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LR Announces: Race Center
S3 licensed
Hello Racers,

Lightning Racing is proud to present: LR Race Center. It´s a licence based server where you have to gain points to drive in the upper
car classes.

We have on server 1 a multiclass server which contains STD (XFG+XRG) and TBO (RB4+FXO+XRT) and for the future the VWS.
And then we have server 2 with NGT (XFR+UFR) GT2 and GTR (XRR+FXR+FZR).

We are running the new Airio 2.1.9 and a long list of well chosen tracks for both servers (each race lasts about 12-15 minutes). Every 10 races, the track will be changed.

We hope to bring back the CTRA feeling with this licence system.

LR Race Center 1 (STD+TBO)
LR Race Center 2 (Race Cars)

Small licence overview:

Rookie - 0 - STD
Amateur - 200 - VWS
Advanced - 800 - TBO
Professional - 1500 - NGT
Expert - 2500 - GT2
Veteran - 5000 - GTR
Legend - 10000 - Prestige Rank

For the future we plan to make a small webinterface to look up licences and providing userbars to show here in LFSForum.

See ya on track

For Reports go here:


The Lightning Racing Team
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :VW's are getting better and better, which the Scirocco shows.

Even the new Golf is great.

yep, the new golf is awesome! saw a few the last week and got in love

i hope the scirocco will be realeased as far as possible, but i think we have to wait until may/june.
S3 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Our server RSRadicals Race Server is running 24/7 always the specific track with restriction and the GTR selected. AIRIO active aswell. 47 slots server provided by 500 servers. So more then enough space and bandwith.

All welcome to join and put in some times. Maybe we could give some pointers to each other so the race would be more interesting. Not just the real aliens upfront but a good battle for 1st place .

We are normally running a 30 minute qualify and a 1hour race, but we can set any configuration off course. Also happy to host any test race if needed, no problem.

and we have a windows server where we can set up 30-40 big servers
S3 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Server isn't working for me.

windows server has been fully shut down for maintainance. hope to reopen it until saturday
S3 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Airio 2.1.8 is released. See the changelog for complete list of updates, here I'd like to mention just a few of the more interesting:

• Support for custom definable car categories such as TBO or GTR which can then be used in !sb (!top) lists to get combined sorted output.

i miss the option to define a restricted car class, will it be implemented?
second thing: would be cool that different defines classe could have different point systems. its better to motivate the players to get the next licence.

Quote from EQ Worry :
• Support for layouts loading in track rotation scheme.

this is good for public servers, good one finally a good shortcut prevention

Quote from EQ Worry :
• An option to kick people for removing others from start grid (race end screen).

Quote from EQ Worry :
• Unix timestamp data now used in Airio STA files to ease PHP processing.

much better to handle, thx

Quote from EQ Worry :
• FULL: Complete time-based licensing framework allowing to define licence levels and required server PB times for any track/car combination or generally with the possibility to limit access (race join) to individual servers by licence level.

the way you try to handle is a bit.... don´t know how to say...
its good for a one track server, but for servers with a rotation its nearly useless.
better is a licensing system based on global points. what i wish to see too is a command waht to do if a player joins with not enough points (only spectate/kick... and when the driver trys to join multiple times without reading/learning, ban for 2 hours maybe?)

and now the configs: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (berserk mode=1)
this is the only reason i did not use my BOUGHT copy until now because i always think i forgot something
maybe i try to sort them in another system if you want (the idiot proof)
S3 licensed
Quote from Nobo :Who would be up for a 1h timed testrace (15 min qualy) the thursday before? I am sure we'll find a safety car driver or if someone desperately wants to do it he can contact me. Would be a good possibility for everyone who thinks he needs a bit of a training in racing environment.
I would be willing to host that on
07.05.2009 19:00 UTC (21:00 CET)
I'll make an extra announcment a week before.

good idea, we would provide a server for you and tracker (yes we finally got one for us )
Safety Car Test Session
S3 licensed

due the crash in the pace car lap, we want to invite all drivers for a small training behind the SC.
For the following people, the test will be mandatory! If these drivers will not show up to the training, the team will start from pits with 1 lap penalty!

