i made the suggestion because in reversed all cars can easily flip (yes the formula cars too ).... the chance is really high...
i think my suggestion is not so much work then a new loop.... but a new loop would be very very nice.... but where?
a new loop like the mercedes arena on nürburgring would be cool with a hairpin like the dunlop hairpin...
today i saw two people who are using our team skins... i spent several hours to create them.... and then there are thefts.... is there a possibility to prevent thefts from stealing team skins? or to tell an admin?
okay, i dont know how much peopla asked this...... but i do it again:
Is a Linux dedicated server planned?
Would be nice, because most of the root server owners has Linux, because its not so hungry with rescources....
at this time, i am running a dedicated server with the wine emulator (i found a good guide somewhere).... but it eats too many rescources....
i think a modern f1 track like the today ones (bahrain, malaysia, hockenheimring) will be nice...... cause there is no really good track for the bf1 in lfs yet.....