a long time has gone since my last update, so i will give you the latest news
At first, the project did not die in any ways! I am still working step by step on this system to give you a perfect public racing experience
But i have very much to do at the moment. Its grill season and i am working in a sausage factory. I think you can imagine now that i must work very long atm with some extra shifts on weekend.
Here are some things i worked out lately:
- Server Roster will be the same as i posted earlier, just the Event Server has been cancelled because i have other plans with my crazy event ideas
- Website is nearly done (content must be written
) preview:
- Changed to a "green" server! As LFS is not so hungry with physical resouces, i tried out an ECO server and was impressed by the performance. So if you race on PR (when its done), you will actively save our environment! The server produces up to 70% less CO² than a normal server does.
OK, bedtime now... the night ends at 3:45 am