S.Leemet OK
B.Plewa OK
A.Stokic OK
P.Heinonen DT
R.Mroz OK
T.Harberg DT
S.Alfons DT
S.Abernethy OK

All other drivers are welcome to have a realistic test!

The training will start on friday the 8th May at 17:00 UTC and will be at least 1 hour long!

due some are too lazy to read:

- friday, 8th may at 16:00 UTC the server will open
- on 17:00 UTC we will randomize the grid for a pace car start. additionally we will make a small drivers briefing about rolling start.
- the safety car will make one lap and after green flag is shown, the drivers will make one hotlap. after the hotlap, the SC will catch the full field after turn 1 again. this all will be done in a loop until about 18:15 UTC

the serverpassword will be: slowmotion
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from HVS5b :Well, we at team FUBAR are proper p!ssed off at the whole thing.

A big thanks to the muppets who caused the pile up whilst still under the safety car. That caused our race to be over before it started.

Total waste of 6 weeks of our lives practicing for the event.

Admin response? Please try to be more careful............ffs stronger words than that are requred imo

we thought, that the drivers are more careful.... before the next race, there will be a (for a few people mandatory) safety car test, but more in a few hours!
we had problems during the race to sort out who the repsonsible drivers were to make a proper descision.

for the last sentence i would like to say, that this hard situation needs time to sort out the victims of the crash. so sorry if we have a reallife!
S3 licensed
Quote from FlyerKV :we just didn't know that. It's not writed anywhere.

from revision 07 march 2009 on there was following rule:

Quote from The one and only holy rules :1. Team skins must display the GTAL plate on the front (hood/bonnet) and both sides of the car, bearing the team's number at a readable size. Number plates are not required on the rear of the car. Team numbers can be found in the team section of the GTAL website and in the forum. Skins must also use the provided GTAL sunstrip.

we can make mistakes, we are just homosapiens (big naked apes)
but in the end, the author of the skin is responsible for what he did. in this case the author is the team and regarding to GTAL rulebook:

Quote from Rulez again :- Using incorrect skins in qualifying and/or race will result in a drive through penalty after the start of the race.

PAFF, i've said all

tante EDIT:

seems, that we have to post a rule confirmation where all team have to confirm that they have completely read them
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from FlyerKV :Trekkerfahrer, I represent the Revo Junkies Team. I must announce to you that you give us a DT penality because we didn't have a numberplate on hood bonnet. We have uploaded our skin to Skins thread 5 days before the event, and I wonder why you signed it as >OK< if it wasn't "OK". You could just simply sign it as >Wrong<, and we could remove the problem. I think that this is YOUR problem now, and try to correct it and then, there will be peace! Thanks for reading,...... if you read this fully!

tell gabbo, he checked skins
S3 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :Over all Great Admining on this race by the way

I think you should be careful with statements like your last one though. Telling people that it is "just a guideline" is an open invitation to push the boundaries. I think you should keep it as a hard and fast rule or you will run into situations where you have to penalize someone and their argument will be "But you didn't penalize that guy for chatting! Why are you penalizing me?"

Anyway Great job!! Nice to see Admins actually admining and making decisions!!Looking forward to Westhill. Todd

thx for the flowers

the chat thingy: chatting is not allowed during the race... that mean when all clicked okay and standing in the grid, chatting is not allowed until the last car crosses the finish line after 3 hours
S3 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :I second this! +1

There were at least 3 drivers who chatted.

i was just a bit late on keyboard... the race was over and all passed the finish line, so i see no reason to penalize this.

the "chat open" line is only a guideline
Round 1: Notes from the Admin Team
S3 licensed
Hi Racers,

there were some curios and sometimes foolish situations during the whole race. Let me start with critics:

Safety Car lap:

Awful... don't know what i should say... many cars did not leave a proper gap to the car in front... the result was a total confusional crash. Next tine we want to see a better behavior!
We are thinking about a mandatory SC test before the next event.

Blue Flags:

Guys, the rules are pretty flexible in this case, but in fact you have to let the lapping car pass in a fair amount of time. There were some crazy situations we only thought: "Do they have their first race overall?"
I will modify the rules, because most of the lapped cars blocked like hell.

