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Quote from Tomhah :No, now you're getting away from my point again. Of course they should read and understand the rules, but when the rules are against developing a driver, and a team (which is the whole points with this league!?)

wrong! in every kilometer you drive you get experience... no rule is against driver developing

Quote from Tomhah :what should they do? Lets say you're leading GTAL and you get a spot in IGTC. What will you do? If you dont win GTAL, and really **** up the IGTC race, you might not be able to get a spot in IGTC next year (and you wont win the GTAL championship)

i am now in the same dilemma and because of this, we decided to start as a guest only without points....
sooo but to the point you say:
even when you "f***" up you get experience! i had to train hard for the seat in the IGTC race and it was really hard for me to get the speed of my mate, so if you are in an IGTC team, you have to train with your mates a lot to show them that you are a racer.

Quote from Tomhah :What should you do then? Just sit down and wait for... ehm? Other leagues? As you will NEVER be able to drive GTAL again, and you're not good enough for IGTC, if I am correct?

exactly! there are much leagues with races longer than 1 hour... the only thing you get "f***" is, that most leagues have a summer break right now.

Quote from Tomhah :This rule wont make drivers/teams better, just worse and confused on what to do. IMO

will be changed for season 2, deko and me had a good discussion about.... simply be surprised

Quote from Tomhah :This is a team-sport, and it should have been TEAMS that runs in IGTC, cant drive in GTAL. Its like saying that a Coca Cola championship club in England, cant use players that has played in Premier League. IMO

okay, and then each team engages one alien driver and what do you have? right.... alien drivers who has more than enough experience in a league to get experience.... there is a sense behind this rule, trust me
S3 licensed
Quote from Nobody92 :Oh well, there we go again, it's The Stig .

Anyway, this MSN group is one of the bigest crapy things i've ever seen. Let me mention just two reasons:

- Most of people can not even see who is online and who can read the chat. Even if they got same version of MSN and stuff, some can and some can not see it.

- Everytime when someone write something, new MSN window pop up. It can be extremely annoying, specialy if it's minimizing your things. Now imagine it with more then 5 people online, who're chatting about some random stuff. You can save this with blocking it when you dont want to chat/read it and unblocking it when you want to. However, that's stupid.

And btw The Stig, thank god that Kenny did that and that you knew how to copy it. He did exactly the same thing for [TC] players, but however, people know you and "your" ideas already.
Also, that i wont forgot, how is "your" insim developement going? Last time you said that you're coding it in "English" language. If there's something i want to see in that life, it's insim coded in "English" language. Good luck with coding it!

totally agree!
i think the official LFS IRC is the better choice (in my thought there are not enough in yet)...
especially if you are a more or less important administrator of a project (leagues, team boss, leading a well visited public server.....) you will never have peace anymore

so please all come on LFS IRC

#liveforspeed @ gamesurge FTW
S3 licensed
next qualy is in 20 minutes! so hurry up
S3 licensed
the server opens in an hour (0:00 CEST), so stay tuned!

check the time difference here:
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I bet it will be, as its an idea that's been missing from LFS for a long time.

that what i expected
you have to thank EQWorry for the Airio system which makes this self organizing longrun league possible. before airios scheduling feature it was nearly impossible. i think this race-mode was simply missing in public area just as you said.... so it was clear for me to fill this gap
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Love the idea, Fernbay should be interesting.

One suggestion, please replace AS3 with KY2 or even BL. Do we really need 3 Astons in one week?

maybe in the future, we just want to see now, if the server is well visited
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Reading between the lines, it seems the Vee Dub highlighted some (possibly glaring) issues in the tyre physics, hence a re-working of the physics engine and the delay.

TBH, if this delay brings us better tyre physics, it can only be a good thing.

