it HAS: just watch the improvement suggestions section how often engine tuning, choice of rims/wings/bodykits was suggested, what they do with their models i their cup of beer and i cant see it on my client.... so where is the sense behind model modding?
i am with your opinion, the agression factor got very high in the last year and i am somtimes disappionted that some posts reaches counterstrike and WoW nieveau...
but why the choice of words go so negative? i dont know why some here got so agressive.... even some mods... its inacceptable!
so here are my two cents i write as a racer:
to the racers: accept that there are people out there using this racing simulation for drifting and cruising and stop this flaming on counterstrike nieveau!
to the drifters: accept, that this game is a RACING simulation and drifting is normally not a feature of the game. use what is in the game and please forget wings, spoilers and other tuning parts.
to the cruisers: same i said to the drifters, except the tuning parts
to the mods: you are responsible that this forum should be clean of flaming and "f" words.... dont get agressive and stand over all posts!
in the last time i saw some things i would better forget!
the balancing of small gtrs is ok i think, the times are track depended very close to each other.
the big ones are good on a distance more than 3 hours.... but for short races the fzr is totally imba. followed by xrr, which is much slower than fzr but much faster than fxr...
the fxr needs a bit more engine performance
the xrr should stay as it is (as a base)
the fzr should be slower and the fuel consumption has to be lower
Zusatzinformationen zum Problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 000000000000008C
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: FFFFFA6002A3B521
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1
Dateien, die bei der Beschreibung des Problems hilfreich sind:
Windows Vista x64 Home Premium SP1
Intel C2D E6750 @ 2,67 GHz
2 GB Teamgroup RAM
Geforce 9600GT
Intel P35 Chipset
3x 500 GB Harddisk (Samsung)
If the files listed above are needed, contact me via PM.
i am using Jakgs way since my thread which is linked above, works good because the stealer is a good brake for all the others
The only way to prevent skin stealing would be an own fileformat where the skin is in and a list of LFS usernames who are allowed to use them (like an encrypted ZIP or RAR archive)
LFS Strobe is very horrible to use.... a better one would be nice, maybe with an insim button to activate so that no shortcut has a conflict with strobe
these two and the corkscrew at as historic/north and cadet should stay as they are! they are legendary
but i agree with rudy, the actual chicanes are too fast and overtaking there is more like suicide than racing.
they should be like the graphic by darkone, only the westhill chicane, both fe chicanes (the chicane in gold can be fully (re)moved) and the kyoto gp chicane off the oval (like the chicane in national) should be updated.