I am not big into the radical bodykits, all I am intested in is how fast it will go and from the sounds of it that engine is stock, man i would hate to be that engine all that extra weight with the bodykits and the subs, the subs alone probably add a couple hundered pounds no wonder the car only does 95 down the motorway!
If you like being a showoff then it's the car for you but I would hate to be you when someone wants to race you. they would probably think that you forgot to let the mice out of the cage before the light turned green.
I am picking on it but don't let that get you down, if you like it then forget what other people think. Their opinions don't mean squat if you get a nice warm fuzzy feeling when you walk up to your car.
Yes and no, his quali was very sub par to begin with and he was going to be midpack at best for quali. The system did hand him a harsh grid start but it wasn't overly bad, his qualify was simply poor and was close to where he belonged
Yeah he could have pulled off a decent finish if he kept his head on strait.
But dealing with stress and high pressure environments is the name of the game, and he bombed it miserably. A very poor race from this awesome driver. Yes he was dealt with a fairly unfair hand, but that doesn't mean you have to lose your cool.
Yes but they are only registered as a temporary import so they are not subject to as many rules and stuff, and besides the car isn't going to be perminently in the UK =P I probably know the guy your talking about, he's on SRT Forums quite a bit.
Still 1 out of 2 in the UK isn't bad, I think that guy is moving soon aswell =)
I would like to have a Corrado, they are excellent machines from that era =)
Are you sure that that wasn't from the USA military Bases? I am thinking I will have the only perminent ACR in the country but I have not way to know for sure. I plan on going to the nationals this year =)
Yeah hehe that car is expensive. Honestly I would go with a Civic due to the fact that there are parts everywhere for them. Personally though I hate the engines, they are gutless with no torque and you have to revv them up the wazzu, but hey whatever floats your boat, I grew up with American V8's and I have always been a fan of torque.
If you like Mopar wait until you see an ACR =) Mine should be here by the end of March =) went to your site BTW, very nice and I will look at it more tomorrow =)
You guys have to switch the heads on the car for emissions? I know it's a hemi head but cmon =) it's not that bad.
I don't know how it works in Germany but in the UK if the vehicle is held within the country by the same person for at least a year you do not have to pay the tax on it. There is still an MOT done on it though and they switch out the headlights and put in a rear fog light but emission wise the car is fine for the UK. The only thing that causes a problem is the mufflerless exhaust which has too high of a decebel rating for road use but since it's factory they let it through.
VXR is on par with the ACR but has slower acceleration. A very nice car though but costs alot more than any SRT-4. Never could see if the VXR came with an LSD or not.
Nothing wrong with importing a car. I don't know the cost but they wouldn't be that much, Military guys stationed there can buy them new at $22k which is 16k Euro's new. You could probably get your hands on one for 12K Euro's or so if you searched well.
The car is perfectly realistic, affordable, economical, and just plain fun to drive =)
Or you can step up from the Neon R/T and get an SRT-4
By far the hottest hatch on the market, it will eat Civics for breakfast and then spit out STi's and Evo's after dinner. Not the new ones ofcourse but 05 and older IIRC.
Dodge SRT-4's are only sold in the USA but I bet if you looked around the US military bases there you would come up with one.
I ran 13.7's in the 1/4 mile with my 05 ACR. The handling is on par with a Civic TypeR with the standard Model and with the ACR model your looking closer to Miata handling numbers. The SRT-4 comes with everything, mufflerless exhaust, Dodge Viper racing seats, forced induction with intercooler (1BAR or 14PSI)
Insurance is cheap because it's still based on the Neon. In the states I paid less than 60 dollors a month while my cousin was paying over 200 for his Camaro.
Fuel milage isn't bad either at 30MPG.
The power that these cars produce is phenominal and it will leave the line like a rocket. I have been asked multiple times if my car was AWD, which i'ts not, only FWD but has a factory LSD in the 04 and 05.
HP: 230 BHP (270 at the engine) @ 5275
Torque: 250 FT/LBS from @ 2200-4400
The cost should be right around 10,000 or so if you find a used one, maybe a bit more, don't know the market over there.
Sounds good to me, I usually run 36% or so with AWD's to prevent tires from overheating. I don't care for XFG but I will live XRG is much more fun to drive than the snowplow.
Well I sent in the paperwork to ship my car in yesterday afternoon. Last night my brother called and they are picking up the car today to send to the docks. If all goes well I will be driving my car by the end of March =) Talk about a quick ship =)
7 days @US dock (quarintine)
17 day on the boat
3 days @UK dock (quarintine)
they ship once a week so I could see my car as early as the 17th of March!!!! :drool:
Considering that as of yesterday there wasn't any paperwork done I am amazed so far on how fast this will take. I was expecting it to be the second week in April.
Somthings building up somewhere, odd I donno, maybe it happens on mine too I get lag jumps every few laps where the game freezes for a second. I also noticed that it does go a bit choppy after I have played a while.