i wont have much time to, start the army end of april, but will buy a kr 750 as soon as i can
got plenty of mates that go on a regular basis, been a few times meself, but only by car.
but a 350/400d with the abttery grip is much more comfortable. sides, the main reason i chose canon, is cause i already had lenses for them, so made sense.
ive been in the real world for a while now, just on a 35mm body. upgraded to digital cause i spend so much money getting things developed. i dont instantly jump from a compact to a slr and take pics that good besides, i use manual setting all the way, have done for about a year now.
dan, wouldnt worry about it, keep your 350 and spend money on lenses.
and rob, im now on a gpz 500s. great little winter bike, but not fast enough, not nearly.
last week i got my new camera, the 400d, and have been really taking to it. love it to bits. just a few pics, what do you think??
also, check out www.flickr.com/photos/v4forlife
i ride like a twat on a fairly regular basis, but have yet to recieve a speeding ticket, or even be pulled. even for a random stop-check. i have calmed it down alot though, rarely over a ton, but 90 is a regular thing.
im perfectly healthy, actually, very healthy. less then 10%body fat. but 13 stone at the same time. i watch what i eat, and make sure i have anough of what i need. im very happy too, cause i know that im better then alot of people out there who eat crap all day long.
and natural peanut butter is good for you, but in small amounts, like about a table spoon a day. it gives you the fats that you need, without the sugers, salts and added oils that get put into most of the others. i have wholemeal bread(not much, heavy carbs) with natural peanutbutter(sometimes make my own) and a tin of tuna. 30g of protien, 10g of fat and 26ish g of carbs. thats for my lunch. break is a hardboiled egg and an apple. same for after lunch break. oats for breakfast(with a small dripping of honey) and a protien shake....after i gte back from gym/run. dinner...some meat of somesort, prob chicken or turkey, maybe a tuna pasta bake.
i know a fair amount about being fit, eating right etc. took a long time to wade through the bull though, as there are alot of myths and lies about foods and 'diets'(hate that word)
car engines are alot bigger then bike engines, so it will be very heavy, and hard to do. your easier just sticking a powercommander and a zaust on a busa for good power.
just dl'd the new patch, and filled in my info to unlock, but it gets to the connecting screen, and stays there. been like it for about 5 mins now. is it just cause of large amounts of connections, or what??
ok, true story. i actually tried this 'you cant kidnap chuck norris' theory myself. i followed him for a bit, and when he wasnt looking, trapped him in a big bag marked 'COWS' so that it wouldnt be suspicious when i came back through customs. By the time i had gotten home, and taken him out of the sack, ina fully contained bunker to keep him in, he had reversed my move and we were infact at his ranch, back in the states and i was his prisoner. he thanked me for my attempt, and took me to the airport.
its true, you cannot capture chuck norris. he does infact capture you.
i heard that the devs all bought small islands in the middle of the philipines and moved there and just scrapped project 'LFS'....so by the sounds of that, id say yes, it is dead.
1) Have you ever bought a product on the strength of an advert alone and why?
not quite, but i have checked out the item on based on the advert.
2) Have you ever bought a product because it had an aspirational advert that appealed to you and what was it? (eg Lynx ads show the product making someone a hit with the ladies)
not that i can think of, but i would say that i prob have.
3) Do the production values of adverts affect your view of the product? (eg Marks & Spencers vs Iceland)
no, i tend to get the most of of my money...more bang for your buck, as they say
4) Skoda cars are made by VW yet more people buy the more expensive VWs over the cheaper Skodas because of Skoda's past image. Do you buy products based on brand name alone?
no. although i am a honda man, and i like what they stand for in their motorcycles, i would buy the best bike, or product, that i could, for the price range that i have.
i know there are a few bikers around here, and just wanted to make you all jelous by flaunting the fact that i was zooming round the pbtt most of the day today...yay.
ill poss be in either next months or the months afters mag.
i took a few pics of dale wheeling, but need the film developed, so ill post them later.