Great to hear, but one question: The old Westhill ist still a cool track... in each corner you need so much concentration and one fail means mostly "race over"! When you have a little time, can you implement the old Westhill again (maybe with a small polish from Eric)?
And for the "cross eyed view" haters here in this forum: I am handicapped with my eyes and LFS is the first game i am able to use 3D support! And i know that 3+ in this forum have the same problem... For us normal 3D vew for 10 mins is like we are on drugs and with cross eyed view we have no problems!
@Scawen: A small health warning would be great, i can`t imagine that using the "wrong" 3D mode is healthy :/
Just an idea: While LFS is still in Alpha, make a button on left top of the main screen called "debug" for a popup menu, where we can send you crash files, system settings, blablabla and so on
Begging for a Licence? OK, nothing new...
You should really save your money for S2! It`s really worth it. Or try to find a Demo league, where you can win one.
Would be nice, i remember GP 1/2/3/4 by Microprose. But how they act in that game, no marshall would do today. Today you mostly see the flag light indicators...
What i would like to see is an animated pit crew instead of marshalls... but when i think further about it, the "lollipop man" would be enough and will not eat so much rescources than a full F1 pit crew and if we are right: normally you have to look at him only
Back to tracks: LFS tracks are nice, you just have done a mistake with a few chicanes . Ask any (real) racer out there for his favourite corner, his answer will be a fast corner (Eau Rouge, Becketts, Suzuka Esses) and LFS has much of it!!!
When i have a look at South City: Never saw a such fluent to drive street circuit! Your masterpiece in my eyes!
But my personal favorite is *keep on track or die* Fern Bay because its fast and challenging to drive, just the chicanes are bad or misplaced.
Just a Cent for shader model Version: Make a poll!
Regarding to test patch: FPS raised in Multiplayer replay with full grid and a lot of chaos in t1
Cross eyed view: YAY, finally a 3D mode for People like me with cross eyed normal view!
Just a small request for handicapped people: I have a Problem with my ears too... i can just hear 20% on the left and 80% on the right... is it possible to get a slider to adjust the Sound Balance?
BTW: The one, who tell me how to turn off spell check in IE gets a Cookie!
(Not here, PM please)
first of all thank you for this Progress Report
Next i hate my grammar correction for writing nouns with large first letter
Okay, now back to Topic (<----grrrrr)
You said, you would like to see some Money (and god knows, that development of Software needs time and you all three should be paid for your time).
What about releasing one track and one car per year additional to S1/S2/S3?
For example: The car will be released in summer and the track on Christmas...
About the pricing, i will make no speculations here, thats your part, but it will definitly give you more regular income.
When pricing is not so horrible like in iRacing, i would buy everything, cause i know, that Quality is on first place in LFS.
With that both sides would be happy: You as the developer have some more Money and we have regular added Content and maybe a growing community again
i figured out a small issue, and tried a Workaround which works:
I have Win 8.1 on my Laptop, it has a nV 840 GT and an Intel HD 4600, working together with a 4th Gen i5 and 8 GB RAM.
When i start LFS with no changes in drivers, LFS simply closes with no message when i want to start a race. But when i choose the nVidia graphics accelerator directly for LFS in nVidia CP, i can play LFS with no issues.
Maybe nVidia Optimus + Win 8 is a problem?
What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other): Race
Age: 30
Country: Germany
Preferred Car/Track: No real favourite combo
Average Laptime: +1.0s to WR usually... more or less depending on training
How Active Are You?: Just getting active again
What Kind of Control do you use?: Wheel
Time Zone: UTC+1 (+2 in summer)
Some notes:
I am only practising in single player atm because i did not drive for a few years... until now, i am getting close to my old PBs with just a few tenths off. I think on weekend i will give it a shot on some public servers
Tested some other sims in the past 2 years.... Assetto Corsa, iRacing, rF2.... but they were not LFS! They were good to drive but i missed the challenge i had in good LFS leagues. No league there was even close to the good organized leagues in LFS and when i look back on LFSW i miss my ePenis
Now i am thinking about going back to LFS and have my two wheels on the new Westhill
Edit: the name is "pure racing", because i want to give you the essence of racing.... so no licence restriction so far ...just for events, but it has no sense to restrict with a licence when nearly noone got it at the beginning.
Finally after over one year of changes in my life i am proud to release PURE RACING! In the time after my last lifesign i thought about my voting concept and i came to the result, that this would be connected with a lot of time and many config changes every week. Time i better use to keep the server free of cheaters, wreckers and other idiots. And after i read the topic on LFSForum about structured racing servers, i came back to the original idea to make a CTRA like server system. This system is not meant as a CTRA copy, its meant as a tribute to the good old times we had on these servers. For the start of the system i will provide 5 Servers:
PR Road 1 - XF GTi and XR GT (STD Class) PR Road 2 - XR GT Turbo, FXO, RB4 GT, LX4, LX6, FZ50 and Raceabout (TBO+LX4+LRF Classes) PR Race - XF GTR, UF GTR, FZ GT2, XR GT2, FX GT2, FZ50 GTR, XR GTR and FX GTR (GTJ+GT2+GTR Class) PR OpenWheel - Formula BMW and Formula XR (FBM+FOX) PR Event - Special Event server for every weekend from FR 12:00 to SU 24:00 German Time
Events and Licences
Events will be the goal of Pure Racing! On every weekend i will open a server where you can get double points for 50% more race distance! This server will be licence restricted depending on the car used. So instead of hunting for car licences, your are hunting for great events with less newbies!
Closing words
I hope this system will be a good addition to the public world of LFS and i hope your will fill the servers to its maximum!
I am still searching for race marshalls to deal with protests and penalties. Just write a PM to me on LFSForum