iRacing will never be on my hard drive, sry to say, but i have played LFS for 2 years and i dont want to learn another sim...
especially monthly fees for a racing game (racing games are not very popular at all) are more than nonsense.
the last thing: why can an opponent pruduct be advertised here? my opinion: delete this thread pls
the x600 is over 3 years old i think.... go buy a new card, there are cards out from ati and nvidia which costs under 30 euro and they have double speed
simply play with throttle and steering angle
drifting is something you have to learn by yourself, everone has another style, so its hard to adapt an existing style
when i edit a banlist (i.e. I add a cheater directly into the file, not due the server command), when does lfs load the banlist or when does lfs access on the banlist?
i want to make a new teamskin, i tried several ideas and nothing looks good and all ideas went into my trash can Now i need your help finding a good start for the new skins.
I would be very thankful for every help you can give me
But i cannot pay for it, so if i use one idea, i put the lfsworld name visible on the skin for so long we use it (i.E.: powered by LFSCommunity)
one other thing: i bought several licenses for friends there with my credit card. and if you have an actual virus scanner (avg etc.) and periodic adware scans (ad aware etc.) the risk is very low that there are key loggers on your computer.
this is a simple thing... use any virtual keyboard and write down your credit card number on notepad with it. then simply copy/paste it and all is fine (for more safety place a few more spaces (i.e. make 2 number blocks instead of the 4 number blocks) in the number that noone can see if its a credit card number).
more safely than credit cards isn`t possible, because all transactions are insured