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S3 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :That would be kind of funny, but remember that most cars we currently have in LFS are far from new anyway. The XRR would probably be as old as those old DTMs.

but it has a good aerodynamic, the old dtm cars have an aerodynamic like a bookshelf
Nostalgic Touring Cars
S3 licensed
hi there, its just a wish to see nostalgic touring cars in lfs like the dtm of 1980s and 90s

THAT was racing
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ToxicKlay :Today I had some free time to race some LFS. I decided to race on the [FM] Oval Junkies because I respect the server and it's mature racers.

Unfortunately, this respect has gone away.

I was racing, it was about the 7th lap and I was in first. I was using chase view (third-person) and had no mirrors (because it was chase view). I went down low into the turn, and slowed down a little as to not spin. One of the [FM] guys runs into me. Just a little bump, nothing major. I was quick to say sorry and ect. However, he started a vote to ban me. And it was accepted, mostly by people WHO WEREN'T EVEN IN THE RACE.

A quick tip of advice: If you plan on using this server, prepare to get verbally harassed and such until you are banned. Good luck.

i know what you are meaning:
FM Members crash into you and its your fault. I have a lifetime ban on all FM Servers because i said to one FM member that he can only drive oval and nothing else..... and i know i am right

Keep cool and take a ride on another server, there are much better oval servers out there..... FM is only the most public.... and the worst
S3 licensed
good to see that you are alive scawen, congrats to your new home
S3 licensed
ooooppppssss, thx

Lfs irc?
S3 licensed

is there any international IRC channel for LFS out there?
S3 licensed
the game is good at all, like it even when the scirocco would come out in december 2009
may the force be with you
S3 licensed
LFS is out since 2003 i think

The game is now in Alpha status, but its really stable. LFS is only available via download and you just have to pay the licence to get the full S2 content.

I recommend it to you, i am playing for nearly 3 years now and LFS never got boring for me

read this, there is all explained:

edit: LFS is not available in a retail box and i think will never be in a retail box at your store around the corner
Last edited by Bob Smith, . Reason : merged your posts!
S3 licensed
New Teamskins now available, watch it
Was a lot of work for GabbO and me, but i think we did it well
S3 licensed
since when is the scirocco car skin upload availabe on lfsworld?
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Ofcourse that's possible.
You have to make some IF-statements in the OnRotateTrack event:

Event OnRotateTrack()
IF ($CurrRotateTrack == "SO4")
cmdLFS("/laps 7");
IF ($CurrRotateTrack == "FE4")
cmdLFS("/laps 4");
cmdLFS("/msg Track changed, please wait!" );
cmdLFS("/msg Current Track = " . $CurrLongRotateTrack);

great dude, now i test it
S3 licensed
is it possible to declare a new race lenght if track rotates?
i have set 7 laps now in my config for SO4 with GTRs.... but 7 laps on FE4 is a bit too much.

thx 4 help
S3 licensed
can you please disengange my mod status in Digital Racing Series subsection?

i am not in the orga any longer
S3 licensed
the offer is open till 31st january, so hurry up! 3 places are free atm
S3 licensed
Sry, can't read this topics anymore....
You all bought the game AS IT IS. Anything additionally you can see as a gift. When i bought S2, i got no FBM, no SO6, no updated BL....
LFS is a great game and i love Scawen for it even when the development progress is really slow... BUT he is already married . This is the next problem most of you don't see: he has a family so he has a active reallife with his kids and his wife. See it so that working on LFS takes a huge amount of time because there are only 2 (3) developers.
What i want to say: Simply wait for the Scirocco and don't spam!

So and now i installed Z10 Testpatch and i have no problems here great work Scawen
LR|Lightning Racing News
S3 licensed
Lightning Racing is searching for new league drivers.
Our team exists since 2007 so we provide a huge amount of experience we would share with you. Now its a really huge LFS team with 15 fullmembers and we are in CTRA top 10 international team ranking. Since 2008 we are the provider of

What we have for you?

- an active team with nice drivers
- many leagues we are participating in
- experience of over 1 million killometers together
- 200 slot TS2 and more than enough LFS gameservers (big Windows root baby )
- a huge forum and a nice website
- no membership fees

What you should have?

- 16 years or older
- no kiddie like behaviour
- willing to paticipate in a league like OWRL and GTCC
- a wheel, a headset and a S2 licence
- international applicants are welcome

Got interested? Then go on >>> Lightning Racing <<< and click on the forums to leave your application there.

If you have questions you can go on our Teamspeak ( or just leave them in our forums.
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
the LR skin for (hopefully) upcoming scirocco

S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :I would like to see some more options to go along with that :
- NOS : On/Off --> For more action during the race.
- Turbo Boost : On/Off --> To prevent collisions and train people for safety passing.
- EMP : On/Off --> To develop people's skills when an engine shut down happen.
- David Hasselhoff : On/Off --> Allow people to use the David Hasselhoff player hack, with early 80's hairstyle and leather jacket.

All of these not as a server-side option panel, but setup choices for the new car KITT (the old Pontiac, because the new Mustang is ricer, it has neonz in attack mode).

PS : I voted no, and to being serious this time, my post is in no way an attack (mode) to the OP, I just wanted to do a tribute to Hasselhoff. I think that options would be a bad idea, because in a lot of demo servers, damages would be turned off, thus it wont give the proper image of LFS to potential customers

PS2 : Remember : DON'T HASSLE THE HOFF !

EDIT : Damaging would be turned off instead of crashing. A crashing off mode would be good

LOOOOOOL, godlike
S3 licensed
Quote from MUFFMAN001 :Hi Everyone ive been using windows 7 for almost a week now i just reinstalled LFS a few days ago ,

problem is the g25 doesnt sync with lfs wheel 1/4 of the turn it is fine but the last few inches of the wheel turn rapidly in lfs so when im driving i can use 1/4 of the steering but if i move it any more than that it rapidly hits full lock without me using all the degree of rotation ive tryed recalbrating axis set up all options as i normal would i also reinstalled LFS and G25 drivers and its still the same ?? seems to work fine in othergames just not lfs ???

any help would be highly aprresiated

thanks in advance


EDIT: the Clear Calibration Utility Didnt work eather

i will put up screen shots of settings if neccacary

send an email to logitech that they know about the problem, so we will all have better drivers at official release of 7
S3 licensed
+1 from me because in real they do while pitstop ... gL5ro&feature=related
S3 licensed
loooooooooooooooooooool, use your eyes in lfsworld to choose a team name

before we have chosen lightning racing we had over 20 names in our mind and lightning racing were the last on the list

this link will be your friend:

*rolling on floor laughing*
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
Teamspeak2 channel free give away
S3 licensed
Hi Community,

we have now a very large Teamspeak and we decided to give away 5 channels for LFS teams for free. apply on our ts server and ask only LR members with SA for channels.

no password

2 of 5 given away
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
thx would be great

if you need ideas, you can contact me on icq 278198631

S3 licensed
okay, i am the owner of lightning racing and i suggets you should better look at the team list in lfsworld. there is lightning racing already. our team exists since 2007...
i see you used a free webspace, so no costs will come to you changing the teamname
S3 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :I think this would be a good idea but MAGGOT has a good point if you have the editors open for only a month or so the content people will make will be lower quility so i think it would be good if all the programers in the LFS comunity have a contest that the devs arange and then the top 5 people in the contest get access to the Editors and then they can make there tracks/cars and make them in good quility. And if we did have a contest we would know its going to be good quility not just poor stuff.

good point, i think it would be better with your idea.