my DFP D-pad is bound to the arrow keys (no shift)
S3 licensed
I was only having a bit of a rant , it'd be nice to see a server always dedicated to LX racing 'cos ATM it's all about the whims of the admins.

and before anybody suggests it, my server is broke!
S3 licensed
I'm well up for testing this new system out. I'm pretty good with hardware but i suck at software!

I've been looking into what the flight sim boys are doing and they seem to be using a usb interface board

like this one-

they supply software with it that interfaces with M$FS but i'm sure the code monkeys out there could figure out how to get it working with LFS.

It looks like the controller would work with homebuilt gauges using standard servos (usually found in model shops for R/C stuff) so that means i can build a rig nice and cheap (flight sim gauges are seriously expensive!)

BTW the controller board is 89 euros ( about 60 quid)
Last edited by Theafro, .
Where have all the LX servers gone?
S3 licensed
Why are there no LX servers out there ATM? last week there were 1 or 2 servers out there that offered the LX4 (albeit with the TBO cars too) and i've had some great racing. now it seems the only place i can drive the LX4/6 online is in bloody drift servers. I've got nothing against drifting, I just can't find any RACE servers hosting the little beasts.

I was hoping that with the new tyres I'd get to race my favorite cars online more often.
S3 licensed
Hazard warning lights
S3 licensed
We're all hedonists
S3 licensed

I'm assuming we'd need a seperate program to take those UDP jobbies and send them to a port in the desired manner

BTW is it too early to ask for an oil pressure guage? it doesn't have to really do anything (yet) but maybee move a little when you rev

good plan tho scawen been waiting for something like this to complicate my cockpit setup

edit: and headlights (all 3 kinds would only be needed once we get real-time lighting)
S3 licensed
anybody else remember the parking challenge we had in S1? it was just a simple timed run into a tight parking space but the competition was fierce!

methinks somebody should sort a proper comp out again, that was fun!
S3 licensed
I'm sure he is, or a kid (the spoilt type)
S3 licensed
I'm far too stoned ATM to make any real suggestions, but i agree!

you could just have fully adjustable/customisable mirrors x 3 in all views

It'd be safer
S3 licensed
I'm well happy with the new tyres, much more realistic IMHO.

I took a LX4 on a 45 minute stint at AS_historic (SP) just for fun last night and the car was fantastic (after a few setup tweaks to sort the balance/turn in out) I managed 14 laps (at a healthy 3.05 pace) before i finally fell off (spin at eau rouge :tilt

before patch S/T i would struggle to make it around the track more than 3 times without bending the car, and i've driven quite a few 7s IRL.

I reckon the LXs are gonna end up being very popular
S3 licensed
It's a shame we don't have those lights in the 'wheels only' view, it's nice to have an RPM indicator that you don't have to actually look at, you simply wait until you see red in you're peripheral vision and shift. I'm mainly going by sound ATM, 20,000rpm is quite a distinctive note
S3 licensed
you could just wear a lid indoors i suppose.
S3 licensed
I'm busy sorting out a nice clean install to patch, getting a skin ready, and trying not to think too much about it.

I still can't belive BMW have got involved, with friends like those the possibilities are endless. (I can't help thinking the N word)
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat : rather than bombard the reader with to much info.

TBH, when I first started the guide, I though this will be easy, no problem, but it is actually quite difficult to get the balance of too much and too little info.


Too much info is a bad thing, it would be difficult to do a really general guide without being a chore to do. It'll be an idea to do a guide for each course with sub-sections going into more detail and Road, sports, GTR and SS classes. to cover individual cars would be a nightmare, i still cant belive there are 827 combo's (not including autocross/skidpan/carpark)
S3 licensed
why not indeed!

We can't complain that the dev's haven't given us some nice new layouts to play with, but it can't be that much work to link that bit up.

We love you eric! (but not in that way )

I cant wait to tackle AS_north REV with that nasty (the fun kind) hairpin right after that looong fast one
S3 licensed
good guide dano! nice layout and plenty of info although it was mainly related to the FXO. and the trouble with a general guide is that you'd have to make it usefull to every kind of car, from UF1000 to F08. it makes sense to have a general guide (827 combos including reversals) but you'll have to heve little notes explaining the different approaches for different cars.

Dan's guide is a pretty damn good example of what should be done although a map with several (different cars) lines illustrated (with brake zones etc) to show how it changes from car to car.
S3 licensed
A simple map with valuable pointers would be all thats needed, search for apex's guide to blackwood (s1 days i'm afraid) it wasn't perfect but showed you where you should be at least. although a replay would be good too.

Although you've got to remember that there are a total 414 combos of cars and tracks to make guides for, unless you were to do a general guide for each layout it looks like an unsurmountable task.

It would make more sense to make a few guides for the more novice player since it's a lot harder to learn the tracks when you'r elearning to drive at the same time.

my suggestions are: Blackwood (obviously) Fe green (good choice) and AS national/club.

It might be an idea to make a nice, simple exaple of a guide and then ask the community to make similar guides for each combo, it's gotta be kept relatively simple tho' if you make it too complicated it won't get done.

BTW you can get a nice map of each track using LFS spectate or a replay analyser (using the CMX files on
S3 licensed
There are two schools of thought about engine braking,

a, set the brake bias (driven wheels low) so that you can use massive amounts of engine braking to assist the wheel brakes.

b, set the brake to work at maximum capacity and use heel & toe (or auto blip) to save loading up the tyres even more when downchanging

I mainly use B with a little spare grip incase i make a proper mess of the downchange.

It's a lot easier to rely on engine braking to slow you down but it means that you have much less control over whats going on at the wheels. and as fetzo says, trailbraking is a little more controlled with more front bias.

Although it makes a huge difference weather the car is RWD, FWD or AWD

with AWD+FWD you can get away with a lot more engine braking than you would in a RWD car, my suggestion is to turn auto blip on (or learn to heel & toe) if you want maximum possible braking effort since the braking force the engine generates varies a lot with revs/gears etc and wheel braking it totally consistant, allowing you to use a hard, consistant braking effort
S3 licensed
3.7Gb but thats including 3 x S2 + 1 x S1
1.8Gb for my main LFS directory

It's all on it's own 15Gb partition tho' so I should be ok at least until S3
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
yes but i IS a little busy with 708 replies

there's a little section near the club track that looks like it had something to do with a new layout too.
S3 licensed
You'll have to create a new colour profile named "minardi", rename you're AI "minardi" and select F08_minardi.jpg in the colours option screen


It's a pain but will probably look pretty cool with all the F1 skins on the grid
S3 licensed
I never noticed that the fuel gauge was in binary before, 0-1 is much better than E-F