Here is a link to the new LFS section within the Auto Sim Sport Forum, feel free to drop in and let them know about LFS and the LFS community. They are eager to hear what most people have to say about LFS =)
Bah Cmon people take this to PM, stop dragging this into the Forums, Ajp71 if you have a problem with Auto Sim Sport wording go talk to them and take this to PM.
well a Blown V8 is 'short' for supercharged. Depending on the type, a supercharger uses two giant corkscrews to force the air into the combustion chamber. In that video it's the big thing with the belt running from the crank to the middle top of the engine with the big intake on it.
Well my tiny incy wincy 2 stroke engine makes over 1HP That thing I would guess was probably making at least 20 or 30 I would guess with some nice torque too =)
LFS news is a great idea but there is something missing, not content wise but link wise with the community. It should be the number one source for all LFS news but with only a few articles written per month it's easier to find news on the forum. Maybe if somebody would want to take the time to write more articles for it? News like the unoffical sound editor or somthing like that, anything that pertains to LFS community discussion wise about the game could be put in? I donno, there is a link to the community IMO thats missing in LFS news. I am not being critical it's a great news site, just not alot of news being posted, and I am not the type of person to be writing articles =)
:edit: the articles are slowly picking up, thats great to see =) it's been dead for so long maybe it's going to take time for more peopel to read it =)
Well in a way there are 5k people. Thats just all the public server entries which theoretically are trying to participate in the league. Sounds great on paper but in reality it's just people wanting to have some fun pick-up races with a very minor minority actually wanting to join the league and participate =)
You still haven't showed me anything that tells me those engines are different. Camry corrolla or what ever doesn't make a difference the point I was trying to make was that those V8's have no home factory wise in either the Toyota or the Ford and if they were honestly using those chassis or anything remotely similar to the real car chassis those engines wouldn't fit.
The chassis are virtually the same. Stick on a body shell and that makes them different? Lets call this one Chevy, and this one Ford and see which one crosses the finish line first=) Ohh we will give this engine a bit more lift. Dump a little more fuel in this engine and we will call them Chevy and Ford. Then we will strap on carburators because we don't want to mess with fuel injection just yet.
IMO at the end of the day I don't really care. Just laughing in my seat as you think that each make is significantly different from each other.
I am ranting in general. I used to like NASCAR until they switched to new managment and brought in Nextel and the "chase for the cup" It doesn't matter how a driver does the first 2/3 of the season as long as they are in the top 10 which IMO is wrong.