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S2 licensed
When I worked at the auto shop they used 2 wooden wedges and pried the door out on top and hit the unlock button with a bar when I locked my keys in my car accidentally.
S2 licensed

For a second there I thought that was serious
S2 licensed
XRT removed from demo = More people buying S2! Atleast they should, IMO why play a demo and treat it like a full version (IE leagues ect.) and not pay for it? It's and awesome simulation and the devs deserve your money for what they have created =)
S2 licensed
I semi play. I mainly just do the skillage now, at least you don't have to play to skill up =) I enjoy the game and hop on from time to time to complete missions. I have not gotten into the PVP much yet.
S2 licensed
It is about 40p a liter, but you can't really use the exchange rate so if you live in the states, making dollars it's .80cents a liter.

It's still less than here, but it's not that much less and it's definatly not as big of a disparity as people make it out to be.

So it's .80 a liter instead of 1.03. But then you have to add in the fact that Americans on average make double the income of a British person, and pay less tax every year...
S2 licensed
Quote from mickyc30 :i sure did, and why dont they delete un-nessecery old threads?

For Historical records. Maybe they should be archived? I donno. Just look at the post date before posting =P
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :

But I was comparing them back in 2000, and I think the Focus is a lot better these days in comparison to other 'modern' cars, but I bet it won't put a smile on your face like a proper 80s Hot-Hatch.

Omni GLH turbo FTW =) Open diff FWD with 200BHP at the wheel. IIRC they ran 14 flats. They handled OK, nothing to write home about. Did I mention unequal length 1/2 shafts? =P
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :What the heck is a biometric passport?, never heard of us needing one, might be a cunning ploy to keep the Germans out.........

I have heard that all new passports in the UK would be biometric, but I have not looked at when.
S2 licensed
Count me in. I can pick up anyone near the Oxford area and up =)
S2 licensed
Quote from viper-2007 :I ve just watched all the lfs touring car races and it looks great and all but i do karting (and i am in the worlds biggest team) and the team spirit is just so much in real racing this game will never compare to real life i say all lfs driver should buy a kart and go race them!

Then you obviously have not been in a team in LFS? Defiantly not a good one thats for sure.
S2 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :No, but i believe fighting a little for the matters i find important to me.
Some people just bend over, i wont, i do what i can but keep it in good taste and behaviour.

Well the devs can do what they want. But if enough people sign then who knows what happens =)

I like the new look, much better than it was. In the tintops I think you still should be able to look using a two button press(it is harder ot look farther, hence it should be harder for us too) but you still can do it. (Duck aleady says this is possible)

I don't know how theTrackIR works, maybe this would solve the look issue?
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I have seen the movie/serie before, and it`s awesome work. It shows LFS`s full potential, and I think it could be used some way as a adverting for the game.

It does show whats possible, but not it's full potential =) There is so much more that could be done with these broadcasts it's not even funny.

From a hobby standpoint I don't think you could go much further with how the STCC is. YOu would need some full time people and jobs to continue the project into the bigger stages. Anyone up for donating 100k a year, with expansion into the millions? =P
S2 licensed
Quote from R3DMAN :no1 wants my autograph

Thats because you threw a paddy and stomped out

Sim racing is as cheap as you can get for racing. You cannot find a better way to spend money if you want to get into racing. In the STCC the level of professionalism is top notch and the racing rivals anything I have ever seen on TV IMO. Sure it's not exactly the same, I would be stupid to think it is. It does relate though and the action is pretty close. There are alot of things that are missing (IE the 100's of hours spent preparing a car for a race) but the actual racing part is there, and every year the realism is getting better and better making for even more exciting racing.

Hop onto the CTRA servers, get into the second tier and you will see STCC style professionalism in most of the drivers in there. The action is the same in the second tier, just not as controlled as the STCC.

I am curious tristan why you though Jak could just race with a mouse? I thought the idea of the STCC was to promote it as a professional sport and not some little punk on his computer controlling a car with a mouse =P
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :ooh can I have your autograph??

Only if I can have yours!!! :lovies3d: Your my hero in the STCC Sam!!!

Glad you enjoyed it! It is alot of hard work. Hours and hours of practice, not practice on getting the fastest lap time but practice to learn racecraft, on how to take away people's momentum while not leaving a gap, that type of training.

Then you step into the admin side. On top of the STCC is the CTRA which is much like the FIA is to F1. CTRA is working on expanding to sanction other leagues so it's not an elitest governing body. All in all there is alot of energy spent on making this a top knotch production that has fairness in mind!

I know Becky has a few more ideas up her sleeve with the production, so who knows what happens next =)

We do have a few real sponsors, the goal is to get a sponsor on every board and car IIRC. =)
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :But why my clutch does not react like that?

Sure I can burn it when spinning when using auto clutch and being stubborn with throttle, but as I can see from clutch bar that clutch is half way engaged, I know that keeping it floored will fry my clutch. Spin those tires, don't slip clutch, I would say

Setting 1st gear to something sensible, like 30mph max works out too in street cars really well.

