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S2 licensed
Welcome =)
S2 licensed
Well "Steam" works but it's very very very slow.

I am having problems also. I think its more an ISP thing though. Sometimes I can connect just fine, albeit significantly higher pings, while other times I am refused connection to the master server. I am also having problems with TS and accessing steam.
Last edited by Viper93, .
S2 licensed
This would be outdoor.

There is the Daytona 50 that we could do on the 14th at 1600 ... on%20keynes&type=open
S2 licensed
whichever the kart, I don't care! I would like to go karting though, does everyone agree with racing at MK?
S2 licensed
It will be nice to see LFS do this eventually. I see LFS heading into the problem that system requirements will start going up once this is put in the game.

As for tracks I would like to goto MK. I have heard good things about it and I heard the karts themselves are very good too. There is a problem with people coming to the track though.
S2 licensed
well the idea so far is Milton Keynes Daytona, price is between 50 and 75 pounds. these from what I understand are twin 200CC karts.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :That's what I do. Just join a server with a combo you fancy and start a quali session. Before you know it a couple of people will have joined you. Once you get to about 4 or 5 racers it starts to snowball and you can often end up with a full server

I have seen that on our Muroc server too =)
S2 licensed
Welcome! Don't get discouraged =P
S2 licensed
I thought so too, but good karting tracks cost this much from what I have seen. Paintballing costs about the same. And it's good fun =P
S2 licensed
Well I know they have twin200CC karts. From what I hear they are VERY good and the facilities and track are top notch. I have driven by the track many times and the circuits look very nice. This is outdoor.
S2 licensed
Well there is the North Circuit GP Open Heats on the 21st of Janurary for 45 pounds. That sounds like a nice idea. Lets plan for that date and see if anyone else would like to come =P

Leifde: Is there any nice tracks in your area?
S2 licensed
Sweet, well thats 5.

Rob (brother-in-law) Weirdly he is born on the EXACT same day as me...
Senna (srry, forgot your real name, what is it btw? =P)

Any more takers? ... on%20keynes&type=open

There is also the daytona Cup challenge for 45 pounds that looks interesting at the end of Janurary. Any other ideas from anyone for the end of Janurarybegining of feburary timeframe?
Last edited by Viper93, .
S2 licensed
That sounds good I will have to talk to Becky again but she said she would be willing to go.

I also have my brother-in-law that wants to go, almost there, need at least 6 =)
S2 licensed
Well since nobody has decided to respond I have decided to go to Milton Keynes.

Anyone willing to do the Ironman 50 or 60? Near the end of Janurary? the cost is 75pounds.
S2 licensed
IMO the best cars to start with would be the UF1 XFG or XRG, preferably the XRG. They are slow, not just with acceleration but the car in general is just slow with reacting or acting on things and would give you a good start into really learning to play LFS.

If you have to drive single seaters I would start off in the FOX or MRT-5, probably the MRT, learn a couple tracks within a second or so of WR then start thinking about moving into the F08 and more tracks.

When I started LFS I put in over 1500 laps in the MRT at FE club to get the basics down and by then I was running within a second of WR. I didn't spend all my time at that track, but learning one track/car very well will give you an idea on how to drive the next config and how hard the car can be pushed.

I had a good 7-8k miles in the game by the time I had put 1500 laps into FE club too. Take your time, have patience and most of all practice! I think I am at a good 4-5k laps now at FE club in all the cars=/ Goodluck =)
S2 licensed
Well I have heard of cars having too large of exhausts. Mainly in NA'd cars due to not enough back pressure at the exhaust valves. I think this can cause stuttering at lower RPM. Which would cause all sorts of wierd noises.

Dual 3 inch sounds way too much for that little engine! Jeez my brothers Hemi only has 2.5inch. My fathers 6.0 or 6.1 in his Chevy only has 2.5 also. 3 inch would be great at RPM but would give you problems low RPM I would think.
S2 licensed
N2003 was decent but I definatly wouldn't say the physics were amazing. Online play for me was very jumpy at best too.
S2 licensed
"Offically Quoted" by BBT "sssssssssss" and "ffffffffff"

I can see what he is saying though they could use a bit more "ssssss" in the turbo noise. What's there sounds good but it's missing this IMO.

They should align with boost PSI and not engine RPM like Jeff said.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Imho, LFS has sounded pretty good on lower revs but the problem is the higher revs, especially the point just before upshift. This was the biggest problem with the FO8 (before U32). Just by listening to the sound I couldn't tell when to upshift, I had to completely rely on the shift light. What I was expecting the sound patch to concentrate on was mainly the high-revs stuff. I have always thought that what makes LFS sound "bad" is the higher revs stuff and I was a bit disappointed that most effort was put to change the sounds to something else and leaving the core of the problem untouched.

