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a long time has gone since my last update, so i will give you the latest news
At first, the project did not die in any ways! I am still working step by step on this system to give you a perfect public racing experience

But i have very much to do at the moment. Its grill season and i am working in a sausage factory. I think you can imagine now that i must work very long atm with some extra shifts on weekend.

Here are some things i worked out lately:

- Server Roster will be the same as i posted earlier, just the Event Server has been cancelled because i have other plans with my crazy event ideas
- Website is nearly done (content must be written ) preview:
- Changed to a "green" server! As LFS is not so hungry with physical resouces, i tried out an ECO server and was impressed by the performance. So if you race on PR (when its done), you will actively save our environment! The server produces up to 70% less CO² than a normal server does.

OK, bedtime now... the night ends at 3:45 am
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :yay

I know i am late i have problems with my website... now deleting wordpress and looking for a better cms with a small forum and voting function
S3 licensed
I have some small update news:
All Airio files and server configs are written, first vote will be this week
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Just an idea: Opening all content for all players for one week
S3 licensed
Quote from Damion1972 :sounds good!

when did the servers start?

I have to see.... this week i cant do it and on weekend is IGTC and family meeting... somwhere next week maybe? We`ll see!
S3 licensed
OK, i have following concept for now:

Server roster (daily track changes):
Street car server (STD/TBO/LRF single class by vote)
Race car server (NGT/GT2/GTR single class by vote)
Single seater server (FBM/FOX/FO8/BF1 single car by vote)
Event server (car and track by vote)*
(thx to spiderbait90 for this idea)

Statistics will be resetted each month! Monthly statistics will be stored on the web page (NOT LIVE!).

I will use Airio for statistics and as administration tool. the default settings will be as silent as possible, so for those who wants an E-Penis, they are free to activate it

* The event server will be open 24/7. Depending on event, you can gain bonus points there.
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I see. Could be interresting. But I don't think you've been clear enough in your OP, I'm sure most of the voters thought you were refeering to multiple classes of cars on track at the same time(cargame-like) by "multiclass".

Maybe, my english is shit when i only had on beer, but it gets better at the 4th and with the 6th beer i am fluent in english

Thats why i made the vote, if the racers want singleclass or multiclass. But when you look closer on it, you will see that i would have to add 5 servers only for the single seaters. Total it would be 12 servers... more servers than online racers

Lets see, its just brainstorming atm, and i want you during the creation of Pure Racing because i wanna give you what YOU want

But now i need my sleep... maybe some sex.... WOHOOOOO!
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Uhm, sounds more or less like cargame(with no GTRs on the base server though), no?

And BTW, if there's no restriction, what will you do to stop the masses from taking the server's fastest class?

We are now at a point, where i can tell, that only one car class it votable. So no GTR with NGT together for example, or FO8 with FOX and so on...
BUT when a car class is voted, it cannot be voted for the next period.

BTW: I will make a weekly car (class) change
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Considering LFS public racing's current shape, I don't think he will ever be able to get more than 1 or 2 filled on regular basis.

Voted "singleclass"(guess most of us had enough with multiclass now, though perhaps "light" multiclass with 2 or 3 classes only could also do), and "track change daily"("every X races" tends to make people leave once things get fun enough, and the average LFSer hasn't enough experience to deal with track change properly, and therefore will be all over the place for the first 1-2). Nice to hear the project's still alive BTW.

Yeah it got stuck because i had no own internet connection and so no real base to make tests... just had a WLAN connection, but my neighbour is a downloader... HELL!!!!
My goal is to give all racers a central place without any licence restrictions = pure racing ... but lets see if its successful or not and i am still searching for admins/race marshalls to deal with all the protests.

Quote from spiderbait90 :Well, perhaps the servers could still allow voting for car class, however with a limited scope.

