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S2 licensed
[quote=andybarsblade;409910][quote=Viper93;409876]The older evo's are not as fast as the new ones,

check again...
1/4 mile times
evo 1 = 13.70
evo 2 = 13.52
evo 3 = 13.35
evo 4 = 13.56
evo 5 = 13.59
evo 6 = 13.61
evo 7 = 13.72
evo 8 = 13.75
evo 9 = 13.27 (however thats a fq300 not a stock gsr 280 bhp)[/quote]

a 1/2 second is a big difference =)
S2 licensed
The older evo's are not as fast as the new ones, still really fast though. TBH there really isn't that much of a difference but a couple tenths is still faster =)

Yeah FWD's always have traction problems at low speeds =) But if you get an engine that actually makes some good torque at low RPM it's workable and you can get a FWD to launch as hard as a RWD if done properly. Everyone thought I had AWD the way I was coming off the line last year. ... e/articles/0-60times.html

I use that site alot for factory 1/4 mile times.
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :give me a 2nd hand evo or impreza all day long, cheap as chips and rapid in all weather,

dont really car about drag civics ect doing 7 sec 1/4's cos there about as simular to a stock civic as an F15,

saying that a boxter s is abit of a rich guys girlfriends car to drive to the hair dressers in lol

LOL yeah the car is, but everyone likes a Porsche would you prefer another car?

06 S2000? Lambo Countach S? RX-8? Merc S500? 05 and older STi's? Evo's? (The new STi and Evo are wicked, I wouldn't stand a chance, but the older ones would have a tough time)

Sure you could bring the second hand car arugment out, then I could still say that bang for your buck a FWD for the same cost of a RWD or AWD car would have a better performance due to the fact you can use the money saved on the car to put into modifications =)

I wasn't saying with this that you can buy an OLD car cheaper than you can buy a NEW one, everyone knows that most cars depereciate over time.

TBH I would take an older RWD or AWD over my FWD for a track-day car, but then you run into problems of relaibility and wear. Yes the new car will have these problems aswell but nowhere near the issues an older car could have. Then you have the issue of daily driving, insurance, tax, and fuel. which in all probability a FWD will have the smallest issue in all those categories.

My reference to the 1/4 mile times was an attempt to show the ultimate performance a FWD could offer engine wise, I fully realize that those engines have virtually nothing in common with their factory counterpart.
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :yeah not many fast fwd cars, shows the limit of the fwd chassis

Well... I would say the limit that people think it should be.

In Speed GT and TC the FWD TC's were putting in laps that would have put them into the GT field at Denver last year.

1/4 mile times for civics and SRT's are in the 7 seconds with trap speeds over 180 MPH making potential for sub 7 second FWD drag cars.

Many people feel that FWD's cannot compete with other cars with different drivetrains because of how different they are to drive. Not saying they are ideal, but they can compete just like any other drivetrain, they just have not been around performance wise for very long and will need time to develop the driving skills and the cars to be able to compete with the best out there.

Already FWD's are edging closer with cars like the SRT-4 and the Super Mini. Giving a cheaper performance solution to drivers who love to go fast on a very small budget.

Example: 2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR 2005d.............Porsche Boxter S
Price $23,000(including ACR package) ...............$53,000+ 58,000 as tested
HP 230 (in reality it's 270, 230 at the wheels) .....280
1/4 mile 13.8 (drivers have seen 13.6's)..............3.8 (Both by C&D IIRC)
0-60 5.3......................................................5.2
Top Speed 152 (revlimited) .............................166
60-0 110ft................................................... 107ft.
slalom 76MPH ...............................................73MPH
skidpad .96 ....................................................97

Then start talking about insurance. It cost me $60 a month for a 24 year old male unmarried. They wouldn't even consider me with the Boxter. In the UK I am looking at a slightly larger insurance bill but only due to me not having a UK license. The SRT-4 is classed in group 8 for insurance I believe.

Skidpad shows the SRT-4 cannot grip as well factory, but with the slalom shows that it can throw it's weight around better and reacts slightly quicker to a change in direction. This data is with the ACR suspension package, the non ACR SRT-4 while impressive in a strait line cannot handle as well as the ACR, but still the standard SRT-4's performance is on the top rung of the FWD market outhandling even the mighty type-R.

