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S2 licensed
check out dan, its something like that anyway, try variations. but its a website for east anglian bikers, which is still very new, but growing everyday.
S2 licensed
thats what i was thinking.

aswell as smartarse, lol.
S2 licensed
so...hows it goin??
S2 licensed
ha, gotcha beat, 3 huge screens and about 10,000 people
S2 licensed
down at parkers piece in cambridge(showed during the first match) or at a club that opens for it. cept yesterday, was at a bbq.
S2 licensed
ive tried to set up a 5 a side league before, but there wasnt enough vocal intrest.

it would be great to have a tournament, or even a legue. play offs, free kicks, a ref etc. have subs too.
S2 licensed
no, they just stuck 2 in and had them working by them selves. had a gear changer split into 2 so you could change the gears of the engines individually. why?? i have no clue.
S2 licensed
ahh, my buddies over at z-cars im guessing(pc too slow to run anything lol) they put bike engines in everything, lol. also the guys who built the tiger racing twin zx9r engined westfield that tiff needell broke while setting a 0-60 time of 2.9 secs.

they are big in the mini world with their conversions too. can anyone say a 2 litre 320bhp twin engined mini
S2 licensed
meh. us bikers got the same when the outburst of automobile shite dripped over to us with 'Torque' and 'Biker Boyz' but i just laugh it off as a cheesy film, that is far from any truth with bikes in it.

its still just a film, so i dont take these seriously at all. ill just laugh when i see some bloke on a k5 thou on the side of the road in shorts and a t-shirt with a busted tail from trying to wheelie.

just let the punks who take everything from movies and apply it to RL screw up their cars/towns/lifes and get on with your obvious love for all things cars.
these guys who will now drift are the same kind that go out and kill cause'a game told them to' or 'they heard it in a bon jovi album' tbh, the world is best off without them, so let them do what they want till it bites them in the ass
S2 licensed
yea, i deleted it all and downloaded a new version(made sure i kept the skins and setup not that stupid) and still nothing, so im thinking its something my end, as i have recently gotten a new pc.

and no im not banned...cheeky. i just dont play anymore as i never really have the time.
S2 licensed
gimme some credit, i have unlocked(first thing i did) it is the right version, im not hiding anything(private, public etc) and ive tried with demo, s1 and s2 servers.

hmm, me is confused.
S2 licensed
thats why i will never ride in the states, cause any moron(no offence mr rodgers etc) can pretty much just jump straight onto a bike. at least here, you have to be trained and thought suitable for it, then the morons just buy the latest litre bikes and shove it into a hedge or the back of a lorry.
S2 licensed
bullit is the best car film BAR NONE!!!!
S2 licensed
there is only one real down point about these types of films, and thats imitation. people will now start going about, sticking stickers on their cars backwards and sliding round corners. after F&F1 and 2, tuners really took off here in the uk, aswell as street racing and 'living your life a 1/4 mile at a time'

makes it so much more dangerous for bikers, as saxo vtr boys think they can take us and then drive like morons trying.

apart from that, good luck to em, they are capotalising on popular culture, smart move.
i may go an see it, but i prob wont.
S2 licensed
too young to remember that

and if your over 21 you can do direct access, and ride anything you can get insured on, under, and its a 33hp restriction for 2 years.

cbt is easy...a little too easy i think, but meh, they wont change it.
S2 licensed
yea, got the latest version etc, hmm. ill check that all firewalls are down and see if that works!!
S2 licensed
um, help. first time back to lfs in months(bar a lan party) and no servers are showing on my list...none at all. what the hell?!?!?
S2 licensed
ok, what the **** is the pros for not wearing gear?? huh, can anyone answer me that?? there is no argument, if you dont wear gear and fall off, your ****ed no matter how sevire or small the crash. pink healing skin isnt attractive, and tbh, if you dont wear gear, i hope you do fall off.
oh, and for me, its a nod when riding normally, a wave when really relaxed and a footout when really going some upright. if im banked or anything near, ill ignore them as its more important to know what im doing than make a new friend for a second.

oh, and on a side note, i think that all car drivers should have to take a cbt or at least have a bike awareness course put into their getting-a-licence.
Last edited by v4forlife, .
S2 licensed
dunno bout anyone else, but when i did my test, the tester bloke followed me in his car. i was taught by someone different too. it was easy, as i thought i failed in the first 5 mins, so i said screw it and rode normally, passed with 2 miners(sp)

good luck with the test, and seeing as im only in cambridge, we may need to go out for a ride sometime.

oh, and the dangers of riding come only with the pillock on the bike(and all the pillocks in the cars, but ill leave them out for now.)
S2 licensed
true, and your not gonna cause you cant simulate something that you need your whole body to manuvour, with a controler. there is weight shifting, looking hwere you wanna go, and most importantly, opposite steering(cant think of the proper term lol) so i dought that we will ever get a game that behaves and steers like real life. its alot easier to do in a car.
S2 licensed
the biking season in the uk is 12 months.....if your a real man.

and mazz, that was aimed at everyone who is constantly moaning about games being unrealistic or not a proper sim etc. if you want realistic, get in a car or on a bike or whatever. or i can come round whoevers house and everytime they fall off in TT ill run a powersander over their arm and punch them in the head for not wearing leathers and a helmet while playing....anyone wanna bitch and moan now??lol
S2 licensed
what would happen is that the bike would be unsettled and you would drift wider than normal. but like i sadi, if you want realism, get a bike. games are for fun.
S2 licensed
um...out with my mates or riding my bike. i rarely play now anyway, so this is just another short stop for me when im online for the small amount of time a week.

so my life wouldnt be much different.
S2 licensed
boo ****in who, if you want a 'sim' then save a little more than £35 and geta b actual bike. its a game and games are for fun. most people have fun on this game, so its done its job. thats one thing that gets me going....this site is constantly on about realistic this and that....stop playing the game and get onto a track if you want realism...its not that expensive and a hell of alot more fun.
S2 licensed
tbh, if the certain people havent got anything good to say in this thread and are just badmouthing shit, then please, feel free to **** off....ill try not to stop you.

and its 3 points, wasnt a great match but a wins a win.