S3 licensed
is it possible to talk about the GTR/TBO balancing (Patch Z) in a new spinoff thread? i think there is a need for clarification before the next patch....
wanted to create one but dont have the permission
S3 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i :FXR can do 2.20...check R2R server they are in 2.18 in KY3...

fxr will be close here because of the 4WD... they can brake much later in T1 (Chicane after start/finish), T3 (Turn off the oval), T7 (Turn after split 2) and T9 (Final chicane)
S3 licensed
hi scawen,

dont know if you already fixed the thing with the framerate drop...
i found out something: i played a bit with my energy option in windows...
if i set harddrive shutdown to 20 minutes, i get this framerate drop every 20 minutes.... the same with 15 minutes and so on...
when i disable all energy options i have no problem

i am using XP x86 (problems) and vista x64 (no problems) and still using Z13

maybe you can reproduce it now (hope its not my machine)
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :So why does everything have to be done the hard way?

because we have rules and they are made digital (infraction or not). the only analog part is the penalty... if you dont like them, print them, take them to the toilet and make a big brownie on them... but if you do so, then search another league to drive in.... your choice

Quote :So how does MoE cope with their 6 drivers and the same tracker? Or are they just more h4x?

MoE has longer races with at least 6 hours... we have 3 hours races where 3 stints are normal, so 2 pitstops and driver changes.... its just the normal way but you are free to play with strategy. the 4th driver is meant as a reserve driver. more than 4 drivers made no sense in our eyes while we created the regulations.

Quote :What kind of a statement is that? OF ****ING COURCE YOU WANT COMMENTS AND CRITISISM! Or are you just so plain retarded to claim that the rules YOU made are so perfect there is nothing to improve ever? People participate in a league because they are interested to be a part of a good race event, and naturally also want the series to evolve. Till now every godddamn suggestion anyone has made has been shattered by you, the organizers, for all kinds of uncomprehendable reasons. So any iniatiative stops at you because you know better, which is extremely frustrating for anyone wanting to participate.

your words in gods ear....

changing rules during a season is a bit sub-optimal... the only thing you can make is a gentlemans agreement like we made with the safetycar thing (starting row by row)... we made the rulebook with the one from IGTC as a template (thx to DWB again).

so and now to your statement about german: you should be really careful what you are saying! it can be interpreted as racism and we have a clear internal rule for it too. german may be a bit perfectionistic, but its in our blood... we have some racist elements in our country, but in scandinavia you have them too

@MoMo: i will have a look on your improvement suggestions tomorrow with the other admins, looks good so far
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi Scawen,

thanks for coming back so late.You should get some sleep:-)
Back to topic.I did a lot of tests between these systems several times. I dont have actually 2 standalone systems. I just change mobo+CPU+RAM and always do format and clean install. The graphic card remain the same and its ATI 4870 512MB ram.

The odd is that online I get more FPS but offline I get less when driving alone on Blackwood with XFG( view on wheels).Same on other tracks. In some places same in some I get with better CPU less. As I said the difference is around 10 percent worst maybe a little bit more on the new system and it go really down more then 10 percent(went from around 200 to almost 140FPS) at the place in attached picture. Same behaviour around the whole track. Some places seems same and some worst. Odd and dont know what it could be as the installas of XP are always fresh so it seems not the software related on my side, nor hardware as I mentioend when testing other games there is significant boost.

Well I wanted to report that even the FPS seems really nice and high as I consider this a bit strange behaviour.

The one with CnQ enabled and LFS cant stress the CPU to switch it to higher power state I consider more a AMD driver bug but still other games dont behave like that.

I did not mentioned earlier that I am using FRAPS to see the FPS as the FPS meter in LFS seems to showing not consisten values. It just jump pretty quickly a bit up and down so its not to possile to correctly read the FPS value at any time.

try 16 bit resolution, mostly it helps with fraps <-> LFS issues
S3 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Seeing this complaining about admins and rules is really sad to be honest.

Admins : A human which have to make decision with a replay and watch several times too make sure the right decision is made. Hmmm that means as a admin they cant make a mistake. Ohh but there humans there bound too make mistakes. Pitty I thought they used Androids in this serie for admin. That would made it fair. Ohh there dont excist such Androids yet. Must been watching Startrek too long then. Well we will settle for a human then.

