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S3 licensed
1. As far as I remember: You can change the hardware as much as you like. LFS doesn't check wether it's still running on the same hardware it was unlocked on. I didn't even need to unlock again after I build a new computer, because the hard disc with LFS on it was untouched. (Which was the only device that was taken to the new system)
That was a while ago though. So don't sue me if it's wrong.
2. You get new unlocks each month. That's really sufficient for everyone, considering that the unlock stays with you forever until you delete the LFS-folder.
If something bad happened to your installation and you consumed all your unlocks you can ask the LFS support for an extra unlock, which you then usually recieve within a few hours. But usually this isn't necessary, because as said, the unlocks refill as time progresses.
3. Yes, the sounds are quite different. Though I personally recommend fine-tuning the sounds with a software-equalizer. That is obviously dependant on how LFS sounds on your specific hardware and how you want them to be like.

S3 licensed
How about a jacket with all kinds of LFS sponsors? (example)
(Intel, McGill Racing, Raceabout and BMW among those, of course.)

S3 licensed
I don't give more than 9 for a drifting movie though.

I think it's hilarious. I love everything that makes fun of drifting.

S3 licensed
Use something less difficult - people will be drunk!

S3 licensed
Propably the best. 10/10

The intro-sequence was extremely well done. Music and video matched perfectly. Big from me.

S3 licensed
@Bob: Evidence.

I don't like the Patch V sounds either. But after processing them with a software equalizer they are pretty good.
That means they can't be too far away from being good out of the box. All frequencies are there, elsewise I wouldn't be able to amplify them with the equalizer. Thus Scawen propably just needs to put some more time into it, comparing onboard (racecar) footage with LFS.

S3 licensed
When I got GTL and saw that I couldn't immediately drive all cars I thought that GTL sucks (for the third time, and I hadn't yet driven it) and googled for a cheat to drive all cars.

Though I would appreciate an *additional* career mode. All cars available in free practice, but only your virtually bought cars in career mode.

S3 licensed
Have you really driven the LX6? Whatever it is, it is not inanimate!

S3 licensed
About all onboard chips come with a software equalizer in their software-package. Check the driver-disk for the mainboard or better the website of the mainboard-distributor because there you'll get the latest version. Look for utilities, not the 'drivers-only' package.
( I also had to switch from my old Soundblaster to the onboard device because the soundblaster card didn't have an equalizer in it's software-package. )

There are third party equalizers, but about all of them are commercial. That's why I chose the onboard-solution.

S3 licensed
Did you try using an equalizer to improve the sounds?
I didn't like the patch V sounds first, but since I played around with the sound-EQ it's great. Far away from perfect, but actually quite good.

S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Ok, but I remember Tristan talking about the steering torque reducing a lot when he turned the wheel too much for the corner in his F3 car. And that this doesn't really happen in LFS.

Surely, assuming Tristan is correct, this would mean the lateral force DOES actually does drop off after the peak?

That depends on the type of tyre and it's inner construction.
Milliken/Milliken "Race Car Vehicle Dynamics" has some nice tyre data (slightly aged, but I haven't seen better). The more road-like tyres have a very small drop off at excessive slip angles while the very soft champ car tyres downright invert the aligning torque.

So if you post slip angle/force-diagrams then please say what kind of tyre your graph is supposed to simulate.

S3 licensed
S2 will propably finish everything it has begun. That would be:
- Tyres (different brands = different behaviour)
- Aerodynamics (correct understray downforce, aerodamage)
- Damage (detachable parts)

Personally I'd suggest to include 3d suspension models before S2 final, because those are very important regarding dynamic toe. It'd also be a good idea to include before making the damage system final.

As far as I remember Scawen also said that S2 was about the cars changing and S3 will be about the tracks changing. That means that S2 will propably feature things like oil temperature and brake temperature, and things like changing ambient temperature, day/night and weather will be a thing for S3 alpha.

S3 licensed
Just an idea to help your fund raising campaign:
You could install a video-recorder in the car and host an onboard-video for the donators. That would cost you very few money, but would give the donators something back which they will really enjoy.
After all, most people who donate will be motorsports fans. They will really enjoy a nice onboard video.

