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S3 licensed
soooo, the safety car test session will be made as following:

- friday, 8th may at 16:00 UTC the server will open
- on 17:00 UTC we will randomize the grid for a pace car start. additionally we will make a small drivers briefing about rolling start.
- the safety car will make one lap and after green flag is shown, the drivers will make one hotlap. after the hotlap, the SC will catch the full field after turn 1 again. this all will be done in a loop until about 18:15 UTC

the serverpassword will be: slowmotion

no points will be given
S3 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :Nvidia 8800 GTS 320, 182.08

me too,
GTX 260
180.48 driver
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Longest ever : No.
Most pointless ever : You can judge by yourself.

but how fast its growing in comparisation to this thread
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Fixed for you...

only heard of less lag, must be you client
LR Announces: Race Center Single Seater!
S3 licensed
Hello Racers,

Lightning Racing is proud to present: LR Race Center Single Seater. It´s a licence based server where you have to gain points to drive in the upper car classes.

For Single Seaters we have only one server containing following cars:
Formula BMW
Formula XR
Formula LR (25% restricted Formula V8)

We are running the new Airio 2.2.2 and a long list of well chosen tracks for this server (each race lasts about 10 minutes). Every 8 races, the track will be changed.

We hope to bring back the CTRA feeling with this licence system.

LR Race Center S-S (FBM + FOX + FLR)

Small licence overview:

National C - 0 - FBM
National B - 800 - FOX
National A - 2500 - FLR

See ya on track


The Lightning Racing Team
S3 licensed

- Several updates to improve server performance
- Small lapcount improvements
GTAL Round 2 Confirmation Thread
S3 licensed
Hello racers!

Please post your driver rosters for the second race in Westhill International here.

Please use EXACTLY the following format (nationality field added for tracker reasons--please use ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 codes):

Team Name:
Car Number:
F.Name [lfsw] NAT

Remember, according to the rules a car's weekend drivers roster may include between 2 and 4 drivers from the team's overall roster, as posted and maintained in the signups thread.

Rosters must be confirmed by 17:00 UTC on the 8th May.

Confirmed Teams:

01 Scuderia Forza
02 Estonian Endurance Racers
03 Experion Racing Team
05 Lightning Racing
06 Sonicrealms Racing EDT
07 RaceSim Radicals
08 E-Team
09 Sim Racing Society
11 Guglhupf Racing Team
12 FUBAR Racing Team
13 Lublin Racing Team
14 Qlimax Motorsport
15 SimRacing Klub PL
16 ZION Team
17 Karma Racing
19 Serbian Chromed Pistons
21 UER-Racing
22 Team
25 Gospel of Torque
24 Xcite Racing

Team List:

10 flash-racing
18 Advanced Drivers
29 Storm Racing

Teams missing event:

20 Clockwork Motorsports
26 Revolution Junkies Team
27 Elite Racing
28 Factory Phantom Racing

Guest Team:

00 #low Racing

Waiting List:

30 Griffin SimRacing - roster posted
31 Superfast
32 Capo ARG - roster posted
33 XFusion - roster posted
35 Conedodgers
36 Dinamo Motorsport - roster posted

Waiting list drivers/managers prepare, there are already likely to be free spots
Last edited by GabbO, .
S3 licensed
thx man
S3 licensed
next update:

- more tracks used
- trackrotation is now every 8 races
- restartvote deactivated

have fun
S3 licensed

we are still looking for a newswriter, the newswriter should have very good english knowledge and the ability to create a small and for the community interesting news
S3 licensed
my first and last race here in this league.... pretty disappointed....

in qualy there was someone who wanted to eat from my rearwing.... and in race it was like the star wars pod race.... nothing for me, sry.... have fun here in the league
S3 licensed
my name: Christopher Reetz
spelled: Kristofer Reez (not Riiz) [its a prussian name]
S3 licensed
my skin #24
S3 licensed
some updates:

- several server updates and new airio version with less spam
- added layouts to make it hard for wreckers
- removed FE5 from rotation and replaced by FE3R

the homepage is still under construction and we think at early may we release it with userbars
Website reconstruction
S3 licensed

we are currently working on an updated league website with a CMS backend instead of HTML manual hack-in.

stay tuned
S3 licensed
i would like to sign up too:

Driver: Christopher Reetz
LFS Username: Trekkerfahrer
Country: GER
Preferred Number: 24
S3 licensed
Quote from aobrien :for nothing?

well hmm maybe blocking people more than you should.. not obeying the blue flag.. the leeader wasa obviously quicker than you , when he got by you , you started bumping him ..

you sure you did notthing ?

let the admins decide.... if you think it was an infraction, make a protest in LR forums
S3 licensed
Quote from TurboBlaster :I know that no one can help me now, i wanted to know your opinion. I know that its only a 12 hours ban but i want discuss if this was fair. And i havent a replay, cause i was banned.

i will unban you, forgot to deactivate the vote function
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Driver to Report: #23 Schneiders
Race Time: 1-2 minutes to go
Lap/Sector: Entire lap(s)
What Happened: Blocking of 2nd (actually 1st) place car #00 while #17 was rapidly closing in on us for the lead. Failed to yield, allowing #17 to catch us and losing us the lead and the win.

penalty: 10 places back in qualifying for next round for car number 23
S3 licensed
additionally we want to know if the second spdo racing team is willing to take part too... we can´t allow that: one car only per team
S3 licensed
glad to see you on track again

some changes were made yesterday and today:

- races shortened from about 12 to 10 minutes
- switched on the bad word filter
- updates airio with a bugfix
- updates server from Z3 to Z10
- several config failures fixed

if you find a bug, just PM me

currently our programming guru is making a webinterface to look up licences and several statistics. userbars will be made as well
S3 licensed
sry for doublepost:
small downtime needed for bugfixing, hope to be back in 2 hours
S3 licensed
Quote from eRaptor :Well, I think the rotate rate is just fine along with the race lenght, this way feels "solid", but that's my opinion...

Good luck with this, and I hope it stays for looooong

P.S.: Just a question: Why leave the formulas out?

its because we first want to see how is the response, and if we have a solid driver stack everytime we can think about running 2 additional servers with formula cars
S3 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :CTRA

not really, just the feeling
S3 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :Very nice! Good to see someone trying to fill the gap after CTRA.

Can you tell us some more about how licence progress is achieved? (Points system and so on)

Normal GP system with bonus points