If we go into technical stuff, I guess LFS already does pretty well the basic engine sound related stuff which have big effects on the sound. Like the firing order, engine size and engine type. What it doesn't do is all the mechanic noises coming from engine and the combustion sound created inside the engine when the fuel burns and as a result the shockwaves travel in the air through the manifolds finally exiting the exhaust pipes. There is not enough variation. In real life, every piston stroke sounds a bit different, the fuel burns slightly differently every time and the result is more variable and "wandering" instead of being static sound played at exactly certain frequency. Different types of engines have special characteristics as well. And not leaving out the obvious, valves, valves per cylinder, fuel injection or carburetor, manifolds materials and the level of the engine tuning. These all need to be chosen before you can start creating the sounds. Just making it sounds like inline-4 without turbo won't make it achievable if you are using any kind of dynamic synthetised system, like in LFS. It just won't work and you can hear this in the BF1 in U32.

As I listened Todd's engine sound sample, my first thoughts were quite similar to what tweaker said. Too metallic and "I only hear distortion and and too much static treble". Couldn't agree more. It sounds nice and all but it doesn't sound much like sitting inside a real car. I'm not sure whether Scawen was joking about adding the window opening as a setup option but imho there's much more to it. (I'd like to see the chance of opening the windows on the quieter cars.) The car structure and padding (the FZ50 is obviously more quiet at 60mph than the XFG for example) play major part with these. Are you seeing where I'm going with this? Car classes. Car types, more specifically speaking, the level of race prepping done to the car. Is it stock, only competition equipment being driver's helmets and overalls? Is it slightly tuned road legal car with possibly steel manifolds (not cast iron), race seats (originals replaced), engine tweaked (more high power instead of low rev torque). Does it have rollcage. Stripped interiors? These have quite noticable effect on how the car sounds, how and what you hear sitting inside it. Is the car new or old? What kind of brakes it has?

And it should not be all about engine and drivetrain. The addition of drivetrain whines was a good thing but as said it doesn't sound too good. Take the UF1 for example. An old car with no sound proofing. The engine and gearbox are not very well "separated" from the cockpit meaning that a lot vibrations and resonance gets through. At 40mph the dash starts shaking. At 50mph the wind noise is unbearable and at 60mph the steering wheel shakes, the seat vibrates, the suspensions rattles and squeeks as you go over bumps. It feels like the car is ready to take off. Even the slightest bump makes a sound and you can hear it. Driving a real car at high speeds feels so totally different because you have millions of different sounds giving you information and distracting you at the same time. Every time you go over a kerb or lift one tire opff the ground you hear a sound. And it is a scary sound. I know adding these additional sounds is hard and impossible even in compatible patch, but not impossible with time and commiment.

Also the sound that you hear when you collide with another car is wrong. The best crash sound is imho in Nascar 2003. I have been in real accident and the sound you hear in N2003 is spot on. Head-on collision with another car. It is not a "shriek". Also the car-tirewall collision sounds are way off. It is not a "klonk".

One thing about the transmission whines. There is always play on the transmission. This is easily heard when traveling at slow speeds and you lift your foot off the throttle and the car kind of slows down with hesitation. Also the frequency of the transmission whine is way too high. The UFR sounds at 120kph like the XRR should sound at 200kph. At low revs and 2nd gear speeds the transmission whine should have a lot lower frequency and they should be more louder than they are. Also there is no transmission whine in the UF1. This car should defenately have transmission whine.

What about brake squeel, suspension sounds and backfiring? Please take your time and work with the sounds more. They are not good.

I second this quote by hyperactive. I enjoy the new sounds now that I have had enough time to listen to every car around the track but there is still plenty missing. A good step in the right direction though
S2 licensed
I think the sounds themselves are nothing to write home about. But from reading the posts on them I think the way they are brought to us is better and leaves alot of room for improvement and this could be a great way to have sound!

In GTR they use samples, while at full throttle they sound nice they lack their luster at anything but. I think the way LFS is doing the sound could overcome that and should be great for LFS, once it's completed fully with sounds that are not so flat.
S2 licensed
I already died :bananadea:banghead::something

The way drifting is made out to the public it's not racing. It could be possibly so that drifting would be the fastest way around the track, but then your heading into WRC realm anyways and I wouldn't consider that drifting.

Drifting does require control of a vehicle and it's ok to watch, fun sometimes but to me it's not racing it's an art form like figure skating or ice dancing. You never hear the Figure skaters say they are trying to go as fast as possible around the rink do you?
S2 licensed
Hehe I wasn't going to say anything Becky but for all the City Life people out there it should be great fun =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :

Especially with your nifty pseudo-locking differential
If you die can I have your car? Your wife has her own right?

LOL Sure if you plan on shipping it back fron England

Hehe yeah this diff they have in the car is very nice, the 250 pounds of toque helps a bit too =) Powerslide here I come =) and people say FWD's understeer *pffft* =) "Look Ma I can see where I am going while looking out the drivers side window" =)
S2 licensed
Live for Speed Votes 409 or 57.850070721358%
Edit: 437 or 58.974358974359 Go :lfs: =)
Last edited by Viper93, .