Nobody was saying Civics are crap, they are just not the best car to have for circuit racing because of not having any torque, sure you can say that YOU beat all those cars on the track with yours BUT at the end of the day thats driver ability. FYI I hope you would beat a V6 stang, they are crap and in the states are not considered a performance car at all. Even the insurance companies agree and you routinely see 16 year old girls, not boys, driving them to school every day. Now if you want to talk about V8's, the proper Mustang, thats a different story, you wouldn't stand a chance.
Found in: 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4
Displacement: 2.4 liters
Power: 230BHPnot engine HP like the civic which would put brake HP around 150 for the civic (171.51kW) @ 5200 rpm and 250 ft lbf (338.57 Nm) @ 2400-4400 rpm
Transmission: 5-speed NVG T-850 manual with a quafe LSD unit
Ohh these cost less than a Type-R and they out handle them too =)
didn't care for redline, admins were abusive to other players and in general I just didn't have any fun. this was a while ago and I dont remember names but left a sour taste in my mouth and I have not been back, but the admin was telling people to obey the rules of the server but he himself was breaking almost every one of them, that included swearing. Servers themselves were very stabile though...
I like GTR2. The weather and real cars I enjoy. But down to the nitty gritty I play for the fun factor while I play LFS more because it simulates many things that other games do not have. Sure there are things that are missing, but they have been promised and I am waiting patiently for them:something:banghead::hide::nut::uglyhamme:chairs::smash3d:
^ ^ What Montana said ^ ^ Muroc absolutly loves our server. I was in the states and I was getting a 60 ping! the members from the EU were getting 50's. Now that I am in the UK I have even been as low as 30s =)
I am having the same connectivity issues as tommylee is. If I go onto a server that is full I will ping out within a few minutes, guaranteed . I can stay connected to an empty server for awhile but then again I will eventually be disconnected.
This all started when I switched to U30. I am still seeing if any of the programs I am running are causing any problems, but I never had an issue before U30.
I enjoyed the redline servers... until one of the redline admins started cussing and causing a big scene when it was his fault in the first place and then proceeded to kick people he felt like kicking. But other than that I enjoyed the servers =P
@Hallen The Devs have already said that LFS will be moddable when S3 final is released. To what extent I don't know but your ideas are certianly possible.
As for RFactor Vs. LFS how could you even think of compairing them? I think BBT's saying says it all =P
"It's like heading down to the bar and picking up some hottie bar fly chick with fake boobs and daisy-dukes, and getting a quick romp in the hay; leaving you with nothing more than an itchy crotch and an empty wallet in the morning. LFS is more like the medium-pretty girl who has character and substance underneath... You should marry LFS, it can only get better with time like a good marriage, because it's not built on superficialities. The bonus with LFS is that one day it'll turn into the hottie just to finish it off. Conversely, the "sim whores" of the world have no hope of ever having the substance they lack which is tragic indeed."
Like any slut, GTR2 has sex appeal that can make you crave more. Once you "go around" a few times you realize the relationship between you and the ... sim ... is shallow and only based on depraved desire for a few moments of extasy instigated by a lust for extreme sensory input.
Sounds like the power connection came unsoldered from the circuit board. It's an easy fix but you need to know how to solder =) That is an option, other than sending it back.
Thanks for the update Scawen =) In my whole gaming experience I have never seen a game go to this personal of level as the LFS Dev team has gone! Its new territory in gaming and it brings a personal touch to something that is basically at the end of it is a bunch of 1's and 0's. It makes me feel that I am part of the developmet in some way, making the game mean much more than just a game, then add on the great people that play LFS both casually and hard-core, you just cannot beat it even if the other games come with every Real Life track and car imaginable! To me people make the difference.
It doesn't matter what a game has and doesn't have so much as the people who make it. Without people what would there be? To me an update like this means much more than an update that just says how the game is progressing... it brings the game much closer to home.
Unless in the case of the XRR, then your just slow With a racecar that you can change the gearing yeah 1-2k is enough. But in a production vehicle your not going to be able to be in that 1-2k all the time.
Still, I am not a fan of waiting and I will stick with my V8's or engines that produce power figures like V8's. American V8's that is =)