Numbers are not everything though, hopefully by the end of the summer I can either say that the SRT-4 will out-perform a Boxter S on a racetrack or not. My gut feeling is no, but these numbers say that they 'should' be the same with a competent driver. My car is finally in the UK and I am currently working on collecting the funds to buy a GPS data logger for my car for track-days at Brands, Snetty, and Castle to name a few I would like to get to. tires may be another issue though....
Last edited by Viper93, .
S2 licensed
*post deleted due to the pointless arguments surround the OVAL VS. ROAD RACING discussion....*
S2 licensed
Drag racing can be fun =) I have done it a bit in my car beating out a Roush Stage 2 Mustang and a C5 Corvette (don't ask me how I shouldn't have had a chance =)

Because they use a substance called VHT which is basically like liquid rubber the first part of the track is very sticky and is nothing like trying to launch a car on the road. Priniples are the same but the actual grip available is phenominol. For me the first 60 feet on street tires were done in 2.1 seconds alone.

I think thats the most fun drag racing... trying to get the car to launch as hard and as fast as you can without bogging the engine down, with a factory vehicle that is. There is so much traction available with just street tires it's crazy =)
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :

thats awesome for car performance stats

Shame they don't put american cars on there. My car would be at the top of the list for FWD's....
S2 licensed
Joined UKCT

Cmon UKCT get some laps in so I can use your setup data =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :a) You may wish to get an idea of what the attraction would be. Fifteen people standing in a car park saying "now what?" would be somewhat amusing.
b) Whoever suggests the idea typically organises it, I'm not sure a 14-year old who starts spammy threads is really the best person. Sorry. Just there have been enough problems with 14 year old spammy types in the past...

Man Ben you took that personally =) 14yr olds are 14yr olds and you should only expect what you get and nothing more =) Nothing against young people but they tend to be.... flakey.... I think is agood term for it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Yeah I could use a ride Chris.

Haha =) You wish =) I had to force myself to close firefox today after I had a set of SS brake lines and Hawk HP+ pads to go around. I also had a set of Energysuspension bushings in there to get rid of the wheel hop under hard braking. It was so hard to close the window =)

Quote from thisnameistaken :Via York? You've got a fast car, right? Shouldn't be too much of an issue for you then.

I could do but the fuel goes rather quickly when WOTing =) If you got a train to oxford I could come pick you up. The car is fast enough (0-60 in 5.3 from Motortrend I believe, not bad for a car that cost me less than 15kGBP)

Will be fun to see a LFSer out there running in RL =) Should be a fun day, cmon you know you all want to come =)
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Number 41

At the moment our qual/practice session is scheduled for 1025 - 1045, and our race is the last one on the list at 1745 for 15 laps. However, poor turn out might mean our race is amalgamated with the other Mono runners, so we could be racing at 1425 (i.e. 3 hours earlier).

Feel free to find me during lunch or something, unless I'm in solitary confinement crapping myself

I will come cheer you on Tristan =) Anyone need a lift from the Oxford area? My car's here now =)
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Yeah.. but if she threw a sicky.. they might fire her. Heaven forbid they do that!

I've been cursing this company up one side and down the other, to Becky, for a few months now. Becky's worst enemy is her own loyalty to people who would sooner take a dump on her forehead than pay her the money she's ALREADY owed.

Thats sadly what usualy ends up happening to the nice people =(

Sorry to hear it Becky Hope you can figure out something =)
S2 licensed
grats =)
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :theirishnoob, correct me if I'm wrong but from the DP1 thread, you seem to be under the impression that 4WD cars can't drift?

Some dynos under-read, others over-read, ambient temperature makes a big difference, so does altitude. I've heard of BMWs producing 30-50 odd hp more on a dyno than what BMW claims they produce. In short, your measurements could be affected by so many factors that you probably shouldn't say them without evidence of those factors being accounted for and measured as well.

EDIT: Oh by the way, the 507hp said by BMW is at the flywheel, not on the wheels as Jeff just reminded me.

