improvement suggestions:
- fully customizable car groups (gtr, gt2, ngt, tbo, lrf, std, s-s)
- possibility to make restriceted carclasses (i.E. GT2 and GTR on one server with 2 winners or UFR and Baby UFR on one server)
- possibility to restrict cars by total points (i.e. GT2 can be driven from beginning on, GTR you have to get 1500 total points to drive)
- possibility to restrict servers by points (like in CTRA)
- race results board updates to above suggestions (GT1 results are not nessesary to GT2 pilots)
- pit stop windows and penalties for this (i.e. in a 10 lap race, the pitstop has to be done between lap 3 and 8)
- highest climber special points
- started in # of races and finishes in stats file
- reduce config files to a *better* amount (18 is very confusing)
- sorting options more logical in config files
- more examples
- configuration GUI for windows machines
and now: sleeping, good night