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Quote from The Moose :+1

They should all be strung up by the balls and beaten senseless.
....or maybe just banned for life.

We could use your antlers to hang them from
S2 licensed
I hope the mods leave this thread open so all the morons get the hack (see above) and get banned
I hate cheaters!!!!!!!!
Thank you
S2 licensed
Just a quick post to say thanks for the great racing!! Boogle and I had a blast on your server this past weekend. I for one will definitly return for another go at ya boys!

Doorman...What I liked about your rules

I think I like them so much because I'm not the fastest driver, or the most acurate shot.
So I have fun being in the middle of the pack racing door to door, or supporting the frontline troops with a machine gun as they advance. I am too old and too slow to be a star preformer so I will play a supporting role and have a blast doing it.
Your rules are set up to inspire thinking and teamwork which is right up my alley.

Some people on my team have said they like the rules as well, while others don't. But thats ok, thats why we have such a good team....(Diversity)

Anyway see you soon.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Surprised no one's posted this yet


Reminds me off my Dad. I know I'll never sound like that (Wink, Wink)
S2 licensed
[quote=Lordy;766705] I just wanted to join the fun on this game, and race real racers that could maybe help me train and become as good as the majority of license owners...Thanks anyway [quote]

M8 it is clear you haven't raced the majority of us yet
We mostly suck and crash all the time. Don't fool yourself into thinking we are all awsome because we had an extra $40 bucks layin around
Some of the racers are wicked fast, and then theres the rest of us!!!

Hope to see you soon.
1971 here
S2 licensed
Wow thats my childhood all summed up in one spot

I remember our first colour TV when I was about 10. It came from a rental store and had push buttons to change channels. (How cool is that!!) We never had one but my friends had the best remote control ever. It was attached by a wire to the cable box and was a lovely brown colour They must have got about 20 channels with that sucker.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I recently read Fujifilm Digital Camera Finepix S700, Digital Camera Finepix S5700 owner's manual

I read a lot of fiction. I do like James Patterson, as well as Dean Koontz. I rarely look at the titles though, so I can't really list any. Basically, everything that my mother sends me which could be James Patterson, Sydney Sheldon, John Grisham. The Koontz books I buy myself, mom doesn't read those.

A few other titles I'm reading, in e-book form....

Digital Photography - The Missing Manual
Digital Photography All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies
Digital Photography - Expert Techniques
Lightroom - Getting Started
and finally.... Help.pdf (which is the help "manual" that comes with Lightroom)

Can you tell I got a digital camera for Christmas?

Oh, and of course there's The Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop, Go Dog Go, and many others with the 4 year old. Though, we are beyond the Dr. Seuss books with her. Haven't actually read Dr. Seuss in quite some time.

How do you like Lightroom so far? I really love the program for editing tons of raw images. It has cut my editing time in half for weddings so far.

I miss dr. Seuss They were my favorite books to read to the kids!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Lible :Last thing that really got me into it was 'A Game of Thrones' (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R.R. Martin. Some really good stuff. Don't think I can wait for them to translate all the novels into Estonian.. got to try and understand English.

I read tons of other stuff, but nothing real good.

Really great author!! No good guys or bad guys. Everybody has their quirks, like real life
S2 licensed
I recommend you get your tongue in gear and your lips puckered, to kiss your wifes ass You don't want to end up in divorce court!!!!!

Oh and since your a total muppet like me get someone else to build it
S2 licensed
Wow now theres the best excuse in the world for takin some time off
Congrats to you and your family!!
You will do great
S2 licensed
Hi M8

If you are thinking about your fellow competitors this much already you are definitly ready to race online. If you are friendly and curteous thats all you need to start. All the rest will follow.

Hope to see you soon on the servers
Still going strong.
S2 licensed
I'd say the Team has rejuvinated itself. A few of the guys have put in so much time it is crazy!!!!!

#1 in the CTRA team rankings and involved in a couple of leagues. still alive and getting stronger all the time.
Great racing to be had!!
S2 licensed
Hi all

I have signed up for the second season of GTTC.
You guys will need someone to bring up the rear and give the straglers a push

I really enjoyed the first season because of the clean close racing. I am looking forward to my internet connection not letting me down this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to see all the returning drivers and some new ones this season.

Cool show
S2 licensed
Hi Guys

I ran across a great show (Podcast) to listen to on Itunes. It is called TWIP (This week in photography) only 14 shows so far but interesting stuff.
Go and have a listen if you haven,t found this before.
I'm in
S2 licensed
I'll join this club!!

I'm hip to your jive man
I'm 37, and when I was a kid Bon Jovi was king!!! I used to think Slippery when wet was a sexual thing, now I know it just means to watch where your walking so you don't hurt your back

Also we at [HR] have a few members a step away from the retirement home so drop by our server for a race, or a sponge bath from our lovely nurse StableX!
You OK?
S2 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :what a bad edit.

- envoirment looks too real
- you drive 68kmh and it looks like you drive 150
- mirroring the front texture to the rear mirror is stupid
- taking interioir textures of lfsdb (schupp0r) and a lfsdb skin also is
- track map looks like paint
- painting around in the screenshot is stupid too
- using two different interioir dds textures stupid.