S3 licensed
@alland44: Yes, there are quite a lot people here who know how a racecar sounds when you drive it, because we drove a racecar as a driver. But still: LFS really sucks. There is no other term to describe it. LFS's diffs suck, LFS's aero sucks, LFS's sound sucks, LFS's damage system sucks. But it's the best sim we have. No other sim comes close.

Ontopic: I'm using an equalizer to get rid of that strange dampened feel to the sounds. That works pretty well and now I like it a lot. Still far away from reality, but a tiny bit closer than the old sounds.
(I especially like the FZ 50. Nice sound. )

S3 licensed
How do you measure the real position? It seems rather quantized as if recorded with a low resolution A/D converter. I can see 1/10th Volt steps. And the time between the measurement steps also seems to be around 1/10th of a second.
But in general it looks pretty impressive and seems to have worked out well. Quick system response and still stable.
How much did you spend on the hardware? What kind of material/construction is the moving chassis?
You wrote "we are considering..." - how many people are involved in the project? What kind of project is it?

S3 licensed
But it's still a bug in LFS that was reported several times to Scawen already.

S3 licensed
A good idea for the CSR folks:
Would it be possible to release a no-engine .eng file? Wind sounds, turbocharger, tyre squeal, but just no engine sound.
Those who want to run CSR can copy that .eng file into their engine-directory, rename it appropriately and could enjoy CSR fully.

S3 licensed
Happy easter!

S3 licensed
Try underclocking it for a while. Especially the card's RAM-clock. Just to investigate on the problem.

I had a Geforce 4 that I had to underclock because after a while it was overheating for no apparent reason at stock clocks. Cleaned the fan, worked for a few days, overheated again, cleaned again, worked a day, became unbearable, bought new card.

S3 licensed
If you try out the Z800, please write a review of it, especially in connection with LFS/driving sims. I'd like to try some solution like that myself, but I'm not very sure of how well it really works.
Can you show a graph of the actually measured chassis position versus currently targeted position? I'd like to know how much the system lags behind. I imagin that the inertia of the chassis must be quite big which would lead to the chassis lagging behind the simulation by a tenth or two.

Z800 + motion sim + flight simulator must be quite cool.

S3 licensed
Nothing happened to the driver, as far as I know.
But the car was badly hurt.

S3 licensed
I'm also a FZ50 voter. It handles beatifully, if you understood that it's one of the heaviest cars in LFS, and still only has road super tyres.
Once you got that checked it's an absolute beauty on every track. It's so rewarding to balance it with the pedals, move weight to the front, move it back to the rear - if done well it's absolutely planted to the road and you can make full use of the rear-rear layout.
And it's damn good looking too.
Of course without TC or throttle blip on downshift. Only sissys use driving aids.

Oh, and there is no such fine moment as powering past an LX6 on the Kyoto National Oval part at over 50km/h speed difference. You can feel them trembling in your wake. (...And cursing you in the infield for being a moving obstacle )

My second favorite car is the XRT. Again, a difficult car, but so much more rewarding than the other two TBO cars. Due to the STCC I spend quite a lot of time driving it. The rear-wheels-versus-turbocharger fight has something to it that keeps driving challenging even after thousands of laps.

S3 licensed
No, you don't.

S3 licensed
After listening to V-sounds:
Right direction about everywhere. At full throttle the FXO develops a rather strange background noise above 6000 rpm (a difficult to discribe dissonance).
I'm a bit sad that the gearwhine is gone from the roadcars, but I guess that your concept of a roadcar is a completely stock roadcar and not a roadcar with removed everything-that-isn't-needed-on-a-racetrack. In that case the gearwhine volume is appropiate.

The LRF class is great soundwise. LX6, RAC, FZ50 - the best sounding cars of LFS.

S3 licensed
I was testing sound-equalizing in U35 via DirectX-software when U36 came out, so I had a good comparison.
And my opinion is that the FZ 50 has taken a huge leap in the right direction. It might be the very first time I have heard the hint of a functional engine in LFS! (There was a very slight roaring of an engine beneath that excessive mid-bandwith sound we already knew.)
It was pretty amazing, actually.
I liked the direction most other cars have taken too, and I'd appreciate it a lot if future patches would continue to do so.

Please consider spending one complete week of the new year only comparing real in-car footage to LFS cars until you get the dimensions of all involved sound-components right for each car.
