Yeah, that's why I would like to see the licenses given out "percentage-wise".
For example after you've done - say - 20 races, it calculates:
(podium_places / total_races)*100%
A score table would look something like this:
0%-10%: copper license
10%-40%: bronze license
40%-80%: silver license
80%-90%: gold license
90%-95%: platinum license
95-100%: titanium license
Of course there could be many other factors influencing the percentage, and you could also add the experience-factor (or quantity-factor as you call it) in this with a simple formula...
e.g. license_status = ( (podium_places/total_races) + (amount_of_races*factor) ) * 100%
Where factor can be something like 0,05...
Many other combinations possible of course
This way people won't keep their gold-platinum-titanium licenses forever... if they do a large series of bad results their license downgrades
EDIT: Ouch, just read the thread title... sorry for slightly off-topic :o
Sat there for 24 hours. From left to right: 15" laptop - Spectator and Tracker -> 19" widescreen - Strategy (and TS on the background) -> 15" TFT - IRC
Edit: normally I only have the right two monitors though, and I play LFS only on the 19" widescreen
Sorry to dig up a slightly old thread. I've made a quick edit of this vid, which skips the intro and goes straight into the action Including the LFS logo's it should now be more suitable as LFS advertisement material