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S3 licensed
Hi Scawen,

this update is pretty cool, but the new possible configurations need more placeble objects like curbs, 150-100-50m signs, bumpers (like in Kyoto chicanes)....
Maybe in a spinoff discussion? I would make a list with suggestions then.
S3 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :Hi racers,

i am sorry to tell you that the testing will be postponed by a few days due a few private problems.


i have to tell you that i need more time to solve my private problems.
Excuse me for waiting longer than expected.
S3 licensed
Hi racers,

i am sorry to tell you that the testing will be postponed by a few days due a few private problems.
S3 licensed
Updated first post

Test week will be up from 14th to 20th February! Keep informed here if you are interested
S3 licensed
Quote from SFynx :good luck with it and I hope the servers will allways be full, so when I sometimes want to race GTRs I dont have to have 6 zillion points which take 2 years to get

RIGHT! Simply follow the rules ^^
S3 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :While advertising your server here may be great for you, why oh why must there be swear words in everything nowerdays, even the slogan? Maybe a better slogan could be "Hosted by children, for children" or "Immature racers swear more" ?

So no Arieo running on these servers? that will make a welcome change


Airio will be running on the servers, but mostly as a data grabber and admin tool. I made it as silent as possible, so you will not notice that Airio is running while racing. For those who want their "Good/Top Split" or any other spam, they are free to activate those options.
Airio is a great tool for automatic administration. For example track change, automatic restarts and the ban tool is simply awesome. OK, the spam sometimes is not really useful, but for that we have config file

I personally want that racing is the main goal. Not to race for idiotic points. Sure, there will be an E-Penis on a website, but it will be a bit different from that you already know
Trekkerfahrer presents: Pure Racing!
S3 licensed
Hi racers,

i am proud to announce, that a new public server project is coming! Its not an evolution or a revolution, i just want to provide you pure racing. And thats the name: PURE RACING! The idea of Pure Racing is to give you the freedom to drive what you want... without driving thousands of laps before to gain licences to unlock cars you like. And thats the slogan: "Get in your f**kin' car and drive!"

For more information you may have a look on
If there are news, i will add them on the teaser page and in this post!

Grand Opening: When its done!

*Update 1*
Now i decided to give you more informations about the servers and their car classes. Additionally the race lenghts:
All Races will be about 10 minutes long with one additional lap, so about 10-12 minutes.

Server 1:

Server 2:

Server 3:

Server 4:

Server 5:

Server 6:
Mixed cars on rallycross tracks and track layouts
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GeForz :Hmm I don't know about it... I think I like the old one better because its "sunnier"

Anyways, I did some comparision shots:.....

Good point, i wrote it down on my todo list. I think i will make the grass textures a bit more bright and try to get more sand in it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Plz. add more pics, with only one, we cant see all the work....

No donwload from me till more pics

For your note: You can backup your original files, so that you can undo all changes if you dont like it...
Fern Bay 2.0
S3 licensed
Hello there,

i ever had a look at Fern Bay because it originally looks shit. Now i finished my personal view how Fern Bay should look like. The track got a huge texture update, which improves most areas at Fern Bay much, so that it has a more modern flair. The track feels more wide now and the contrast between grass/gravel and the road is better visible.



Can someone upload it at LFS Database for me? My connection is really slow and it cancels always.
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Or better:
Forbid it simply due LFS itself
Maybe checksums, shape control.... whatever

@Scawen: please do anything in your might against those mods, because they are making your realistic racing simulator simply unrealistic!
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I know this has been suggested

So after a pretty long conversation with my friend, I decided to write this post. I was asking him why he finds dirt2 a better game than "LFS". He clearly answered: atmosphere(feeling). He was playing LFS for a while, and he was bored by the oldness of graphics. I also know that LFS is not intended to be a "screenshot generator", but come on, nobody will buy a game with no effects whatsoever. I'm taking about sparks, better shadows... well dx10 level stuff.
My point is that if Scavier wants to sell LFS to a larger group of people, not just HC simracers, it needs better atmosphere.
Now, I don't know exactly why I wrote this, and I know it won't propably change anything, but I'm just curious about the community's opinion on this.

Do you think that graphics shoud be a higher priority than physics or content?
(I'm not saying that I want it that way, just curious about your opinions)

LFS is for simracers who want primerly a correct physics engine. The prime goal of programming LFS ist to be the best Online-Racing-Simulation.
I think when Scawen finished the physics, the graphical stuff will follow soon. He already said that the shadows are on his list and i think with real time shadows, the graphics will look a way better. Why do we need bump-mapping, motion blur, hdr and so on? The graphics are good as they are i think... especially with the high-res texture pack by Electric Kar (name right?).
S3 licensed
thx all
S3 licensed
My first skin for public: FZR Mercedes GP
Feel free to edit...
S3 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for? Race and Endurance
Age: 26
Country: Germany
Preferred Car/Track: KY3 with FZR
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 2:11 mid
How Active Are You?: different... more or less... depends on RL
What Kind of Control do you use? Wheel
Time Zone: UTC +2
S3 licensed
i bet 1 cookie for this thread closed in the next hour
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Don't call it by name, call it 'the German car'.