Server 1 : Road Cars (UF1, XFG, XRG, XRT, RB4, FXO, LX4, LX6, RAC, FZ5) - Can vote for STD, TBO or LRF

Server 2 : Racing Cars (XFR, UFR, FXR, XRR, FZR) - Can vote for GTR or Junior GT (or whatever you want to call it)

Server 3 : Open Wheelers (MRT, FBM, FOX, F08, BF1) - Can vote for individual cars.

Nice thought -> on my notepad
S3 licensed
Thx to all voters taken part and the whole feedback!

Quote from N I K I :Voted for single class of course and weekly track changes, but it looks like it's between daily track changes and after X races. Now if I could change my vote it would go to daily track.
I want to emphasize this because you just learn the track and it changes so usually the one who is the maddest and the luckiest survives is the winner. Nothing wrong with that, but problem is that luck is playing a too big of a role there. Actually after some thinking weekly changes wouldn't be all that good, because there would always be people who are would practice non-stop for given combo and then again it wouldn't really be fun, as some of us don't have time to be non-stop online.
I assume that most of the guys who voted for weekly track changes would rather go for daily than after X races, just something to take in a consideration.

I think i will go on daily track change. I have more votes on "change after X races" but i am thinking like you. For now i have the plan to change the track every morning at 5am UTC.
Next thing is the server roster... i don't know nowhow i can realize it, but i have some plans. I dont want to come over 3 servers for now because there are not many racers out there anymore. But the server has enough power to host a lot more LFS server instances so i have more than enough reserves for the future
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the test.

About Kyoto, I guess what you are saying is not a new thing - same in Z28?

Its since 2006 when i started to drive LFS Would be nice if you place it on your list for future updates or simply place some cones there and the problem is solved

EDIT: I like hotlapping, but hunting for cutted WRs is just annoying. The whole green areas don`t make a hotlap invalid, but they should. I simply hate it to hunt cutted WRs.... grrrrr
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Ok, i hotlapped on several tracks now. HLVC works way better now, thx for that!
I tested some wall contacts: minimal scratches were okay, heavier kisses invalidates the HL just as i would expect.
The only thing i would like to mention is Kyoto GP Long: You can cut all chicanes about one car width beside the track (was already mentioned by someone).
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Nice idea at spiderbait. That would give interesting races, because every car needs other skills :P Maybe BF1 should be out, it's not for public use. Same stuff with MRT and FO8 (FO8 might stay).

Every car in LFS is usuable on public servers, as you said, every car needs another skills. BF1 for example needs a very good reaction because of its speed
S3 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :I voted for single class, but I would suggest that when voting for the next car class to be raced, it cannot be the same class as before the vote, perhaps even the previous two classes.

Good point --> on my notepad
S3 licensed
Hi Scawen, are you able to add following as autocross objects for the final version?

- kerbs
- tyre walls
- higher versions of the armco

Kerbs would be great, because if we build chicanes or we change the apex of a corner, we would be able to make it better visible without placing too much objects.

Tyre walls would be great as well, because we may save some polygons generated by many tyre stacks = better performance = more FPS

Adding the armco was great, but they really don`t fit to a race track, would be cool if we could have some like on track with 3 rails upon each other

My english is shit so i marked what i wish on a pic
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :I'm not sure what to vote, my thoughts were:

I'd rather multiclass than single class. This is because some wankers will inevitably vote for tbo only which is awful. Also, I do hate having to drive xfg for 9 months 'before it's safe to hand me anything faster.' I mean FFS. These ranking systems come and go. CTRA died. Race center died. Can you please not be a jerkwatt and think you are entitled to tell me what I can or can't drive. It's fakin irritating.

Track change - don't mind if it does, don't mind if it doesn't change. Don't really care how often. I've had good races on as3 despite some people saying how boring it is after a million laps on CD / AMG. I mean who's fault is that exactly anyway, no one forced you to go there in the first place! That isn't a proper argument.

Events - Sure, properly done weekday events would be nice. Weekends are already full of masters of failurance and other nonsense so no one would take part..

Teamspeak - already have. Also I don't see why people would join to chat while they are racing, at least I wouldn't. I might tell people off while raging

First of all:

The racer is free what he wants to drive.

