The problem is on the CTRA servers we do not allow passengers. Most servers do. What's happening with your setups is that older setups are recognized as having a passenger when in reality they don't. If you take the "Race S" setup and duplicate your older setup you should find that you will be able to race.
It's a bug, but only from older setups and then only when the server creates the rule of no passengers allowed does it show up. Hopefully this works for you =)
As for XRT races the CTRA Race 2 server bounces between the GTR's and the TBO classes so you should be able to find some great racing in there for the XRT. If not you can always try out the GT2 classes of cars, they are tons of fun too =)
The announcement wasn't ideal for anyone involved. =) VAT free because its under 18 pounds =) Least thats how I think it works :scratchhead: No posts yet because nobody has posted =)
Will have to wait to see what Vykos does with the CTRA league rules used for sanctioning leagues but it shouldn't be too dissimilar to the ones used for on track infractions for the STCC. I will hope to post more up on the ESport website and I am sure Vykos will be posting more stuff up on the website soon aswell.
True =) The GTS-R they also came in a street version which only changed enough to meet safety requirements and it was called the GT2. But your right.
So we step aside from that, all anyone has told me so far is that the Viper cannot handle because Jeremy Clarkson said so. To me that sounds a bit like mob mentality and nobody is actually thinking for themselves. Do I need to post data again?
Tristan, I know you use a datalogger when you race, how much can your lateral 'G's tell you? What I am getting at here is there were claims that performance data doesn't mean anything which is not true.
What is true that unless you have tested each vehicle on the same day, at the exact same time, with the exact same conditions you will never get an exactly perfect picture. I realize that. But you honestly think that the results could be messed up so badly that the figures mean nothing? I think not.
You would have to take data from multiple tests taken over a period of time to get a perfect picture, but they do give a good idea on what the vehicle is capable of.
At least I woke some people up =) I enjoy TopGear but come on people do you really believe 1/2 of what they say? I take everything with a grain of salt. They are on TV for one purpose, entertainment. It's always good fun to watch people arsing around in cars, but jeez.
Since I pissed even more people off here are some facts about the stig. While these are not really facts just more rumor. Nobody really knows besides the TopGear crew.
"For the first two seasons, The Stig was Perry McCarthy, a former Formula One driver as well as a test driver for three F1 teams. A new Stig took over from McCarthy after the original Stig's "demise" at the beginning of Season 3. On the 18 March 2006 the former Stig, Perry McCarthy, revealed that currently there is no one single test driver, but multiple test drivers who masquerade as the Stig; he said this when he appeared at a Palmer Sport activity day in Bedfordshire, UK. Rumours have it that one of the new Stigs is Damon Hill and occasionally Colin McRae. And in January 2006, the Daily Express claimed that the identity of The Stig is former Formula 1 driver Julian Bailey."
You all can keep on believing your stupid American Stereotypes You are shown facts and don't believe them
Here is the GT1 Website. Ferrari has of this year Bumped Dodge off the top spot for Manufacturer wins, but then someone is bound to when Dodge pulled their funding on their GT1 cars and Dodge has not been competing since 2004. Dodge still has the top spot in the makes wins, that will probably change next year though too. It's taken 3 years for the other manufacturers to catch up though =)
Hehe =) It does show something, it shows that the Stig Can't drive, if he could he would be running real races =) Didn't they have an F1 driver show up and run a lap time 3 seconds quicker than the Stig?
You can't really believe much of anything on Top Gear. The show is for entertainment purposes only.
Well there is a Supercar Calender up here at work and the Viper is July's car. Right after the Ferreri 430 and before the Konegggzzkkke. It's all down to preference concerning Supercar status.
However saying that the vette has better handling than the Viper isn't accurate at all. The Viper comes with a tube chassis that is boxed in. The corvette comes with a unibody chassis. I had a chat with Dave the Crewchief for Cindy Lux that runs the GT Vipers in the States. Dave said that they orginally tried running the Vette but when they started pushing the car their whole setup went sloppy. This was because of the unibody and they switched to the Viper and since then have domintated the National GT races.
Here is a comparision from Edmunds of the 2008 Viper and Z06.
Go check the FIA GT1 site, As of a few months ago it was still number 1 on the all time wins and championships for GT1. The reason why it gets stated the way it does in car mags and shows is that is what people think, which is not the case, just a mentality that people have of american cars. It just isn't true. Slalom numbers will give you how well the car can transition which will give you a good figure for racing. For the Viper your over 75MPH nearing 80 for a 700' slalom. Another thing is that the car does require a bit more finesse because of the additional torque. Nobody wants to hear that an American car can actually handle.
Where is everyone coming up that the Viper cannot handle? Then or now? Where is your proof because the numbers sure don't show that, the oposite actually.
As much realism as you can get =) I used a clutch and shifter on my Momo until the upshift stopped working. I have a gated shifter in the states, but I have not sent it over yet. Once I get that I will be back to manual clutch again =)
Performance (2008 base model):
0-60: 3.5 sec.
0-100: 7.6 sec.
quarter mile: 11.6 sec @ 128 mph
top speed: 202 mph
slalom: 70+ mph
skidpad average g: 1.06 g
100-0: 270 ft
If thats not supercar performance I am on crack =) true Dodge classes these cars more towards a musclecar. But in reality it still has a wicked suspension. Dodge left FIA GT1 in ?2001? and they are still ranked number 1 for all time wins and championships. They would still be in it today if it were not for political reasons. (IE the leagues wanted too much money from the car manufacturers to let the car run type stuff, so Dodge has pulled factory funding for virtually every type of racing with the exception of NASCAR which is just a running commercial anyways)
I know nobody really mentioned it but I wanted to squash the idea that Dodge's cannot be a supercar because they cannot turn. It's more like the drivers driving these cars cannot cope with the massive amounts of torque these engines produce.
For me my favorite supercar is the 2008 Dodge SRT-10 ACR, big brother to my little ACR =)
For a practicle performance car I chose the fastest FWD to ever hit the market. 30 MPG 0-60 in 5.3 and slalom above 70mph and skidpad nearing .96 all for 12,000GBP shipped new =)
Think bigger picture. Step away from the driving perspective and look at it from an entertainment view.
What drives F1? Is it the drivers? No it's the spectators. If there were no spectators there would be no F1 like it is today.
If there was a simulation that did these things well and they created a quality show from them there is no reason why it's not feasible other than the processing power of todays computers limiting the simulation.
Niels: This is =) 0100100100100111011011010010000001100001001000000110011101100101011001010110101100100000011101110110100101110100011010000010000001101100011010010111010001110100011011000110010100100000011000110110100001100001011011100110001101100101001000000110111101100110001000000110010101110110011001010111001000100000011100000110110001100001011110010110100101101110011001110010000001110111011010010111010001101000001000000110011001100101011011010110000101101100011001010010000001100111011001010110111001100101011101000110000101101100011010010110000100100001
I saw someone threw some hex in there too =) When we get down to it everything we do on a computer ends up talking in this language or another language similar.