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S2 licensed
Quote from DodgeRacer :they cannot go to fuel injection from all that i have heard and read. to hard to enforce the rules, makes room for t/c, would just create a mess....there is nothing wrong with the engines of nascar, they make enough hp, and they cant get much higher with the current config because its so precisly engineered, so nascar doesnt have to worry about teams finding 5mph over a season and going to fast to be safe, if we started over with fi (beyond the fact it would cost billions to do) keeping the speeds in check would be near impossible

Well thats not true there are other leagues running crate engines from say GM like the LS2 or LT1 that crank out 450 HP factory. I am sure they could design an engine thats sealed that uses fuel injection with sufficient HP to push these cars.

I think they don't want to do Fuel injection because NASCAR has always been about carbs. It has nothing to do about T/C or rules. They could just seal the engine up and make everyone run the same engine. ASA does this now I feel very effectivly. I love watching ASA those cars come off the corners soooo much harder than any car with carbs strapped on.

I kind of like the car, the front end is very weird with that splitter on it but with the widshield back up to normal its starting to look like a real car again. It will be good to see how this shakes down during the next season.
S2 licensed
The more specific question I want to ask is what does GPL offer us that LFS does not have in terms on the venue experience?
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'm really surprised at the lack of take-up for this idea, and I'm a bit disappointed. Not just because I'm beginning to feel like the STCC is sticking out like a sore thumb, with a lot of resentment (because people don't bother to read threads, Joe! ) but also because userbars are a REALLY GOOD way to promote LFS, off the LFS forum.

When I came up with the idea of a dynamically delivered STCC userbar, it was particularly (if you'll please read the first post again) for people to use on other forums. This creates a hook to LFS, and this is what I wanted to do. I figured if the userbar was generated automatically, it'd provide a bit of extra incentive to use it, too. I still think a userbar that changes when your licence progresses is quite cool.

I'm grateful that Victor saw the value in it too, and chose to create the BBcode to enable it on this forum. If anyone wants help creating THEIR league userbars, (and making it dynamic if they want) I'll gladly help them do it. I'll even give them hosting for the graphic if they genuinely can't do it themselves. We've a spare terabyte at UKCT, which I'll happily give to promoting LFS, both on the LFS forum AND on any other forum/webpage. That's what this project was launched to do, after all.

[edit] Yes, AND to promote the STCC. The two are inextricable. MY motivation is invariably to promote LFS, as a starting point.

I hope other leagues start seeing the potential in this aswell =) Shame people's ego's get in the way....
S2 licensed
It's LAN but to me sounds more like how a karting experience would go =P

Would be fun to have a LAN party though sometime, followed by beer,followed closely after by more driving =) Would be great fun.
S2 licensed
I agree totally =) Nobody has any real GPL experience and another LFS config would be fun =)
S2 licensed
I definatly get this. It's really bad at a start of a league season when you don't know the drivers very well and don't know what they will do. I still get sweaty palms a bit at the start of the STCC races. I was so bad last race I forgot to put a setup on teh car and I had to qualify with the default setup! =)
S2 licensed
Invite here pls also =) vipercar93@yahoo[.]com
S2 licensed
I like it except about having to play GPL. I guess I will get the game and give it a try to see if I can relate anything from LFS into GPL, hopefully I could score a decent result in GPL =)

I would prefer to run completely LFS but I would be flexabile with this.
S2 licensed
Ouch your a good 3-4 hour drive from me. I was going to offer to pick you up but I would it just wouldn't work out.

The offer is there for anyone going. I live near oxford and I am willing to carpool anyone down there within reasonable distance of me. Sure hope I have my car here by then... driving cars with no HP suck...
S2 licensed
Muroc has a buddy list on our website and I use it all the time, can even autojoin from the website =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Check first post, you're already on:

Doh! First first post, I checked the one on page 3.... stupid me :doh:
S2 licensed
@Bigben there are plenty of league races out there that you can join, you just have to look for them and they are not going to be as big as say MoE or STCC. I have seen many leagues where there are free spots to race. You just have to look and find the right one. there is Fake DTM to name one thats really fun to do, I did that while I was in the states.

Saying there are not any leagues for you to run in is just an excuse. Just look for them. You may have to learn a new car but at least your league racing and getting valuable league time which would allow you to enter into the better leagues.
S2 licensed
GPL? I want LFS, if I wanted to play GTL I would be on a GTL forum =P

I am game for this, sounds interesting.

:edit: Bob my email was intended for me to be put on the list if you didn't =P
S2 licensed
Thanks Victor =) I have always enjoyed having pics in sig =)
S2 licensed
True, but you could do the same thing with putting in bigger injectors. Yes latency is more noticable in low RPM's but this continues throughout the whole RPM band, not just low RPM's. You change altitude at all with carbs you would have to pop the hood and adjust your needles to get the best fuel/air mixture. With injectors this would all be automatically be controlled via a computer. Granted with the computer you would have to find the correct mapping but once thats done you wouldn't have to do anything.

I do like the sound of carbs but the I feel the gains from fuel injection is much greater than missing out on the nice sounds =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Hurts2bStock :on a dried lake?

Hmm good point =P
S2 licensed
Pff thats all? =P Have done 255 km/h in my car =)
S2 licensed
CARBS!? You prefer carbs to fuel injection? Granted throttle bodies are not perfect but you have better reaction with fuel injection, direct injection the best. Why carbs? They are old outdated equipment and are very inefficient under varying conditions.

Not to mention they take time to change thier fuel mixtures when you apply the throttle, out of all fuel mixture devices carbs are the worst design you could think of, unless your going for el'cheapo with no regards to performance.

Granted NASCAR still runs carbs but thats more a heritage thing than anything else. The newer stockcars that run fuel injection perform much better than their carburated equivalent.

If you like them just because they bring back your younger years thats all and good but putting that aside performance wise there is nothing to gain with carbs.
S2 licensed
Now only if every boat could do that they wouldn't need drawbridges =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :The idea has some merit, it would be better if we could all get online and maybe a video feed so we could see the two groups of people. Although I'm not sure if London is that much better location wise, sure there are people local to London but there are people local to Southampton also. What would be good if there was one up north as well, for all the people that couldn't make the distance. I'm just guessing here but I suspect most of the people that can't make it to Southampton wouldn't be able to make it to London either.

I think your right. Southampton isn't really that far away from London. While London has lots of airports I think it would be better to find a company in the North that is willing to link up.

@Bob is it possible to ask the company your going through if they have done this type of thing before and if so which would they reccomend and/or want dealings with?
S2 licensed
I agree with Tristan =)

2k mile checkup, jeez. I thought my 3 month 3k was bad on my SRT-4 =)

Dodge's new SRT model makes 300 BHP or a good 350-370 at the crank and they still get 28MPG so, this would make the EVO much easier to drive everyday. But then if you can fork out the cash to pay for one then you could probably be able to pay for the fuel too =)
S2 licensed
Looks ok, will cost too much though =P I will stick with my SRT.

400BHP would be nice though coming out of a 2.0 =) (est. HP of MR edition 320 standard, still nice numbers though =) Dodge puts a 300BHP 2.4 liter into their new SRT-4's, which might be AWD next year. The Standard Caliber has AWD.
S2 licensed
I am up for it =) It's a good couple hour drive. I am willing to pick people up on my way down from Oxford.
S2 licensed
Well I won't be racing at MK this month. Money is tighter than expected and I cannot afford it, I hate not having money, makes me almost wish I was in the military again =)

I will try again for sometime in Feburary.
S2 licensed
Welcome =) Enjoy =) your life will never be the same again =)