Your right I see this all the time! It's too bad really. There will be an almost full server of people racing GT2's and there will always be one person who goes GT1.
Where is the fun of racing by yourself on a server full of people?
I would rather race mid pack and have a blast than win and not have anyone challege me at all. BORING!!!!!!!!!!
Getting bored with the game I mean. I don't play LFS for the graphics or eye candy to begin with, I have an old Dell 4600. The game for me is all about who your playing with Online. This is where LFS shines. Everyone has the same tracks and cars, everyone can compete with each other no matter how rich or poor they are. And if someone has a bad connection they dissapear. So what, its a game, SORRY "SIM!!!!!!"Forgot myself for a minute there
Anyway I have only played for a little over a year and I am already sick of this topic. I think I've heard it a few times already.
I don't think you should even be able to rejoin the server if you disco. It lags people that are racing and that stutter when someone leaves the pits is bad sometimes.
Also if they get to rejoin and then their laps are reset to zero they could start helping their teammates by blocking others. Because there really is no blue flag in Nascar, They can slow up another car until their teammate catches up.
I don't care what the pole says Lizard , you are running the league. If you think a disco is a DNF it is!!!
I'm a sensitive soul and I could see how it would look like my driving was crap if they were following under caution. But trust me when I say it was all reactions to others.
I spent many a minute under caution bitching to my teammates on Ventrillo about FUC*ing people driving like twats!!!
It shouldn't take more concentration to drive under caution than it does to race.
Just a couple of points/questions......How the hell do you propose to type all that and control your car at the same time?
And Toddshooter only drives erraticly under caution when others infront of him or behind him to avoid getting taken out
Bad idea for us people that aren't really fast but are clean, and safe. I am not a really fast driver but I know how to save my tires and put in consistent times, so I can finish near the front if I don't get taken out by idiots!
If you are nice and clean as you say, you should try Dead men racing on Sundays. They race Race_s sets only and do team racing. They are clean and fun .
They also have good strict rules against dicks and kick them quickly
I had an alright race except for all the freakin crap driving while under caution.
Was passed more than once and crashed more than once under caution. Then to add insult to injury I calmly informed the Admins in the proper way, under caution, and was told not to chat!! It was the only thing I said the whole race and it was perfectly legitimate.
I think the whole race needs a good look at, and some of the drivers need to be asked not to return for the next race. To be perfectly honest they need more experience racing in a crowd.
Congrats to the winners and anyone who actually made it through all the mayhem.
The problem with not being timed races is. We run into the problem of last Sunday 3+ hours racing... I don't know about anyone else but it was lucky that I didn't have to leave half way through.
I have a wife and two kids 3+ hours racing all at once dosen't happen very often. The only reason I pulled it off last week was they were gone for the whole day. Even a 1 1/2hr race would be better. As long as we know when it will end we can schedule for it.
Fuel dosen't matter to lap times that much anyway! Take extra!
At the oval I was running full 80% fuel from the start and my lap times were comparible to the top ten.
But you were going by us when the green flag went out like we were standing still. And thats everybody so I don't think we were all super slow like you seem to think. And I don't think you could have passed that many people like that if we all started to accelerate at the same time.
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so. I also wasn't the only one to notice it.
OKeefe passed more than once on the restart. And there is no way he was adhering to the 80m/hr speed limit to wizz by us that fast on the restart. Unless he was using a speed hack to accelerate!!
OK Sorry I must have missed that. My Bad
But I wasn't wanting to report him I want to report another. I don't think Mutt broke any rules other than that one...which he didn't.
I would prefer not to name names here. But I will if you want me too.
Just let me know how to formally complain and I will.
Thanks Toddshooter
Where do we lodge formal complaints against other drivers?
I have a specific person in mind who totally disregarded the rules more than once.
Also the Admins couldn't see my question about my placing under one caution because of all the FU^%ING chat
This will be a really great series if the Admins actually Admin!!!!
An [SR] car was actually let back in the race after he discoed this is clearly against the rules.
This was not a team night on your own server where you can do as you wish. This was a league race where the standards should be high and the rules followed!! No favorites and no friendships.
As a person who deals with children on an ongoing basis I will tell you.....don't make empty threats!! If you tell them the next person who does something is going to be kicked....KICK THEM!!!!!
They won't do it again.
In between all the bullshit was a great race Hopefully the next one will rock in every way!!
To me this sounds like cheating. You aren't fast enough to win the race fairly so you fabricate a way to beat the faster driver....BULLSHIT in my opinion.
If we are aloud to do this I might actually have a chance to win....but I couldn't stomach using this method!!!!