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Round 3: Infos
S3 licensed
Hi Racers,

for todays race please respect following:

- start from grid behind the SC should be row by row
- leave a proper gap to the car in front during SC lap and close up only in last corner
- respect blue flags and let overlapping cars go in a proper way*
- please be aware at overtaking, this track is quiet narrow
- slow down if a yellow flag is shown because in some corners you cant see what is behind it

*For this race we will penalize blocking under blue flag condition with full force and maybe harder as in rules!

The race infos will be online on our race infos page in the next 15 minutes!
Anyone who has not the info URL and the login data, please notify me

Have a good and fair race today
S3 licensed
here is the raw template for the userbar.... took about 2 weeks to create.... hope you are lucky with it
S3 licensed
Updates today:

- FXO restriction set to 3%
- GT2 has now CTRA settings (thanks to SamH)***
- new admins (stay aware or they kick you )



Race Center DEMO

Get your points in DEMO and take them further on our S2 Servers
Demo users get only 1/2 of maximum points and less bonus points!!!

Have fun
S3 licensed
Quote from Buzzn :Yea thats a really good idea..

userbars.... yes?.... no?....
no idea not planned until now
S3 licensed
Quote from [no]Kill :Is it possible to change car?

yes, but your team will loose all points gained before car changed
S3 licensed
Quote from Dmt :For people who dont want to install this damn adobe reader. :mischievo

or use this small freeware, much better and uses less rescources (nearly no rescources) than adobe reader:
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Nice pics. If I had recorded all my comms I'd post a clip of Trekker's reaction when I said we wanted to change drivers after 10 minutes.

-What!?! Now?

that was not for underage
most times i muted my microphone cause i went berserk.
S3 licensed
Quote from VTiRacing :i.e.,
a race in which the server crashes at 1:30 or 1:31 will be restarted with 1 hour to go, whereas 1:29
would mean 2 hours to go. The grid for a restarted race will be set using tracker data. Furthermore,
all GTAL admins and marshals will have auto-save enabled as a backup.

Admins, you failed @ this point of rules.

no we did not fail, this is an example for a POSSIBLE EVENT!
the race was stopped at 24 minutes and a few seconds, so we had to clear the tracker data because the FULL 3H race will be restarted. we talked about the tracker option and we saw no sense to use it for grid ordering.
fruthermore team 32 had connection problems early in the race and they had no chance to get on the server. so it would have been unfair if they race with 15 laps penalty. additionally some teams wanted to make a driver change in the first 15 minutes.
S3 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i :I think that close up was leaving about 1 car between two cars...but it seems that some cars leave a gap more important than 5 cars after the last corner and were at 210kph when the leader was at about 100mph!

Your Team: #08 E-Team
Driver to Report/Team: #21 M.Ureche
Race Time: 2min53s
Lap/Sector: Lap 2 sector 1
What Happened: I was breaking because of 3 cars front in first corner, the #21 was far from me at the beginning of the corner, he could have break a little to avoid the crash but he didn't, he try to overtake me in the inside line whereas I was in the middle of the track and #14 in the exterior line but go to the grass and hit my car on the rear causing a crash causing important damage in my front suspension that need to be repared (tyres couldn't have done 1hours because of new camber!) restarted 22th far from the over.

Classic Divebomb, i agree that he should have to brake in such situations. Tricky sitaution... 20 seconds penalty for car 21
S3 licensed
Quote from SasekPL :

Look at this picture. Tracker shows Luki97 instead of me. I drove 66,4% of the race not him. Luki97 did not participate in the race.

sorry for this, was in a hurry and mostly edited existing entrys and maybe i copy/pasted it wrong but it counted correctly, so no worry about
S3 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :Driver to Report: 36 M.Ozdemir
Lap/Sector: Lap 55, sector 1
What Happened: 36 spun, and tried to recover to the track, into the 06, causing major damage.

no penalty for car 36... 36 went off the track and bounced back on track again

car 06 ignored yellow flag in this situation, car 06 gets a warning
S3 licensed
Quote from Mroziu :Should tracker data be accurate in this moment? Our team (16) has one person wrong - P.Paczynski (he will be not driving) should be replaced with (R.Mroz)

was a fault by me, sry..... corrected
S3 licensed
Live Tracker available:

Some data maybe minutes old, so we will give no responsibility for given data!!!
S3 licensed
Live Tracker available:

Some data maybe minutes old, so we will give no responsibility for given data!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from JayEyeBee :Will the official rules be changed to reflect this new procedure?

yes, we will try this with the same sector and if it works, we will anchor it in the rules until next race
S3 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :If 2nd driver is not showing up, we'll earn a penalty or straight DQ?

if only one driver does the race, the team will get a DQ
Round 2: Infos
S3 licensed
Hi Racers,

due our successful SC test yesterday we found out, that starting behind the SC row by row is the best solution and the safest way. Leave a gap of a minimum of 3-5 cars to the car in front during SC phase. You may only close up in the last corner, but leave a proper gap to the others.

Let other drivers pass within one sector if you get blue flagged. Blocking will be penalized with full force!

Round 2: Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Hi, post your protests exactly like this:

Your Team:
Driver to Report/Team:
Race Time:
What Happened:

Penalties from pre race:
23 RAPTOR RACING: 10 places back in qualifying (Protest)
10 flash racing, 30 Griffin Simracing, 27 Elite Racing: Stop and Go Penalty (not shown up in yesterdays SC test)

Qualifying penalties:
07 RaceSim Radicals : DT

Race penalties:
Carried to next race:
Yellow card warning for team #14 and #21
Last edited by GabbO, .
S3 licensed
this announcement is only for the case IF it would be released
S3 licensed
its now 15:49 UTC
S3 licensed
Quote from LaimisD1 :i just noticed that GT Amateur League server password had changed,so could the organizers send the password?

look into the SC test session thread, all is written down there
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :Password is wrong

look at your clock, was not open.... but now its open for you folks
Game Version for Race 2 - Westhill Int.
S3 licensed

because its not sure when the new LFS patch comes out, we decided to do the upcoming race at westhill with patch Z! even when the new patch comes out today or tomorrow!
S3 licensed
Hey, just checked new things and there is one critic:

the direction arrow is a good thing, but its hard to see this small thingy... can you make it blinking green/grey?

and i found a thing on blackwood in the corner after split 2... looks like no texture there, dont know if its since Z13.... screenie attached.

i found no more things so far now
S3 licensed
Quote from fireb0llch :One question: Do we get this time a live Tracker?

what the hell is that?