400 at the wheels sounds about right for an engine making just over 500 at the crank.
S2 licensed
Anyone know any mods in RSC that are sympethetic to LFS'ers. My RSC account seems to be locked and I cannot post on anything. It's been like that for months, there is never really intersting on RSC to post about so I never did anything about it... Any ideas anyone?
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :well, some more infos and stats on the event:

This first intel racing tour ran for more than a year, with:

- ~ 170 days opened
- ~ 25000 participants.
- ~ 10 finalists, place 2-9 won PCs (different stuff in it)
- ~ Place 1: BMW M6, used, ~worth 60-80k euros. And driven once by Nick Heidfeld

The final was done in a short warmup, a qualifying of 10 minutes and a race of 15 laps (including 2times 2 laps of pacecar, do give spun out guys a chance again). Danny was slow throughout whole warmup and qualifying, nils nailed pole until last minute of Q, then Danny ensured the pole. Through the race, nils wasnt more than 2 secs away from Danny, and simon stange was all the time right behind them, up to last 2laps, when first simon spun out (comment by Nick Heidfeld: "Oooooh, that was close, a shame, now he spun, but he's not in your team, right?" - Me: "No" - N.H.:"Well, then it's not that bad" ) and then Nils attacked with all his skill he could give to get Danny. Out of last corner Danny had enough room and went for the win. Hell break loose and the rest is just a big Hollywoodmovieparty

Anything else? Hmm, the champagne this evening spent was prolly more expensive than the M6, nils ate a glass of beer, we had one hell of a good party and I'm a full time Nick Heidfeld fan now, knowing that he's a racer from head to toe, watched our LFS guys racing with full interest, he even put me to situations: "Watch, now they are side by side". After the first two minutes of talking he fastly realised that we have some kind of idea of what he's doing out there really. All respect to him for also giving Danny the ride of his Life.

Haha awesome!! =) Grats to Danny =) What an amazing win =)

Quote from Vykos69 :He hadnt time to test it, I just told him about it, and he respects it. More interesting was Vettels quote on his rfactor experience in Melbourne:

than his face went a bit and his hands were waving around. He didnt want to say sh*t, but lets say, it was a bit "floaty" :P

Hehe =)
S2 licensed
John Sjostrand
"Info to use when inviting someone:
I have just started Autosimsport season III, private game. This time with A1 GP. Feel free to join us!

Alternativly, you can select "private games" from the menu and enter the number "13247" into the box. The game password is "monkey". Take care not to accidentally join a public game by mistake."
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I recognised you from the Post Your Face thread.

Cute kids. Bozo's wife must be really pretty.

Edit: Did that clown Madman actually win? I am totally coming next time.

Yeah he did =) Everyone ran great races =) I went into the last race leading the points but fell to a rollover and just plain horrible driving.

LFS feels very different with a big screen and on top of that both madman and myself were running on the other side of the car so getting used to it made things difficult. My problem was I had a phone call from my wife before the last race started or was it during the second quali I don't remember... anyways she reammed me a new one for running late (like it's my fault) and it just completely threw me off.

Pete and Andrew deserved their spots, I am just wondering if I deserved mine =) Great racing lets do it again =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Rooble :Flying to England for a one day event, isn't that a little extreme for a 14 year kid?

Well I was understanding that he was coming to visit a relative (sister?) and that it just happened to be when the race was being held. Sorry you couldn't make it. =/
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Oh well... Burn it, flame it, kill it, i'm just an idiot 14 year old who didn't show up.

Live and Learn =) Hope to see you ther next time =0
S2 licensed
I have been mulling over the idea of setting up a mini league for this that would run once a month or so. This is just an idea, but it's worth a try. I think it would work out well =)
S2 licensed
Awesome! Thanks Adrian =)
S2 licensed
I had great fun =) I will definatly go again. It was nice to see everyone in the flesh for a good change and chat about their lives without having to mash keys on a keyboard to do so! I can't wait for the next one! =)

The venue itself was very good and everyone was professional.

GPL was a welcomed experience. Having never touched GPL in my life I would definatly try it again.

The races themselves were a blast. LFS feels so different on a big screen like that. I suppose it was another big difference for me because all the driving was done on the right hand portion of the car when I am used to the left.

I had a fun day. I ran into problems the last race that ruined my chances of going for the top spot in the standings but I still had great fun and met alot of people that I have seen online for years.

Thanks for setting this up Ben and I hope you think of doing it again! =)
S2 licensed
I think the biggest thing everyone needs to focus on is


forget times, they are going to change when we all hop into those simulators anyways...
S2 licensed
I just came back from the DVLA. They wouldn't register it on the spot but my wife was paid yesterday and I will be paid next week so I will have the money to go and to afford the rental car another week while the security system is being installed.

Everything is fine on my end again and I will see you all tomorrow =)