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S2 licensed
Yea, I seem to have a knack for motorsport, well at least bikes. Havent been to a car event yet. Would love to go to a drift event though.(your name made me think of that, lol)
S2 licensed
playing around...the verdict?
S2 licensed
grr, well Im trying to update it now, so that will be changed.
S2 licensed
thankyou. It is still my first site, and I do want to use different typefaces, etc, but as for the colour, I want to keep it fairly simple, and black is the simpliest colour I know, lol.
S2 licensed
**** me sideways, you lot DO know I'm here.

Cheers for the kind words, and yea, tis santa monica.
S2 licensed

I swear that its my name or something, but every time I post a new topic, or reply to an old one, BANG, thats the end of it.
S2 licensed
Jeebus, how many posts do you have, and been here for like, 1 1/2 months at most, lol.
New Site.
S2 licensed
With the help of Stoney, Ive just set up my very first website.
If you can just check it out, tell us what you think etc, any improvments and that.


again, cheers stone.
S2 licensed
an off-road buggy frame, suspension(basic) and a gsxr1100 engine.
no ifs ands or buts.
S2 licensed
almost forgot, a big thankyou to jenny and fresh orange, for the chance to do this. Kieth(kickstart) for setting it up and for the use of his lens, and charlotte for trecking all the way to the gate just for them to let me in 50 ft from it, lol.
S2 licensed
for those who are too lazy to look through good pcitures(in my mind)
here ya go. a few random examples of what consists on those pages.

Hottrax trackday/endurance weekend.
S2 licensed
here is what i did sunday and monday. it includes my first media pass, me getting told off for climbing on a marshals hut, and 1245 pictures (after crap ones deleted)
constantly updating, at about 500 pictures now, so another 700 to go. ... %20endurance%20event%201/
S2 licensed
As a sim, it does suck, but I dont think of it like that. For me its a game where i can just cruise about (more like boot it) and, when Im online, go on hugely long tours of the island with random people.

As a racing sim, it sucks, as a fun driving game, it is a good game.

Oh, and the motorbikes handle like shit. sensativity all the way up helps a little, but not that much.
S2 licensed
Boo Hoo.
S2 licensed
I love the MRT. One of my favorite, if not my fav to drive.
S2 licensed
I think I just wet myself.
S2 licensed
The lad with the R1 and the CBR were both easily getting their knees down. the other one on the gixxer cant get it yet.
Though the cbr lad was so lanky that he could get it down from upright.
S2 licensed
Strictly speaking, this ins't ,y bike, its a mates, and some other blokes, but who cares. If your that fussed, then say something, and Ill make ANOTHER photo thread from me.

S2 licensed
I'll post my mates R1 tommorow. I got a cracking pic of it today. dead proud of it.
S2 licensed
hmm, I could go out and buy a PS£ so I sit indoors and play games all day, or I could spend the far too much amount of money and purchase a few trackdays.

I know which one I will be doing.
S2 licensed
I also do this a fair bit from my Blackberry 8700g.
S2 licensed
Piss off and dont come back. We dont need your type round here.
S2 licensed
gentle, yea, thats the one that did 0-60 in like, 2.9 seconds, and tiff needel broke it.

and dan, if you add an can and a PCIII to play with the fueling a bit, it can be used. Kar managed to salvage it for the road.
S2 licensed
Dry sump isnt hard to do. Most italian bikes have dry sumps these days. clutch would be easy, and on a track, its all about high revs, keeping the engine in its prime power area, so torque would not be a great factor here.

eg, the 2006 r6. has next to no torque, but a cracking top end. makes it almost sueless on the road, but very good on track.