Yes virtually every type of roadcourse racing has them. You win you get 50 pounds added 2nd you get 30 and 3rd you get 15 or something like that. Everytime you place out of the top 3 you get weight subtracted until you reach the minimum weight again.
Adds another bit of stratagy too. For instance you rack up a couple top 3's and your carrying extra weight. You know the next race after the one your at now is going to be big long straits you intentionally place just out of the top 3 so you can get the weight taken off to place better in the next race against presumably your direct rivals to the points who placed in the top 3 in the previous race. This is banking on ofcourse if they actually place out of the top 5 for the next race, but if your running 3rd or something it's another option to hopefully score more points.
I don't think it's going to be a new server so much as someone with a silver license cannot race the FXO on the Silver/Gold server.
It is very satisfying to keep the FXO's behind you when your in an RB4 too. But that only happens on the short tracks and even then the FXO is faster. You can still have great fun with the XRT and RB4. Besides IMO it doesnt matter where you place, long as your improving on what you already have eventually you will take that RB4 or XRT and kick those other drivers butt because your so darn good at driving it =P
If you watch the STCC you can see that the RB's and XRT's can be competitive to a degree. It's just those big tracks that cause a problem =)
They do need to be fixed and I am sure they are being worked on. Wait and see what happens. Once we are able to give weight penalties to people this should make it much more interesting =)
I always have fun in the midfield, where I usually am =) majority of the midfielders are devoloping their driving ability and some of them will hang onto their spots like a rabid dog! I think as LFS grows you will see more and more of this. Midfielders showing racecraft =) instead of just the "fast" guys. Even then I know some aliens that cannot race for crap and think they can put their nose where they feel like it.
Well this isn't always the case. I don't know if they can take temps to each section of the tire but they can and do take temps while on the track of the whole tire.
I think Shepperd is asking for chart viewable in the pits of tire temp data on a lap per lap or corner by corner basis, could extend this to other things aswell, just depends on what people want to capture.
No qualms there I like doing it too =) I like getting my tu-tu out every once in a while, especially if there is not a race going on. Usually after a race you can see me putting some dorifto's in, especally so in the RB4. Hey wait I am almost as fast as Sam is now with his Speed drifting =)
I get what your saying =P This is how long it took your wheel to react in the game, other controllers may have different exact numbers but their graphs should reflect those you made, albiet at a different time presumably.
I would much prefer to have more time in LFS racing people I know racewise than having the live timing and scoring sheets for GPL.
While they are very nice and would give a bit more feedback to the people watching and me personally I would rather just watch the race unfold. I have played LFS long enough to know when gaps are increasing and decreasing and woudn't need timing to tell me how the race is going =)
I am not saying that I wouldn't like timing, far from it but for me extra seat time in LFS would mean more than having the timing available.
That's where the problem sits. Drifters think absolutly that its the fastest way around the track, which is just simply not the case. When I use the term drifting its when the drivers exceed maximum slip angles.
Rally racing does have extreme angles at which the car enters a corner. But because they are on loose surfaces they are not exceeding the maximum slip angles which constitute a drift. If you watch WRC on the tarmac stages the fast drivers are not putting their car at wierd angles at all unless they are showing off. If drifting was so fast then they would be doing it. They are afterall masters of throttle control under limited traction enviorments which drifting is all about once those rear tires get warm.
For some of you this discussion about drifting and racing may have started here but for me this has been an argument that has been going on for years! I have yet to have a "drifter" show me any concrete evidence that drifting is faster than racing. I am not saying drifting isn't a sport or any of that, it's just more like figure skating =)
I think people that cannot drive say that they are speed drifters just for the fact that it takes alot less skill to get a car sideways in a corner than to actually try to find where maximum grip is. Not saying it doesn't take effort to fight with the wheel but hey. Drifting is drifting I would love to see a speed drifter, which from what I can understand IS trying to get around the track as fast as possible, take on any of the top drivers on LFS in a race, any race that involves reaching a finish line before someone else.
LOL you too? =P I do quiet alot of drifting too =) I think drifters need to go back to physics class if they think that can complete a circuit the fastest while sliding the car around.
I do kinda like watching drift competitions, but only for entertainment and watch people make a lot of smoke.
I have a RS4 3 nitro with a 1HP SS engine it's AWD with 2 gears and a top speed of about 40. Too bad it's sitting in a box in the states waiting for my car to be shipped...