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S2 licensed
Quote from skiingman :Wow, that isn't true at all.

I guarantee you that the cars are different from team to team and manufacturer to manufacturer.

Haha see even you are fooled =P The engine blocks may be different to an extent but each chassis is exactly the same, suspension compontents are exactly the same. Even most of the engine components are the same. If each car make had their engine specific to the model in the car what about the Ford Fusion? There is no way that thing could handle a V8. Besides the Fusion looks nothing like the car they have for Nextel. The Chevy and dodge do come with a V8 option. What about the Toyota thats coming into NASCAR? There is no way they could have a V8 for their car that their brining into Nascar, which if I remember right is the Corolla.

Same as in same configuration and what the component does. There will probably be differences as in which company has their component for what team but NASCAR for over the last 10 years at least has never been about car makes. It's a facade to keep people interested. And one of the many reasons I refuse to watch it. There is way too much branding for my likes. I used to love it. I grew up where Kenseth started racing and I watched him race his way up from Streetstocks. I moved onto things that are not so filled with sponsoring and advertisement. Which is everything that NASCAR is geared towards. You cannot go through one interview without hearing a reference to a sponsor or brand.

This COT car isn't really that far off of whats already
S2 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :I used the term "Never" because the Devs have stated in the past that the ability to disable Damage, Tire Wear, Fuel Use and other similar features would "Never" be included in LFS. They have no plans to include the option and its thrie decision.

I have heard both arguments time and time again and I will be the first to admit that I learn far faster when forced to drive without diving assists and reality limiting features. Back with F1 2k2 my friends and I were all running about the same skill level, I was a little slower though and not as proficent. So I made the choice to disable all the driving aids and in a matter of two weeks I was out driving then every race.

You may think that driving aids and the ability to disable damage, etc. will alows new members of the comunity to ease in to LFS but the hard cold fact is you learn far faster with all the reality in place.

And they will drive better for it =)
S2 licensed
I would definatly like to try out GPL but I don't want it to reflect in the "points" part of the evening =)
S2 licensed
Need about 270 really. If you need to move your hands while racing to get the car to turn then your using too much steering input =P

When I did my track-day I put my hands at 10 and 2 and I never moved them once, even in the Viper on a gokart track.
S2 licensed
If you don't want to spend the cash I would get a Momo. While the G25 is a great wheel if your not a hardcore racer it's something thats not absolutly needed.

I have a momo and DFP I much prefer the momo over the DFP. Has much smoother FF and doesn't feel "chunky" like the DFP does when the gears mesh together. The DFP you do get up to 920 degree's of rotation but for drifting I think I would prefer the momo.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :That's the least-arousing video of a naked woman I've ever seen. She'd be a nightmare date. You get her home and she starts doing magic tricks in her underpants while gurning and winking at you. illepall

Thats not the point. The point is this forum is frequented by minors who could easily click that link. Some parents don't want their childern watching anything that has to do with nude women or men. It has nothing to do with how offensive it is, or isn't.
S2 licensed
Hehe tell me about it =) I sound so southern in my interview =)
S2 licensed
Well I wouldn't call them cars anymore. Nothing on them are factory. Everything is hand built and even though they have different manufacturers on them they are all the same with the exception of the bodypanels.

NASCAR tries to say that a Chevy won this or a Ford won that. It has nothing to do with the makes anymore, it's all down to how much money a team has to put into devolopment. That why NASCAR is switching over to the COT car.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :It's just that we haven't seen him do Nascar yet, and if he does good with that, it'd be pretty cool. But even cooler if he'd suck at it, heheh. But he has a good record of being a great driver in karts, CART/Champ Car, and F1. Don't see why Nascar could be any harder for him. But he's gotta play with the big boys in that series, and I am sure he'll get in a few fights sometimes, lol.

He ran a race or two last season. He was midfield and was crashed out in a fireball crash =) I think that was more the NASCAR guys giving him some initation bumping =)

JPM can drive, too bad his attitude and emotions get the best of him more times than it should.
S2 licensed
Quote from fragile_dog :great vid, once again. Seemed to start off alot quicker through, no grid shown and the likes. Also, really shows how evil the eau rouge corner is :/, the cars look like they're almost falling down it.

They are falling =P that suspension is pretty much maxxed out on the crest then bottoms out on the bottom side =)
S2 licensed
Quote from avih :I think you're a bit too harsh it's about people and ideas afterall. If a good idea comes up, I don't think it'll be ignored just because this is an unsupported feature. The discussion should go on, as long as people remember than it might advance in different directions.

btw, u did the stcc intro didn't u? quite nice

Sam never said anything about not having discussions. He just wanted to make it clear to everyone that any discussions that happen on this thread will end here Scawen does not want to take any ideas on this unsupported feature yet.

