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S2 licensed
firstly, get it right, the world cup ACTUALLY starts tomorrow at 2. secondly, i hate people who are constantly like 'england suck, they cant win, they wont win, everyone will die and roony will break his head and never play again' this is queen and country lads(and lass') have some pride for your country, even if it is turning into a PC nanny dictatorship, moving at 6mph.
S2 licensed
well, for once, i agree with tristian(shock horror, lol) well, the first few lines anyway.(didnt read the rest)

pedestrians dont pay attention to anything. i have a decently load bike, race can etc, and i usually burble at 5-6k, which is a lovely load noise. yet people are so ignorant, that they regularaly just walk out infront of me without even looking in my direction, then get pissed at me for not stopping or whatever. i dont mean liek miles away and im going 90, i mean like 15mph and they are less then 5 metres away.
S2 licensed
tbh, i dont speed in towns, so not bothered(plus my bike sounds mean pottering along) and im not sure how they will enforce anything in the twisties i frequant. i never go into cities(no reason) and once i get me new leathers ill be sticking alot to tracks.

but even with all is happening in this country?!?!?

also, anyone heard about people complainign about the st gearge cross?? apparently, if you wave it in public, your racist.

i really do nned to think about moving back to germany., a great 3 years spent there, and ill enjoy it more now.
S2 licensed
as a biker, i love it. if you want a bike sim, and a proper one, then just get a bike. if you wanna piss about with your fav bikes(well, most of them) and take cool pics then get this.
tourist trophy
S2 licensed
anyone got it?? great game, came out last week. think gt4 but with bikes. and really well done too, though with the options etc, it feels a bit half baked.
got plenty of pictures too

S2 licensed
you have got to get some video of the trucks on that stretch NH, that sounds so cool, lol.

and dont worry, im working on a set of race fairings to allow then to take an endurance headlight config and a lipstick cam built into the fairing, mounted behind perspex. then just hook up a cam and put it in my bag, and im well away. should be finished end of this year(slow process, plus im learning everything...fibreglassing(good quality, not just slapping it over a hole) a bit of welding to make strong brackets and electrics to wire it all up safetly, aswell as neaten up the wiring loom on me nc.
S2 licensed
right, dont worry, im here to add my 'no-one need anything bigger than a 400' attitude, lol. but seriously, good on ya for getting the ceeber, and sometime ill give ya a race....on twisties of coursenc30

although i am looking at getting either a gsxr750, 1100 or a cbr 900(urban tiger ) but ill keep my vfr.

whats on july 1st?? is it the karting thing...if so, i might see ya there, as i think ive got me name down for helping to take pics.

oh, and gentle, done the ring in a mini, and looking to do it on me 400 this summer.
S2 licensed
well said th....does get anoying see ing people get all im god on others....real clever from behind a screen., but anyway, good luck with gettin your skins sorted mike and see ya online
S2 licensed
well thats one thing you could call him, lol.

good on ya tristian, and welcome hummer
S2 licensed
for a general point and shoot, i would say 5-6 megapixel is all you need. that will give you good quality, but without the pricetag, and alot of features you prob wont use.
S2 licensed
you have some decent talent there, but you need to get a tripod, some of your images have the shakes around the edges, and it loses defanition where its most needed. some of them are a little over exposed, but that all comes down to experiance, which means just keep shooting and learning. the horse photos are nice though, and some good angles for the cars.

the worst.....the woodland ones and the rusty web covered ?nut?....cause the woods, you can see the shakes most promanant, and the nut is noticibly overexposed.

good work overall though...keep snapping and uploading, ill bookmark the page
S2 licensed
Get Bikes!!!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
check the tyres/fuel/suspension, scratch myself or get all pissy at my fps.....occasionally grabbing a drink or composing a full symphany.
S2 licensed
smax, i used to have a 10d, but had to sell it as i needed the cash, also had a rebel2000 35mm. if i can make it, id be more than willing to take some pics.

last time was good, you lot are a very commpetative lot, and i had a good ride to and from there.
wont be racing, but i might be able to turn up....might even bring my pom-poms and cheer for one fo you lucky guys, lol...
S2 licensed
hell, as long as you know general race law, like letting faster lapping cars past(unless yoru battling for place) and giving room for cars braking earlier/later for you(be it behind or in front) then i think it dont matter what times your racing. i jumped straight onto multiplayer with the bf1, and im by no means a great driver. but i know how to race, and the rules of the track, so i didnt cause any accidents that first day(maybe from people plowing into me after a spin:oops
S2 licensed
normally, there is a ford badge and 'cossie powered' on the side or somewhere on the ATC skins, but we left the bmw badges on the bf1, so as to give respect where its due
S2 licensed
the thing is, even with TS to chat away, when im in the BF1, gunning it at 160+ halfway down the bl straight, i cant hear anyone anyway, cause of the wind blast. so.. get rid of all the cars, but if you do leave any, make them battery operated.
S2 licensed
well....lets see, better...not quite, im now on lower than 10fps at all times...dont look like ill be playing this patch much...oh well, lfs was fun while my pc lasted.
stuck online
S2 licensed
not sure where this goes, but ill put it here.

im stuck online, but im not online. i lost connection, but when i tried to sign back on, it says username already online.

drag strip
S2 licensed
i was messing about on the strip with the f08, all 3 top gtr's and the bf1. i did a few races, then went to restart the race, and all of up appeared in the pits, with the lights. so we started the race from the pit area. then i restarted agin, and all the ai started there, and i started about 100m past the finish.
S2 licensed
alot of time would be needed
S2 licensed
atc is ready too, but only with a intrim prototype, till masters skinnerz finishes their bits.
S2 licensed
its cause your!!!
S2 licensed
the drive through for passing under yellow flag would be a good thing, but would be hard to implament atm, cause when someone leaves the pits, they are put in front of you, so your position changes and then back once you cross the line.

the crossing the line, it can have the same principles as the start finish line, where as when you cross that, your laps increase, lap time resets etc, but instead, it can form on the pit lines, and have it so if you touch it(after leaving pits) then you auto get a drive through, or maybe a time penalty.
the cutting, i think that would be very hard to do, and the hitting from behind, again, too many variables.