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S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Cheers man, cheques in the post, love you to mate

Seriously though, everyone I have met IRL to do with LFS has been a cool person, all the chaps I met at the karting event, and the devs are all decent down to earth people who you would have no qualms about spending a bit of time with.

=) I think this would go for alot of people playing LFS. As a whole drivers in in LFS are fairly responsible and good people to know =)

I hope to eventually meet alot of the UK LFSers now that I have immigrated from the states =)

Sam, When is your next UKCT party? A big bash to celibrate the end of the STCC season maybe?
:drink::bannana_g:ernaehrun:slap: :rock_band :hidesbehi

Fordman, have you told Tristain yet that you want to drag him along when you come my way? =P
S2 licensed
If you want to give more money to the devs just simply keep buying licenses =)
S2 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :would like to point something out that may not be true to everywhere in the uk.

where i live near aberdeen, my dad is in middle managment at the harbour. I have been at the harbour before. there are maybe 20 or so of these huge silos that contain the same oil, the same petrol, the same diesel. At 9pm a shell truck will come and fill itsself with "shell petrol / desiel" then maybe 20 mins later a BP will come, fill itself from the same tank. Tesco truck- same fuel same for asda, and all those other places. so for people in the aberdeen area, you are being conned if you go to a BP store for 95p / gallon (litres maybe, dont pay attention lol) where you can go to tesco and get it for 87p / litre

It's also possible that say BP has the higher price because it costs them that much more to get it to the same store than it would Tesco.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Made it, phew, was a bit of a bottom clencher though, filled up, and my car has a 60 litre tank, it took 58 litres, so it was quite close to being empty, but the OBC still read around 60 miles left, go figure..........

Glad to see you made it =)
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I believe so, although I have very limited experience with diesels. The reason is the fuel pump in a diesel is made with very tight tolerences, and requires the fuel (oil) to lubricate it. Attempting to make it pump dry (or with petrol in it) will quickly knacker it.

Of course, the owners manual should inform you whether it's required on your particular car.

Yes and the car manufacturers also use the fuel to cool the pump off so if you are running it low the pump is not submirged and you could cause fuel pump issues. Older cars this is a non-issue because the pump is either on top the tank or along the rail being able to cool better, but with the new cars it's near the bottom of the tank and they can get quite warm when they are trying to pump 200plus LPH (well in my case I think it's 175 or 200)
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :well, I might quote (again) BMW F1 Testdriver Timo Glock: "Wow, that really gets close to the real thing, I wanna play with the setups" after playing LFS. And honestly, if no one comes up with something at least comparable by one of the 4 guys that drive a BMW F1 irl about the rf-sauber, this is the ultimate judgement atm.

=) These are the comments that usually get buried =)

Vykos69 This isn't the best place for this but I wanted to publicly say Sorry for any harsh words that I have said previously. It was nothing against you or anything that you work on and I was being immature (hmm go figure)

MoE is a great league, Muroc has tried to field cars before but we have always fell short and had to pull out. Goes to show what kind of caliber of teams enter MoE, that or how poor Muroc is at attending league races, I would guess a bit of both.
S2 licensed
Yep RF was based on old ISI physics platform that was modified. The FFB is done with pure effects and nothing is calculated, I have the game but it's nothing to write home about, nice to have real tracks, couldn't be fussed about real cars though as long as the cars handled realisticly.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :I assume this is because of the cornering forces?

prevents the diff from seperating under corners that really don't need it while still allowing the diff to open up easy for the tough corners like a hairpin which if you set pressure alone wouldn't open as easy if you didn't have preload and set the diff to say 90% in LFS terms.

If there was preload you could set the diff to say 40% letting the diff open up earlier in the hairpin allowing the car to turn easier for longer. While preventing the diff from unloading the power in a faster, less radiused corner. At least this is how I interpet preload. I could be totally wrong.
S2 licensed
Preload in a factory car? Never knew it was that big of a deal, most cars I know of are open diff. anyways.

the Race cars would benafite from this but Preload alone isn't going to make LFS any better. Slow/fast dampening rates would help with the addition of the "third" spring into the formula cars. Then taking ideas from GTR having an option to increase or fdecrease brake ducting and having the brakes fade, I could keep going =)

dynamic weather =)

ok I will shut up, we have all heard this before.
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :Well! I stand corrected.