Track change is a problem in my eyes and this is a point where i ask for what the community says

For events i have some crazy ideas, what i want to activate one week per month, so that "week racers" and "weekend racers" have the same chance to profit from it.

Your point for Teamspeak is very good, but i may try it and see if its used or not. If not, i have a small button says "Uninstall"
S3 licensed
Daily car change is difficult, because i can only do it manually and i dont want to make this as a full time job.
Daily track change is not a problem, it is quite easy to manage with Airio. Simply /end each morning and there we go
But thx to all voters, lets see the feedback of more votes
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :no more multiclass... i'm tired of being forced to drive XRG while some jerkoff in a FZR rams everyone off the road.

Uhhhmmmm.... such combinations are nonsense... not with me
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Quote from Bmxtwins :i think the CTRA gt2 (current gt3) would be good, and maybe even incpororate this to the endurance day idea.

Teamspeak is a great idea, i can provide spots on mine if you have trouble getting one.

Sounds good.

If you do multiclass I would recommend a form of GTR with TBO. Or tbo and std.

I am planning with 5 to 8 servers total So there is plenty much room for some cool combinations of car classes.
@Racers: What type of servers do you like?
S3 licensed
Hi racers,

I already announced, that I am working on a new public server project called "Pure Racing". I got stuck since i realized, that i was working on a CTRA copy... I personally don`t want it! CTRA was good when it was alive, but we should keep the system in good memories.
Even with a chance, that a CTRA copy would be successful, i wanted to create a new place for racers, where the racer gets what the racer wants!
But what do you want? Tell me and i will rework my concept!

But first of all before you vote, you should read the following notes what i mean with the given options:

Mutliclass Servers:
Mutiple car classes on one server. For example TBO+LRF. So only logical combinations of car classes... BF1+STD would be pure nonsense and will never be on my system!

Singleclass Servers:
Only one car class per server. For example: I will provide a fixed number of servers and a vote decides which car classes will be provided for the next period between those votes. I though about a month as a period.

Track change periods:
There you go decide, how long you wanna drive on one track before the track changes!

Monthly events:
If you like monthly events like the endurace day on CTRA, you may click this option. I have some crazy ideas for it


I had the idea to set up a teamspeak server for you, you think its a good idea?

Ok, thats all for first i hope for a lot of votes to get informations what you like. If i have more questions, i will ask for it!
S3 licensed
Hotlaps should only be valid when its driven between the white lines. I mean no apron, no green fields on KY3, no excessive curbing... simply !2 wheels must stay on track!, that is usual in all motorsport series.

I know that all tracks need an update then, but i just wanted to give my 2 cents on it
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
To moving starting point and choosing tyre temps: Please NO!!! Hotlapping should show us the fastest driver under GIVEN CONDITIONS and if you give them tools to make it more individual, you may destroy the hotlapping mode significantly. All should have the same conditions, thats the point.

To place AC objects in HL mode: Mhhh, nice idea for training. May be a good thing for comparing braking points and so on.

The only thing i would like to have is a direct comparisation tool ingame.... so that we can load 2 hotlaps and we can see two ghost cars. Sure its possible via HL analyzer, but its better to see directly on track.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've moved the Windows Aero crash discussion into Technical Assistance.

It's very unlikely to be test patch related. If it does turn out to be a reproducable LFS problem then I'd like to know about it, of course.

Seems to be a rare nVidia bug... I have the same too, but i have a workaround for it:

It occured when i upgraded my GPU from GTX 260 to GTX 460. But after this workaround i have no problems anymore.
S3 licensed
I have a workaround for this, had the same problem:

Right click on your LFS.exe -> Properties
Then go to the compatibility tab and activate following settings:
- Disable visual themes
- Disable desktop composition

With these settings the whole Aero will be deactivated when you start LFS and as a benefit: More FPS
S3 licensed
I asked for it a few pages before:

Can we have more object types like curbs, 200-150-100-50m signs... just stuff for our new racing tracks