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Quote from dungbeetle :
Oh dear, it now appears I have double standards. :worried:

have you considered a move into politics ?
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Rule #724 for preserving your sanity: Pay no attention to where movies rank (or don't rank) on the IMDb top 250 list (especially new movies).

you're not called Jethro gibbs are you ?

the thing to remember about movies is that there are more than 1 type of best movies,

1 the ones with the fantastic story / plot,

2 the ones with the fantastic performance(s),

3 the ones which, despite having a poor story and / or poor performances, are such a sensory experience that they just have to be experienced in a cinema.

avoiding recent films a good example of each would (for me as it's always in the eye of the beholder)

1 Serenity

2 Pacific heights

3 Star Wars (episode IV, a new hope)

of course quite often a movie that counts as 1 type will also count in another and ocasionally you get a movie that combines all of these.

personally no matter how great a movie is when it comes out, i refuse to consider it as an all time great till it's at least 5 years old just to discount the "new must be better" effect.

my final test is that if i've got it on DVD / Blueray / Video (remember them?) and it's showing on TV do i still watch it everytime ?
S2 licensed
the tyres should be interesting, i wonder whats the shortest stop we'll see, autosport recon we'll see some sub 3 second stops next year and possibly a sub 2.5 second stop
S2 licensed
i've been looking for a new ring tone and the mp3 conversion of this is perfect
S2 licensed
initially i thought hamilton but now im not sure, reduction in front end tyre grip should produce a car that suits button more than the current regs and with running heavy at the start hamilton may find his rear tyres die earlier than button's. but on the otherhand all cars will at some fuel load not be handling as their driver wants and button is known for not responding well when the car's not perfect whilst hamilton is gaining a reputation for driving round handling problems and still producing the times. overall in qualifying definatly hamilton, races probably hamilton but i wont be surprised if its button.

what may well settle it is a combination of button not being allowed to do any work with mclaren till january 1st, the media demands of being world champion coupled with hamitons work ethic and the fact that the 2010 car's basic charectoristics will have been pretty much finalised before button was even considered, all combining to produce a car that at the start of the season is not to button's liking.
S2 licensed
lets put it in perspective, palmer wasn't great (and i personally don't like him, never could cope with that stare he gave when talking to the camera) but that doesn't mean he was a shit driver, after all how many ex F1 drivers (of any standard)are there in the world? according to wiki there have been 737 drivers that have started an official F1 race so even if they were all still alive today that would make palmer 1 in almost 10 million people which is a pretty rare achievement
S2 licensed
lol, back on topic, did anyone else hear autosport's editor on radio 5 this morning talking about schumi's neck?

apparently it wasn't a simple neck injury but in fact was so badly broken (i.e. not broken in the sense of having a hairline fracture in a vertibre ) that it was only the fact his neck musscles are still so well developed that stopped the spinal cord beiing damaged or even severed !
S2 licensed
to be fair, iracing seem to have a lot of different depts working on differing things so i guess the paint option won't have slowed down any work on the car simulation itself and it will allow a lot of people to express their identity a bit more (plus the jammy sods who can attract real sponsors)

in my case it's been a challenge to work the welsh flag colours into some of the paint schemes compared to just doing a skin in LFS so i'm looking forward to getting the dragon back on my cars and my name and blood group on the cockpit side / helmet / suit.
S2 licensed
what rome will be is the first track where all the local male spectators spend the whole race telling their girlfriends that they've been round that corner on their scooter faster than those f1 cars
S2 licensed
ironically i had my first ever laggy game this morning (and it was really bad lag, far worse tha i've ever seen on a cod 4 server ) generally though the connections have been good though the migrating to new host can get bloody anoying, last week i was face to face with an enemy and we spent over 2 mins trying to shoot each other as it repeatedly migrated to a different host just before the game resumed, then we both got killed by one of my team mates
S2 licensed
unlucky, i'd love to know what he expected you to do to get out of his way from that position. trouble is so many of these "racing gods" have the peripheral awareness of a sniper looking down a scope and unlike a sniper they seem to prefer to be without a spotter
S2 licensed
love the two spectators on the right just after the control tower as you leave the pits