Thats the Spirit =)

Take it as a learning experience =)

Nobody expects everyone to know everything, and people learn the "wrong" facts. Thankfully you were nice enough to realize that instead of resorting to flamming which many people tend to do when someone says they are wrong =)

I am so proud of you

ok back to seriousness, Mrodgers is right =)

Been snowing the last couple days here in the UK, still nothing on the ground though.
S2 licensed
My someone ate too many wheaties this morning.

@Col I think your right, I see it all the time on the TV. Someone pushes clothing on the TV marketwise (like showing a commercial a bazillion time in one night) and mysterously the next week or two you will see everyone and their mom walking around with the same pair of jeans or shirt.

Nobody really thinks 100% for themselves and because of that you have marketing and sales pitches =)
S2 licensed
The 3 bedroom nextdoor to me just went for 325,000 pounds. My Wife and I will be lucky to find a 2 bedroom house for less than 180,000....
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Yes, rF is finished and supports modding.
It's hardly a shock than an incomplete product loses out to a complete one. Ask them again in a couple of years time and I think the outcome will be a little different.

I think so too, RF isn't the greatest when it comes to physics and FFB. I realize it's down to the mod but I haven't felt a mod yet that lightens the wheel up under oversteer conditions, which should at least happen in the extreme cases.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Can't blame Intel for choosing rFactor... afterall the had the bigger deal with a better looking car and a few official F1 circuits to go with it

This isn't about physics, it's about who markets their game in such a way that it takes it to the next level in news like this.... and quite frankly, LFS doesn't do squat for marketing their game unfortuneately. And we should act stunned LFS isn't mentioned in such things? Hell, it's a given.

Still there are more people that play LFS than RF. But it isn't really about that like you said it's all about marketing =)
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :True, but the thing is that only a few people in LFS does that, and Chaz is definately not one of them. That statistic is nothing but impressive.
Though it could be that the competition i Australia isn't as good as in Europe

Possibly, but not by much I bet, alot of fast drivers everywhere =)
S2 licensed
Quote from fujiwara :Ok.
Since almost no one knows this guy, i'll say just this:

You can put him on the same level as MacEST, Norbi, Lefty ....

Hotlap wise maybe, but there's a big difference in racing these guys and keeping up with them =)

Not saying that he's not fast, just never heard of him, not saying he's not a good racer either. Just don't see him in anything so can't really compair =)
S2 licensed
Cmon guys put the swords down playtime is over, your going to get this thread locked...
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :Nice stats atleast.

Races won:2406Second:680Third:294Finished:3795


They don't mean a whole lot you could rack up thousands of wins if you ran solo on a private 1 lap server with a couple buddies being filler. Not saying they don't mean anything but there are many ways to mess with the data by running races like I just said.
S2 licensed
Quote from goode400 :I'm in,

PM me with the address for paypal?

I'm in Oxford too....might take you up on that - if you're still offering?

Sure, still room for 3 more =) well 2 if you don't like riding in the middle.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Hahaha, exceptional math and verbal skills.

Haha we know from your result alone that the test doesn't mean anything =P

S2 licensed
Bah only 77 here
S2 licensed
Hehe yeah these tests mean absolutly nothing, but still fun =)
S2 licensed
Your IQ score is 135!
S2 licensed
Funny how when someone is shown hard facts they plainly ignore it. Sounds like someone is having a complex of poor me syndrom.

Look at me look at me I am a demo user and I get picked on and discriminated against!

I will repost what I said a few posts ago incase your missed it the first time...

Quote from Viper93 :Another thing is exactly how many people slag demo users? 10? 30? 50? There is over 15k users registered on LFS forums giving you : pulls out calculator: If 50 people slagged demo users that’s 1/3 of 1% of just the forum users or .33333% This isn't including the 30k plus LFS S2 registered people. Bringing that number in 1/2 again. I think there are even more S2 users than 30k come to think of it.

Saying that many people slag Demo users on this forum just isn't correct. Yes there are some bad apples but as a whole we welcome with open arms =)

There is a relatively small group of people that hit Demo users hard that actively using the forum, please don't mind them, they don't know what they are on =)

S2 licensed
Track environments
Fern Bay 6417 laps 8784 miles 14137 km

Track configurations

Fern Bay Club 3991 laps 3991 miles 6423 km

MRT5 4274 laps 5676 miles 9134 km


Track environments
Autocross 66 laps 46 miles 74 km

Track configurations
Fern Bay Rallycross Rev 10 laps 13 miles 21 km

FZ50 10 laps 35 miles 56 km

I have always liked shorter tracks. All of my seattime in the MRTwas in S1 =)