I think that would be a start =)

Everyone keeps saying 'but it doesn't feel right' well I challenge you to put a setup on your RL the same as a LFS setup and drive like most of you do and see what happens.

Everyone keeps saying it doesn't feel right, but thats not good enough you need some concrete data to hold up and say 'this is how a clutch is supposed to behave' I have yet to see anything significantly wrong with how the clutch is modeled. Perhaps a bit fast on the overheat, but I don't think it's anywhere near twice as fast.

But then how can I know? I have no car that can really relate to anything in LFS and I have not seen any data on how clutches burn =)
S2 licensed
Sign me up!

Clutch heat is off, but I don't know which way it needs to go =P
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :There were also cars that cooked it in much less time above in the thread. SRT-4s have a heavy-duty clutch to begin with, and that clutch was seeing roughly 250ftlbs of torque.

Oh, and Chris's is black not blue :P

LFS is probably a tiny bit to sensitive in the road cars, but I have no hard data to back that up.

Yes I can safely say THAT was NOT me =)

The SRT-4's factory clutch is rated for over 350 BHP which would put it at over 300ft-lbs of torque. The clutch is made aftermarket by sachs IIRC. I do not know if that car was factory or not, but based on the way he was driving it I would guess he hadn't done anything to the engine and just slid the clutch out too slow =)

I don't know either if it's too much for the road cars. I haven't seen any data either.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Yeah, but you are talking about stop/start driving, where the clutch has to deal with all the torque tranfser trying to get all that weight moving, of course, it's going to be MUCH easier to overheat the clutch in these situations.

I am talking about clutch overheating just through shifting.

I drove the RB4 and the FBM yesterday and the only way I could get the clutch to slip during shifting is if I used the clutch and refused to let off during the shift.

I would slowly wear the clutch during normal shift, which is different than the heating, but never had a problem with heating during normal shifting unless I had missed some shifts and shifted improperly.

There are two components in the clutch bar graph in F9 and F10. One, the yellow area is the actual clutch wear. The second bit, which is red is the wear happening because of overheating. When the bar is red you do not have 100% connection to the driveline through the clutch and the clutch is always slipping.
S2 licensed
So far in any race I have been in this was by far the hardest race I have ever done!
S2 licensed
Woohoo =) Was looking forward to this one
S2 licensed
Having lived in both the UK and the USA last I checked the average wage in the USA is over $37,000 with the average house price just around $200,000

In the UK the average wage is £23,000 and average house prices are just over £200,000.

Now taxes, thats a whole new story.

Sales tax
The UK has a 17% VAT(value added tax, IE sales tax)

The US has a national rate of 5%. Each state can add a % onto this and then again each county can add another %. I want to say average sales tax is around 6%

Income taxes and property taxes.
The UK has nationalized healthcare which consumes roughly 20% of your gross wage. There is also pensions coming out which is some more, then another tax that goes for general government spending. Add those up for someone making under £44,000 it's close to or over 30% of your money gone before it hits the bank. I believe it's $44,000 for the next tax bracket. There is also Council tax for home owners which is about £1200 a year depending on where you live so thats another 5% gone from your wages.

The US has a lower national tax rate and healthcare is privatized so you don't pay as much out of your wages. (IE the company you work for spends money for your wellbeing) Property taxes are around ?$4,000? now? I cannot remember off the top of my head.

There are many more things involved but if you add up all the different taxes the average worker in the UK is having 1/2 their money taken away in tax before they are handed the keys to their new car while in the states it's closer to 35-40%. This gives people in the states a better percentage of their wage for 'stuff' they also make double so the actual amount to spend on 'stuff' is double that of a UK person.
S2 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :Current sims like LFS, RBR and rFactor with RealFeel, have far more advanced force feedback than our wheels can transmit back to us. It would be fairly pointless to improve the software side of the FF considering the lack of fidelity in the wheels. And this comes from someone who uses a G25!

Forgot about that
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz :The forces acting on the front wheel are transmitted up the steering column to the wheel. I doubt there is much that would neeed to change in the FFB code. On the whole each big physics change has improved the FFB because a better simulation of the car improves the forces detail on the front wheels

I wouldn't say for sure but any improvement in the physics will indirectly improve the FFB due to 'better' data for FFB calculations. This is assuming ofcourse that the FFB code is up to snuff to deal with the changes in the data input =)
S2 licensed
I have a buddy at work who bought a set of pedals off Ebay here in the UK for a tenner with the pedals spiking. I just want to clarify the troubleshoot process.

1. Remove casing
2. Check for any loose contacts
3. Check for cracked leads.
4. If no fault found in wiring the pots are probably bad, replace as necessary with new ones that can be found on Use part number found on back panel and/or located on Pot itself. (296XD103B1N (or CT2265-ND for all the series)) Pot can either be glued down or stuck down with blue tack.
5. Once soldered back in place download the latest drivers from Logitech. ... d=411&selectedcid=320 (Click on your pedals in the drop down menu)

Replace cover and test =)
S2 licensed
Guess you will find out when the patch comes out =) Engine inertia is changed too so they will rev differently ( I hope)