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S3 licensed
lika all other online services:

LFS developers or the others involved into this project will NEVER ask for your username or password!
S3 licensed
iRacing will never be on my hard drive, sry to say, but i have played LFS for 2 years and i dont want to learn another sim...
especially monthly fees for a racing game (racing games are not very popular at all) are more than nonsense.
the last thing: why can an opponent pruduct be advertised here? my opinion: delete this thread pls
S3 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Problem is I can't find the receipt I always keep that kind of stuff in a box, but it's not there. And the box it came with was used to stuff paper in while cleaning up my room. And I don't think the receipt would have been in the box.. I don't have a clue what happened to it.

the x600 is over 3 years old i think.... go buy a new card, there are cards out from ati and nvidia which costs under 30 euro and they have double speed
S3 licensed
simply play with throttle and steering angle
drifting is something you have to learn by yourself, everone has another style, so its hard to adapt an existing style
S3 licensed
we had this topic over 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 times here
new closeable topic? BOB?
S3 licensed
my favourite like to see in lfs:

rb4 WRC
rb4 gtr
le mans prototype
race truck
lx gtr
lotus elise like car
gp2 like car
a supersports car like enzo or mclaren
S3 licensed
Quote from diablo21 :Alonso - Broken gearbox.

don't think so
S3 licensed
nakajima crash.... NICE
S3 licensed
Go Nick!!!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
1 bunch of 2000 skins lasts 2 months in my case so 6 punds would be one year for me
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :I don´t have that problem Maybe someone hit you in your back

its when you have a lower detail level. i have the same prob then when i reduce the details to the minimum

edit: solved, used the latest nvidia driver
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
hires skins are cool, but be aware of THIS...
S3 licensed
on my "small" machine (c2d e6750 @ 2,6ghz, 2gb ram, nv 9600GT) i got a huge fps improvement of about 40-60 fps (on starting grid about 15-20 fps).

on my "big" machine (c2q q9450 @ 2,6ghz, 4gb ram, 2x nv 9600GT) i got about 20-30fps (on starting grid about 5-10 fps).

very good work scawen!

the only problems i noticed was good reported by jason

edit: no problems with shift+u since y22 anymore thx scawen!
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I have a problem. Sometimes when I press Shift+U, game will crash... but good work!

edit: this happens only if im pressing one of the pedals
edit2: oh so i am wrong... i dont know when this happens

edit3: looks like it doesnt happen anymore...

online shift+u doesn`t work since i patched on y21 --> game crashes onto desktop.

offline all is fine, no problems

edit: server is y0 and client y21
S3 licensed
[off topic]
british people are german by origin (angelsachsen)
[/off topic]

thats cool, maybe i buy a second licence for my friends which want to test s2
S3 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :the F08 COULD get a aero restyling, maybe a little less straight(wings etc just look so sharp lol)


the FO8 only COULD have a small face lifting. but no changes in handling, its one of the best cars in lfs
S3 licensed
thx for your work, but this is too dark for us.
make it public if you want
Banlist Question
S3 licensed
Hi there,

when i edit a banlist (i.e. I add a cheater directly into the file, not due the server command), when does lfs load the banlist or when does lfs access on the banlist?
RB4 Cabrio
S3 licensed
A Cabrio made by my m8s and me
S3 licensed
here is it

edit: i just want ideas, not really finished skins
Last edited by Trekkerfahrer, .
S3 licensed
a gtr car i think is the best for suggestions because it has wings and much room

btw: thx 4 your help
Lightning Racing ideas and suggestions
S3 licensed
Hi guys and girls,

i want to make a new teamskin, i tried several ideas and nothing looks good and all ideas went into my trash can Now i need your help finding a good start for the new skins.

The colours should be like on our website:

Important our colour Hex-Codes:
red: #C40000
black: #242424
white: #FFFFFF
grey: #C0C0C0

I would be very thankful for every help you can give me
But i cannot pay for it, so if i use one idea, i put the lfsworld name visible on the skin for so long we use it (i.E.: powered by LFSCommunity)
S3 licensed
one other thing: i bought several licenses for friends there with my credit card. and if you have an actual virus scanner (avg etc.) and periodic adware scans (ad aware etc.) the risk is very low that there are key loggers on your computer.
S3 licensed
Quote from Maelstrom :Still there's the Keylogers problem.

Protx might be hackproof, most of people's computers are not.

It would be better if the website could use something similar to what my bank uses to input your code. Some kind of virtual keybord (only with numbers) appears on the screen so that you can click the number and not type them. The number position changes all the time.

this is a simple thing... use any virtual keyboard and write down your credit card number on notepad with it. then simply copy/paste it and all is fine (for more safety place a few more spaces (i.e. make 2 number blocks instead of the 4 number blocks) in the number that noone can see if its a credit card number).

more safely than credit cards isn`t possible, because all transactions are insured
S3 licensed
Ultravox Hymn