The point is the guys have a job, do some other interesting stuff and also admin the GTAL. So they are sometimes late with results. And they dont make the right decision now and then. So what. Who cares, they make they the decision thats it. Done, delt with next please. Bloody hell its a game. Stop taking it so damn serious. To play a game is ment to be too have fun. Any game. LFS is a game not real life racing. So stop taking it so bloody life serious.

@ Rules : I really dont see the point you constantly have to disagree with the rules. You agreed at the beginning of season of GTAL with the rules. Now I see constant moaning and nagging about the rules. Why for crying out loud. You all agreed so live with it. When you bought a different game then LFS and you dont agree with the rules about the game you gonna nagg about it aswell to the game studio ??. No you dont, you accept learn to live with it and thats it. So is GTAL, accept learn to live with it.

Guys you really shoudnt be taking LFS that serious. Been there, seen it, did it. In the end you will loose complet interest in LFS becus you look at it they wrong way. Dont get me wrong serious driving is needed but always keep in mind your playing a game for fun. NOt for money or anything else.

nothing more to say, thank you
S3 licensed
Quote from seniecka :I'm just speechless.... We had very hard and not most successful race, in deed, but we tried so hard and from 21-th place we have climbed up to 11-th and *bang* 0 points... Wtf ?

The reason: bad confirmation... pff.....

What I had to do if all confirmed guys couldnt participate in this stage, because of more important activities. And manager, who has confirmed line up was off for few days? Huh? We had similiar situation i previous rounds, but everything was just fine, but now.

GTAL admins works really slowly, results are being published in long time. And I think working like selfish crew.

I'm just feeling hurt by you.

do it better, we all have a reallife and all of us are working long a day.
you had time until thurdsay to confirm a roster for the race and if a manager is not available and a few people will miss the event, you may write to an admin to correct the roster. we are not running behind everyone to get a roster from them, confirming is the responsibility of the team and not our.
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :Your Team: #6 Sonicrealms Racing
Driver to Report/Team: #24 Xcite Racing
Race Time: 0:49:20
Lap/Sector: 30.2
What Happened: Car 24 gets a right front puncture through turn 5, and is unable to brake in time for the next corner. He applies the handbrake but no brake but then goes again and sticks his nose out of the second part of the corner, half-spinning our car. Once he get round the corner, he then floors the throttle straight into our car, which by that time is about to be straightened up beside the wall, and spins us completly. This cost us around 12 seconds in total, but it is the second hit which cost us the most time, and ultimately a place at the pit stops. We've waited until now to thoroughly review the replay, and while we know it won't give us the time and places back, perhaps something could be done for the next race.

No penalty here: #6 did not slowed down enough in corner before and car #24 should have watched more at traffic.

Quote from AjRose :Your Team:RSRadicals
Driver to Report/Team: #21
Race Time:3:30
Lap/Sector:Lap 2 Sector 3
What Happened: #21 was slow through the corner I went up beside him and he tried to block and hit me.

warning for car #21 for not watching enough, warning for car #7 for driving onto racing line after incident (touched 3 or 4 cars), warning for car #9 for pulling into corner while a car was beside

Quote from AjRose :Your Team:RSRadicals
Driver to Report/Team:#36
Race Time:1:30.45
Lap/Sector:Lap 54 Sector 2
What Happened: Going into the slow left he hit me from behind causing a spin.

tricky situation and i checked tyres... car #36 was a bit late on brake (both front tyres stood still while colliding)
i think its a racing incident, no penalty here
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for these reports. I have now seen this come up a few times in one run of LFS. Frame rate dropped so badly for a few seconds it was impossible to stay on the road. That was in multiplayer and single player.

At first I was quite pleased because I thought, now I can reproduce this... but when I watched the replays, the bug did not come up.