good one
[Just an Idea] 7 days Endurance Cup
S3 licensed
Hi racers,

i had just an idea which is really hard to realize. Maybe one of you want to give it a try

The idea ist following: 7 races will be done where each last 24 hours (or 14 events with 12 hours) and the championship is similar to a rallye event with multiple stages... so no points will be given, just the times will be added.
There will be no multiclass racing, so each event has another car to ensure all have the same chances (i think 24h with an UF1 would be great fun ). The simple goal is to have a full week of racing in the end

Thats just an idea as i said, and if anyone is interested, he/she can do it without permission.
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Phft, another version of yet another track. If I want something different, I go to a different track. I know you mean well, and I love the fact that you are trying something new. Big up for that. But on a serious note, AS3 is actually, and arguable, one of the best circuits in LFS. There is a real reason why it is so popular, mainly for the very reasons you've explained for changing it.

It's easy to learn, but hard to get right.
It has space to get around people, but also space to fight.
It has a 'defined' good time. And you know when you get to the low 1.42's your getting there. But from there to the low 1.41's is a massive leap.
And the contraversial point is, it's popular for the very fact that it's popular. There is some perverse, although somtimes overwhelming, enjoyment from starting at the back of a packed noob grid and battling to the front and racing with the fast guys. How often do you see the 141'ers cruise to the front, only to intentinally start from the back again in the next race.

I'm all for variety and well intentioned track experimentation. That can never be a bad thing. But to slam a popular track for continually being good. There are some things you just won't change, and AS3's popularity is one of them. Untill rockingham that is, but I doubt even then you'll get much of a traffic drop. People like what they know.

Long text, good critics
But i think you did not notice the goal of this action: Making something popular different
We know, that AS3/GTR is a very popular combo, but it gets boring when you have driven 1000 laps + on the same combo And so we made it a bit different and more difficult
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomas Miranda :This could be AS3.2 or AS8 =D

Anyway, are you guys thinking on mounting a league based on modified circuits? For example, I think any Kyoto combination let to create a "WTCC-Type chicanne" or that one placed in the rainy Barcelona 1996 F1 race

I hope you know that type of chicannes made by which always creates some spectacle :P

We are actually thinking of that, stay tuned
S3 licensed
We now have a points script on our Homepage: ... te=static&staticID=23

We did also several changes to the layout for better racing and better apex visibility. Furthermore the layout uses less objects which will improve performance

Hope to see much of you today and have fun on our version of Aston National
Xcite Racing presents: AS3 Special-X
S3 licensed
Hello LFS Community,

are you tired from stupid AS3 GTR racing? Tired of the full throttle orgies on this combo? Then we have something different for you A completely revised version of AS3 with modified corners and 2 new chicanes! The Track is now more challenging, so it is not easy to get used to. But this challenging new layout have a few relevant good features:

* New overtaking points
* More space for fails
* More Fun

Interested? Then come on our server! The name is:
Xcite AS3 Special-X

Note: This layout is invented by Xcite and will only be seen there


The Xcite Racing Team
Xcite needs layout BETA testers
S3 licensed

we just made a layout for AS3 and we need a few testers now. So if you want, just enter following server:
Xcite AS3 Special-X

Please let your comment or any improvement suggestion in this thread

Thanks to all joiners
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I have stated the reasons for our choice to not permit him entry in the email sent to the team, and the IM conversation with you regarding it.

It involves the experiences we find the driver to have had by looking at his statistics and results on LFSWorld and spdoEventdb. It involves the pace shown in events he has participated in.

The appeal process provides opportunities to prove your side of it in an attempt to reverse the decision.

The other 27 teams in the league do not need to know all the details regarding this situation, simply because this conversation is going on longer in public than it should be, which can and will provide a distraction to the other teams.

Further posts regarding this situation will be removed from this thread.


Write to me on MSN
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Okay folks, an appeal has been recieved reagarding the matter, and we will now deal with it and come to a decision shortly.

It MUST be known that favourites are not played here. We are what I like to call "Equal Opportunity Offenders": we don't care who you are, we will enforce rules. And in the case of a judgement call which it is whether or not an MoE or IGTC driver should be allowed into GTAL there is room interpretation - of stats, recorded experiences, etc.

If you would like to contest a decision, please do it in a civilised manner. Attacking any other driver for "getting through the same rule but us not" or us admins for "playing favourites" is certainly not acceptable, and quite on the verge of unsporting behaviour.

I, and the rest of NDR, will tolerate ONLY polite, courteous discussion to achieve a common goal: You to get what you wish to get, within our rules as they are enforced.


Then DO somthing and do not talk around the things.... We got 3 different main reasons why he is not allowed to drive. So what is the main reason now? Is it his open wheel WRs? Is it his speed? Or is it why he only drove one nedurance event in the last two years?

We feel like in an unemployment agency now....