Overall behavior:

Especially the protests... the admin team will not read spam! Our verdicts are final and if we make a mistake, we are open for objective critics.
Then the on-track behavior: Sometimes really bad... you should know that we have endurance races, not the small Redline Racing 1 and 2 "Shoot the guy off the track for first position" Races.
Think of that!

Last word:

Try to keep as fair as possible, sometimes it is better to let one pass in endurance racing, because the constance is more important than the speed.
GTAL Season 1 : Race Results
S3 licensed
Final results for Round 1, Blackwood GP rev
Last edited by GabbO, .
S3 licensed
Quote from luki97 :I have a question about the GTAL rules. I received DT *penalty for that I wrote in the chat *that I have a problem with the steering wheel/ pedals.* I raised the issue because I know that I can’t use the shift+s/shift+j command. Then turned off LFS and get rid of that problem. After that I turn on LFS and join to quali again. (I didn’t leave the pits before leaving server) In rules there must be option to report a problem. Just like in F1 when driver have a problem he raise his hand. The same situation could happen at the start of the race when it is warm-up lap behind SC.
Please consider my request.

in this point you are right, but you have a tool to report: your teammates! they should contact us and after WE decide you may leave the server for fixing issues.
chatting is not allowed, thats the rule and we have to use it in full force.
S3 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :Driver to Report: #32 A.Copertine
Race Time:
1h 14min 10 sec
Lap 60, S1
What Happened:
He leaves the pit and crashed Into #11 G.Haiderer

he left pits in normal way, car 11 should have let more space. no penalty
S3 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :Also, what was the tracker link? I know it was unnofficial as I brought up this question with Christopher in the Stewards room, but even an unofficial tracker would've helped....

we had a problem with the tracker, the replay is now running with it
S3 licensed
please no discussion about penalties or not.... we will investigate the small rest tomorrow (sunday)
S3 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Driver to Report: 11 N.Pirringer
Race Time: 5 minutes 28 sec
Lap/Sector :4/2
What Happened: He pushed our Driver #07 AJ.Roselli off track causing him to crash.

DT for car 11
While overtaking a car, you should left enough space for your opponent and not close the door so that your opponent must use the gras.

DT for Car 24
switched the line multiple times
note for car 13: you should drive less agressive and respect blue flags! next time will be penalized
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Driver to Report:29.D.Robb
Race Time: 1.18ish
Lap/Sector:62/sector 2
What Happened:Driver was lapped down but kept car n°01 behind him under 1.5 lap, despite having blue flags as RCMs. Then he span on the fast chicane before the hairpin on lap 62. We had to brake hard to avoid him. Finally we lost maybe 4 or 5 seconds because of him.

D.Robb will get a warning, next time will be penalized!


car 26 is disqualified due dangerous driving under blue flag condition


car 25 was a bit late on brake and lost control... shit happens, race accident
S3 licensed
car 28 disqualified

- krinninger disco
- piotrowski joins
- piotrowski leaves pits and leaves server
- piotrowski joins server leaves pits again

this is the same as pressing shift+p/s, so car 28 ist disqualified


car 27 disqualified

drive through not completed in time (they did their DT 4 laps after)
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pit3k :Driver to Report: 13 L. Paszczyk
Race Time: 40 minute
Lap/Sector: Lap 32, Sector 1
What Happened: Player "13 L. Paszczyk" while trying to unlap himself has rammed player "16 R. Mroz", causing him to spin.

DT, that was too optimistic and a bit foolish
S3 licensed
Quote from Melvyn :Driver to Report: 13 L.Paszczyk
Race Time (not laps):
24:00min more or less
Lap/Sector: 24
What Happened:

Driver of my team: 32 L.Valenzise
Crash on the back straight, causing damage to the car. My partner was in the inside.

race/lag accident in our point of view...
two fzr ran and stuck each other... small lag and bye bye...
S3 licensed
Quote from kamilo90 :Driver to Report: 29 A.Shearer
Race Time:
What Happened:
He crashed 15 M.Wojcik

race accident, no penalty

driver 29 was just a bit late on brake