Nothing against people talking about it, just making sure they know it's falling onto deaf ears.
S2 licensed
I was looking for it too so I could play against my 7 year old brother thats living in the states. I couldn't find it so I ended up racing on the muroc server =)
S2 licensed
Yes that is what Victor was tyring to say =) LFS news is all setup for what the comunity needs in the way of news. Its just getting people to use it.
S2 licensed
USofA FTW =) BTW thats me =)
S2 licensed
TBH I never have tried tweak =) I am just ranting. =P
S2 licensed
Bah I can't rant even every once in a while?! =P I just think I shouldnt have to adjust anything to get the game to behave remotly like a sim.
S2 licensed
So what your saying Sam is that the Devs of Rfactor didn't want to spend the time tweaking so they handed it over to potentially a 14 year old kid wanting to make spaceships that stick to a racetrack. Something like FZero maybe? =P

Sounds like to me that the devs didn't want to spend the time tweaking a really good game, gave up and told everyone here is some code make it yourself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stuart Fleming :Are you on about the sound or in general? I think why alot of people praise the sound is because, take GTR for example, if you get a straight recording from an expert in a car studio it can sound amazing and clean, but it just can't sound real when it comes to engine strain things like that, just those lovely moments when the revs dip and you can hear that through the exhaust notes.

Just in general I think everything Rfactor does is just not good. Graphics are decent but nothing to write home about, looks more like a mod to GTA to me with ti's super smoothing or whatever it is. The sound is decent but cannot beat LFS sounds just because of the way LFS does them. Like you said on throttle transitions you cannot beat LFS sounds because a sampled sound cannot replicate the strains made by an engine like that. The physics for Rfactor are appaling it was like driving Outrun2006 on steriods. Talk about an arcade feeling. Granted I did not play it that long but at least GTR attempted to make a good physics and FF effects.

I stay away from RSC. There is no love for LFS on there at all =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Stuart Fleming :Yes your right and i hope they do, the way the suspension and tyres work in LFS is unbeaten i'd say, also the way the sound is created i think thats the way to go its lovely to hear an engine which is actually being (don't know how to say it but calculated on the spot as aposed to recordings).

I cannot agree more. Using sound the way LFS does allows much more in the way of sounds. Like you said the engines sound much more alive than they do with sampled sounds. I have seen praises for RFactor, I just don't see where they are seeing such a great product.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stuart Fleming :No the physics aren't complete, tbh i don't think they changed much from the gMotor1 days they were just updated, thats maybe just the way i felt it. It may not have been released in stages but there were at least 3-4 big updates throughout the 2 years and a few more smaller ones. the next product will be based on everything learnt from rFactor, that hardly deems it completely useless?

Well lets only hope they learn from their mistakes =) There is alot of ground they need to catch up on when you compair LFS physics to Rsucktor.
S2 licensed
Yeah it's not error free but it's getting there =) Best coverage yet! There is also a radio cast for the quali races. Lawrence Simpson did a great job commentating with Becky and I hope he wants to do it again =)
S2 licensed
I put Rfactor on my computer. I promtly deleted it. thats not me being a fanboy, thats how crap it was. I was driving STRAIT and it felt like I was in a full fledged tires squeeling corner for how much steering wheel pull I was getting. I think the game is utter pants and I will not be giving it a third chance again.

Maybe this is why they thought they needed to release a version2. It seems funny that everyone is following how LFS is doing it's production of LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from MustangSVT :I'm still surprised that LFS hasn't gotten more and more popular. It's way better than all the other sims. So what if it doesn't real cars and tracks, at least they're enjoyable.

The way I see it (and I have rFactor and GTR 2 and GT Legends and so on and so forth), the special thing about LFS is how easy and simple it is to get online. Make a player (name, info so on), then just get online with S2, you've got servers with different cars to choose from and you just jump in. There's very few lag problems, it's got great online code, good community to race with. It's nowhere near as simple (or as enjoyable for that matter) to get GTR 2 or rFactor online.

But I guess other people feel different about that.

Well part of that is people who play other games in general don't know about LFS and it's great online play. It's up to the community to showcase that somehow. One way is making articles for ASS. There are plenty more, use your imagination and come up with something =)
S2 licensed
Quote from vari :That's just it, 5, 10 or 20? Big difference there if you think about it. 0 times 2 is still zero

I understand if this cannot be revealed, no problem. I can make a ballpark guess

I guess your missing the point I am trying to say. Your not supposed to know, thats the whole idea of the system.