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S2 licensed
I started with a Pentax film camera. Fond memories.
Still have a film Pentax in my closet too. Should pull it out some day and relive my youth. Hahahaha
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I guess it goes to show that you can capture the scene with a camera, but it just takes something else (luck? Magic? Skill?) to really capture the moment.

I like the pic Sam! Your comment is spot on though. I find this myself lots of the time too.
S2 licensed
Good luck Kris!!

Hope running a team will lower the volume of your voice some

We'll have to make you your own Vent channel so you can have executive meetings with yourself when your "BORED"
S2 licensed
Hehehehe. Niels is Gills Doorman:arge: "Just wait a second buddy, your not gettin through here!!"
S2 licensed
Is there a race today? I'm confused
S2 licensed
All I have to say is "Holy F%$#" That is some kick ass driving and some sick video editing!!!(To use the younger generations venicular.)

Way to go M8
S2 licensed
Also when installing drivers in Windows 7. Make sure to right click and "Install as Admin."
S2 licensed
Why are you throwing your hands up? Nothing we say makes any difference whatsoever! The only ones you need to prove anything to are the Devs.
Anyone else that posts here should just be noise to you. But I really think if you want to make a suggestion it should be posted in the proper place.
S2 licensed
Then why didn't you put it in the "Suggestions and Improvements" Thread?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :ices_rofl

Bloody hell Andy I think I love you! :clapclap:

You might love Andy...but now I know I definitely love Boogle

PS: Mp3 Astra NP M8 I know your a big Douche Bag!! OH ya can you make me a video?
S2 licensed
I agree! Lots of cars passed me because they put themselves in impossible situations. If I hadn't backed off and given up the corner completely they would have crashed us both
I could read their thoughts as I lifted off the accelerator...(Man I'm so fast these guys are dropping like fly's!!)
S2 licensed
Well its spread to Canada already as well. 6 cases so far.
4 on the east coast, and 2 on the west coast.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :I won't be there.

Scared huh It's OK we won't tell

Just kidding
S2 licensed
1:58:6 in the XRT. I'm slow so the fast guys will be at least a second faster.
S2 licensed
Its probably your memory card that is holding your burst back. I know my D80 will shoot at least 8-10 shots in RAW before it starts to pause because of my crappy memory card. But if I put in my really crappy card it pauses after only 4 shots.
S2 licensed
Great thread!

My name (Martelle) is pronounced "Mar--tell" the "e" on the end is silent.

Great job on the broadcast and I look forward to trying to get back into this series. (If I can.)
S2 licensed
Heres my skin in case I get to race today.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :You don't look anything like a chav, it's just the majority of the member's instinctive reaction to assume so once they see what someone looks like. It's a nice pic!

Chris anyones pic rocks beside your avatar Jack how long ago was that pic taken? I thought you were much older than that.
S2 licensed
Quote from richard dk :I must try to remember that..sry..

Hehehehe Sarcasm much
S2 licensed
Quote from DownShift :This game is now boring wen in fact it used to be the most fun i could have with a computer.... WTF!?!?!?! I go and look at the server list and all i see are races for Drag/Nasscar fanboys..... >.> and wtf is with this single class racing crap? i didn't buy this game so i could run the boring race of XRR vs XRR on WE... >.> WTF!?!?!?! The MOST, and i stress the word MOST! fun i have EVER had with LFS, i only got to experiance ONCE! one time did i get online and find a heated muilti-class race up, it was more fun this ANYTHING i had ever done on any game, you had road cars, GTR's, F1's, and Fliping GO-KARTS! on the track all at once, and it was GREAT! i had my little XFR out and i was pushin hard tryin to hunt down this XRR with a less then skilled driver that only seemed to know how to put his foot down, and behind a very skilled LX6 driver useing the cars power and nimble handling to keep the pressure on me at the same time, that was the most fun i EVER had on this game to date, now, whats sad is it's been 2 YEARS! sense then, and i haven't been able to find myself in a race like that, not even once... WTF guys??? why do you love single class racing on boring straight line tracks so much? is it really all that fun? what am i missing here? to make it fun do i have to get my GF to give a blowjob well im racing? is that the trick?

God! Please be quiet
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Why would you think that? I just noticed the over-use of lol as that guy lol'd three times which made me lol because lol is overrated and most of the time a guy who uses lol has not lol'd at all, which is quite deceptive as the lack of lol is incorrect as the guy used lol, not one lol, not two lol, but three lols, and one of the lol was a capital lol which looked like LOL which shows how very lol the person in question was loling indeed, but in actual fact probably did not lol but just tried to fool everyone by thinking he lol'd a lot as lol is quite trendy lol.

LOL You need to get back in your box It's obvious you've had too much sun and are giddy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Blind, or drunken, or something?

Nope But I have participated in many league races and this one was well admined!!

They made decisions and stuck to them. This is a great start even if some of the decisions didn't go our way. At least they are in charge and holding up the rules

Waffeling is for kids Rules are there to be obeyed and enforced. This is what the admins are doing.

Rock on!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :i was just a bit late on keyboard... the race was over and all passed the finish line, so i see no reason to penalize this.

the "chat open" line is only a guideline

Over all Great Admining on this race by the way

I think you should be careful with statements like your last one though. Telling people that it is "just a guideline" is an open invitation to push the boundaries. I think you should keep it as a hard and fast rule or you will run into situations where you have to penalize someone and their argument will be "But you didn't penalize that guy for chatting! Why are you penalizing me?"

Anyway Great job!! Nice to see Admins actually admining and making decisions!!Looking forward to Westhill. Todd
S2 licensed
Quote from SasekPL :Will there be some penalty for drivers which was talking after race end before command "chat open"?

I second this! +1

There were at least 3 drivers who chatted.
S2 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :no penalty, there was not enough room to start, so he hit your car

He was in the pits doing a drive through not a stop and go. He shouldn't have stopped so close, or stopped at all.