dallara is a blast round here. if anyones interested someone is hosting a jetta at brands session now (amongst others)
S2 licensed
it'll be interesting to see what happens with the skippy as it looks like the skip brown guys may be involved with the driving instruction videos so presumably if it's not as per real life then it will soon be commented on thought from what i've read so far the high rear center of gravity and the way the back gets loose without throttle is fairly accurate as it was designed to stop drivers coasting into a corner. which is of course the reason i hate the bloody thing, it just doesn't get on with what i laughingly call my driving style ( which is about as reliable as my sense of style with clothes )
S2 licensed
old man racing, take some penioners in bathchairs (remember them?) and release them at the top of a hill, first one down / furthest down before crashing is the winner
S2 licensed
oh good, can't wait to see how many people go off at padock on their first lap and im really looking forward to the run into clearways on the GP circuit.

i assume it'll be a rolling start being indycar which is a pity, was looking forward to seeing everyone loose it at the start on the slope
S2 licensed
according to the tweet yes brands is in this update

slightly peed off, there were 4 of us in a practice session and they cut it short by an hour despite saying all current sessions would continue to run, still worth it when brands arrives and with the time difference hopefully us europeans will get a chanc eto download it before the us wakes up and swamps the system.

now all thats left is to pray the 24HdF is on the full ciruit and not the indy circuit
S2 licensed
have to agree that in terms of bang for buck LFS walks all over iracing but since i joined i've hardly used LFS just becasue the experience is so immersive and if you look back to when this thread started i was very sceptical about iracing and pretty much swore i'd never pay that much for a sim
S2 licensed
ironic that a few years ago boeing were jumping up and down pointing fingers at airbus saying that composites weren't safe enough for comercial aircraft
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Source

i saw that too. don't think the money issue is a problem, a bigger worry is the loss of credability after getting caught out like that.
S2 licensed
i see maor have confirmed the virgin deal (cue loads of virgin jokes)

also ferrari have stated that schumi is free to race elsewhere and they're happy about it.

2 ways of looking at it, either they're making their position known in public so he doesn't need to worry about it or they're doing it so it can't be used as an excuse if the merc deal doesn't happen
S2 licensed
there used to be a nice little group of us who'd meet up every day, attempt to get faster, get distracted and spend ages jumping over barriers, get the giggles and be unable to do anything for 10 mins etc. really complicated with everyones time zones, AJ is from florida, Niles from california (and possibly a different planet), Pat o'hara from sydney and Mathew who after 3 months i discovered lives 4 miles from me ! trouble is life seems to be getting in the way, niles' pc died and he's disappeared (probably in a clinic) AJ;s working silly hours with the launch of the sat tv channel he's working for (won't say what it is but with his past record as a camera man / editor it's either motorsport or porn ) mathew has just disappeared and pat has moved house and for some reason they recon he cant get broadband despite the previous owner having it so he's using a wireless conection off his neighbour.

p.s. pat's a guy with the right attitude, his father died and he was on iracing the night before the funeral
S2 licensed
if i remember i might actually get to watch at anglesey (bit bloody embarassing really, only live 11 miles from it and haven't been there since it's remodeling )
S2 licensed
loads of them mate, just check out your club forum, real nice bunch of guys aswell, i tend to hang round with them as i work nights and am usually on when it's your evening
S2 licensed
you can't beat a "woodie" for fun (EDIT: maybe not te best choice of word gven the thread title), metal ones are just too smooth a ride.

sadly i can't use any of them these days, my inner ear plays up, the last time i went to blackpool i was struggling to stay balanced after going on the old roundabout and the rocket ride by the entrance actually put my balance so far out that i had to hold onto something for a good 5 mins after so i daren't risk anything good. i must be one of a few people who find the idea of walking after a ride more terrifying than the ride itself.
S2 licensed
in autosport this week ralf is saying that michael is spending an awfull lot of time in the gym for someone who's retired and he thinks he could be making a return. of course ralf is a merc driver and could just be adding to the hype to help their publicity