So my questions are :

1) Do you know of any way to reproduce this reliably?

2) Can you see this in a replay? And if so, what happens if you exit LFS and watch the replay again, does the bug still come up?

[ Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you on this - I am still working on other things that cannot be announced yet as they may or may not make it into a released version of LFS. I have also made notes of all the other bug reports in this thread and I intend to release another test patch with most things fixed. If you have made a report, please check if it is fixed in the next test patch - thanks. ]

i had the problems too and i solved it:
instant messengers with advertising is a problem since Z10... everytime a IM replaces its advert, it causes a minilag of 1 second here (cpu load explodes to 100% everytime at a dual core).
since i deactivated them while i play i have no problems
i use xfire, icq and msn ...dont know if its a specific one of them

hope that it helps
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from luki97 :Haha, all 3 cars looks like a new but only our (#13) look like piece of crap

thats the new FZR design
S3 licensed
Quote from [no]Kill :"I think the admins missjudged the accidents today, and I would like them to watch the replays again. Also, since my team-mate lost connection, and didnt have any internet, I didnt have anyone to help me with the blue-flags. And I would really like the admins to give out warnings before going the whole way to DQ anyone. A warning would have helped much"

okay, time to clear up the situation:

there were three avoidable incidents with you and serbian chromed pistons... all of them were your fault. for the first we wanted to give you a DT.... the second one was a DT too... so we first decided a stop and go because a SG lasts as long as 2 DTs.
then i came back on the server and while we talked about your penalty, we saw the third incident live. so the order was: DT -> SG -> DQ
i can see whats your feeling now, but in your case it was in a range of only 10 minutes and this is not acceptable.

in your case there was another thing decisive for your penalty: have you learned from the last two incidents?
no, seems you had not.... so there were only one penalty suitable: DQ

and now my opinion: you have to learn a lot about endurance racing, you are very unexperienced in this type of racing.
the main thing in endurance is to reach the finish line in a safe way. the second thing is to respect other drivers and not to danger them. i think you should talk to tommy, he is very experienced and he should have a few tips for you
S3 licensed
Quote from Melvyn :Your Team: CAPO Arg
Driver to Report/Team:
#07 - D.Richardson - Race Sim Radicals
Race Time: 2:37: xx
sector #2in the highway
What Happened: He block and hit causing damage to our car

DT for car 07 because of crashing another car
S3 licensed
Quote from ivantod :Your Team:Serbian Chromed Pistons
Driver to Report/Team:car # 30
Race Time:1h 24minutes
Lap/Sector:50 lap sector 3
What Happened:car #30 have a blue flag and again hit our car

DQ for car 30 for 3 incidents in 10 minutes
S3 licensed
Quote from ivantod :Your Team: Serbian Chromed Pistons
Driver to Report/Team:car # 21
Race Time:first lap
Lap/Sector:b4 first split
What Happened:Car #21 hit me on braking just b4 downhill b4 first split,that caused damage to mine car

racing incident too.... no penalty
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Your Team: 11 Guglhupf Racing Team
Driver to Report/Team: 22 S.Stankevicius
Race Time: 39:25
Lap/Sector: 24, just after Sector 1
What Happened:
I came right next to S.Stankevicius exiting the highway, we were exactly level, but he turned into me anyway, turning me over and ending our race... I attached a screenshot of right before it happened...

Are we allowed to rejoin the race after this? Just to finish?

race incident.... just two hot heads wanted too much... no penalty

and no, you arent allowed to join again, sorry
S3 licensed
Quote from SasekPL :It's me again. It seems that I have no luck to this tracker. My name is badly written again.
Not Sakowski but Saskowski in Lublin Racing Team.
I hope that it will not affect the counting of laps.

this will not affect your lapcount
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I shall remember restrictions this time

will be better for you and your team
S3 licensed
Quote from ivantod :This page is not updated

I need info about todays server pass and stuff

i had not enough time to do so.... therefor i have sent it via PM