Merge to edited pics thread and stop posting shit as "Leaked LFS Rally Screenshot".

Are you OK? Didn't burst a blood vessel in your forehead or anything while you wrote this did you? You seem a little worked up over this!
Maybe you have been sitting in front of your computer for days or weeks maybe waiting for the LFS Gods to actually make a real post about Rally coming to the game in a big way? Did you get your hopes up reading the title and couldn't wait to see it? If this is the case I can see why you are so upset!! And I feel your pain my friend!!

If not CHILL THE FU#* OUT!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :The thing is, theres 1 or 2 idiots demanding the moon and the stars, and theres a handful of people requesting something quite sensible, and yet everyone insists on arguing with the morons and claiming its crazy, yet conveniently ignoring the valid points.

4096 is stupid, at least with current technology.
2048 is easily possible, is unarguably clearer than 1024, can be easily compressed to fit existing limits (400kb) without any damaging effect, and has been the norm for skin makers for the last 2-3 years.

Some will argue 'you should be focusing on driving not worrying about pretty skins', but why? What difference does it make, if you cant/wont tell the difference then does it harm you any? Your not being forced to download even higher res skins. The arguement which nobody has yet been able to answer is WHY NOT. It doesnt harm anyone, it doesnt cost more to provide it, its easy to make a significantly clearer looking 2048 skin within the limits of LFSW's 1024@400kb limits, so why cant these be used if people want to use them, it certainly makes 'Hi Res Skins' accurate, seeing as 1024 is hardly that.

So sod the idiots who want 4096, ignore them like every idiot who asks for Ferrari's and the ring in LFS, the thread got started on the request of 2048 skins and very few people have exceeded that, yet plenty of people are latching onto that as a reason why its stupid... but frankly, what harm does it do to anyone if they allowed 4096 skins anyway? Is anyones gaming experience destroyed by what someone else see's? If theres an actual negative reason for something being implemented, then i'd expect people to point it out for the good of the game, however when people argue against something because it doesnt suit them, then i'd class them as bigger muppets than those wanting 4096 skins, the might want something unrealistic, but at least they have reason for their request rather than what seems to be nothing short of envy or being single minded.


Say that again with some feelin
I agree with the above
S2 licensed
I agree with the above post by gezmoor.

I see it all the time with cameras to and Megapixels!
Bigger is not always better Be it Pixel size or Pen$* size . Size is not the only thing that matters.
A nice clear sharp image at 1024 is not going to be any different in game than a 40 000000 pixel image. Unless your monitor has astronomical proportions.
The only thing it will do is let you tell your boyfriends or girlfriends that yours is bigger.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stregone :Focusing on infinity won't work. Pretty much all lenses focus PAST infinity whe you turn it all the way. If you have live view you can use that, and zoom in all the way, and fine tune the focus in real time. Thats one of the awesome things about live view. If not, then you just have to take a shot, adjust very slightly, take another, and so on.

Focusing on infinity will work. Most lenses have an infinity mark on them for this reason. Yes lenses go past infinity to compensate for cold and temp. changes and such. But you just don't go all the way to the end.

OOps sorry didn't see the non-SLR part of your post.
Last edited by Toddshooter, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I tried to shoot the moon for preparation of the eclipse tomorrow night since the wife got me a tripod for Valentine's Day. Manual focus for my non-dSLR is nearly impossible though in manual shooting mode. I have to figure out the manual focus before 10 pm US-est tomorrow night.

Didn't help any that the moon was directly overhead and I didn't want to kneel in 15 inches of snow and ice to view the screen.

Just focus on infinity. And make sure you keep your shutter speed above 1/60th or you will get blur.
S2 licensed
I registered, so now all others will follow because I'm so popular.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ped7g :I get lot of this on demo servers with demo players, every "leaved pits" makes my screen freeze for 0.05-0.15s, and that's way too much.
At least there are some servers with no mid-race join, still if somebody does Shift+P and Enter, I get that short freeze anyway.
(and there's no need to load any textures if he was already in the race with me, right?)

Also I hate the sounds of messages (both connect/chat), I wonder why there's still no option to turn them off. Or maybe I'm just blind.

There isn't an option but I have mine turned off. I am trying to remeber where someone told me to look for the sound file.
It could possibly be in the sound folder then you just rename the mess. and chat files to" .old " or something like that. This way the game dosen't recognize them. It is so pieceful now
S2 licensed
I like rfactor and LFS. The others I haven't tried so I can't comment.
My question for Tristan is this... How long has it been since you tried rfactor? I agree that the physics aren't as good or even close to LFS, not by a long shot but.... the variety is awsome!

The reason I ask how long it has been since you tried it is, I play with some people that tried it awhile ago and didn't like it at all. Then after trying it recently they have changed their opinions.
It definitly took some time to get the wheels setup and such, and to get the same tracks, and to get a server going, and to connect to it, and not to get an error, but after all this was taken care of it is a fun game!!
S2 licensed
Way to go Shaggy and DR.

Another team that is breading like rabbits
S2 licensed
Me too!!
I always do this exiting the pits but I suck at making a tune.
Great work:-)