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S3 licensed
Quote from Nilex :
Physics in LFS run at 200 Hz, so give or take 5 ms.

I guess it is 500 hz... It is max FPS possible for the game.

But ofcourse user input might be slower, like 200 Hz or even less.
S3 licensed
+1 from me.

I often use SHIFT+U and target camera to the sky o tarmac. Hope something will be done with it
S3 licensed
+1 Yes.

I never play drag in LFS because it is unrealistically short, you can only practice starts, not slipstreaming with some grid of 4 or 8
S3 licensed
Quote from Chriship :Doesn't seem to work?

Look at new config file. You need to have port and password fields in it...
S3 licensed
Worked well for my program (here is it). Appreciate your work.

But when I try to send IS_MSO packet, I get some strange error (something like "pyinsim: Unknown packet type (136 bytes)" from LFS. I call it this way:

self.insim.send(pyinsim.IS_MSO(0,0,0, pyinsim.MSO_O, Msg="test string"))

Is it wrong?
So far I use send_message("/echo something") to send message to the host only.
S3 licensed
I done it. You need to enable insim ingame (add /insim 29999 to LFS\data\script\autoexec.lfs) to make it work. Also you might need to fill password in the app config.

(Get it from the first post)
S3 licensed
I understand that. It is kinda large amount of work, but I'll look into it...
S3 licensed
Quote from Chriship :This one works.

However, didn't this InSim before show a notification in chat ( In-Game ) when someone connects to a server? Like:

"vitaly_m is now playing at: Test Server"

In yellow, I remember of a InSim which did this, but not sure if its yours?

No, it is not this one.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chriship :Trying to run it but?

Somehow program can not find the registry key to run LFS... I gonna fix it so it doesn't fail the whole process if LFS is not installed. Thanks for report!
LFSFriends - live alert replacement
S3 licensed
Hi. I created an app that intended to show players' status.

Here is how it looks like:

How to use the program:
You need to enter your identkey in cfg.json. Adding friends and teams is done in that cfg.json file too (you can see there is Scawen, me and some non-existent team added).

Beware that teams in this file are case sensitive. Also be careful with commas, you should add commas between items in lists.

Written on python3 and Qt.

Download version 0.5
Sources (to build exe from sources you need to install python3, cx_freeze, pyqt4 then run python build command line)

Hope someone find it usefull.
Last edited by vitaly_m, . Reason : update 0.3
S3 licensed
Good stuff, thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Iginla :Why again BL1? Why the hell not for once BL1R? Much better track IMO.
Maybe WE1R? Maybe some new Aston for once, like 4/5?

I agree about WE1 and BL1 -- both was in the schedule last year.
There is also Blackwood historic reverse option (without chikane) - very challenging bumpy braking line.

AS7 was in 2011, so it is okay for me.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :The thing about LFS is the complexity of the program, that's the main reason Scawen wouldn't want anyone getting involved. It would take maybe weeks or months of teaching what does what and that means even more off-time and then you also have to coordinate all of the people not to mess everything up.

If you write it properly, you don't need much to explain. Most important thing programmer learns to -- write the code the way it self-explain itself. Otherwise you won't be able to understand what you did after a year or even after a month. So this might not be the problem.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :
No. You're incorrect.

Building software is not the same as bolting together a car. Building a car, adding more people can improve the efficiency. However, with software, communication is critical. With 1 developer, you have 0 lines of communication, thus that developer is aware of all design decisions and ramifications.

With 10 developers, you've made the lines of communication grow exponentially, which adds more delays due to requiring more meetings to coordinate 10 people, more time spent managing what each developer is working on, and more potential for conflicting design decisions to cause chaos.

It's a common middle management mistake to think that you can simply throw more developers at a problem to raise efficiency, defying logic, the opposite actually rings true.


The things you say are basically true, according to my experience with programming.

But when you create such a big product like a 3D driving simulator, it might be better to contribute some time to declare strict guidelines and interfaces for the program, so you can involve more people into the work. Because there is always something that can be improved which requires not that much talent but amount of time... And it might be harder for 1 person to criticize his work. And it is hard to make a fresh look at some problem you been working on for past decades...
S3 licensed
I am looking forward to LFSCART. And personally I prefer not to have Kyoto 500 in the champ schedule. Nothing wrong with ovals, but 2 hours race is not for me... Also, there will be lots of those who want to participate in Ky500, but not the LFSCART.

Having some usual ~145 laps oval race is not bad though.
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :
i have to disagree with that, i have no problems driving the F08 or the BF1 with mouse plus i dont remember a race witch my tyres finished red cuz i'm driving with mouse, i dont know what are you talking about
you should come to CG and see that they are mouse driver faster much faster that anyone doing on wheel

Well I am not surprised that someone can do it Even I could do it with some success, but for me it was easier to learn the wheel.

UPD: I don't try to say that wheel is better for everyone. But wheel is more fun for me, so switching to wheel was good decision anyway.

Sometimes I look at mouse and keyboard drivers and it seems to me that they just love to drive that way -- it is cheaper, you can drive at any PC at any place. AND if you are faster than some wheel driver, you make him mad: "Hey, I spent 300$ for my wheel and you are faster with a mouse!"
Last edited by vitaly_m, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Will you stop basing opinins on games that you tried years ago the last time? I would be grateful if you only stated "facts" about stuff you tried recently.

Before you blame people u should first check if that was before or after latest physics patch.
S3 licensed
Quote from giannhsgr1 :one more thing is

dont play lfs and then jump to another sim or "sim" and try to learn it and then go back to lfs..especially when the other game requires learning like (simraceway and iracing..)

This is arguable. I recently played iRacing (on crappy Ford Specracer car)... The car is really ugly - it has neither power nor handling... Oversteers a bit on braking (u can't change brake power, so you have to use brakes very gently) and hell damn understeers on exits, like if you drive a UF1... After return to LFS I had a lot of enjoinment on FOX car (which I don't like much honestly).

I think other sims are worth trying at least, can give you somewhat bigger image on driving...
S3 licensed
Some background: Before I bought my G27 I had 1:12.42 hotlap PB at Blackwood FBM. After switching to wheel I was barely doing 1:13.40 but with time I started to get 1:12.80 and could get more but I get bored from this combo very soon.

Another combo I had some decent experience is SO4 BF1. My new PB is done with wheel and I can't do any close to it with mouse.

I had lots of experience with mouse and then switched to wheel because I was 100% sure it will make me a better racer. And it did. Because you can't drive in a single file on mouse as easy and stable as on wheel. You will either burn your tires or lose the field and give up positions a lot on most of the combos - because you can't brake and accelerate smoothly.

Ofcourse you can try and even succeed but then looking replays and seeing how easy it was for wheel racers, you will frustrate and start saving money for the wheel

I am talking about powerful formula cars like BF1 and FOX (FO8 is mostly undrivable with mouse already). Wheel is better here in races IMO. The only advantage is that you can recover from spins better due to ease of lock-to-lock steering moves, but hell, you got hot tyres anyway...

Hotlapping is a bit different from that and mouse can get very fast because you can recoup early braking with a bit earlier and drifty accelerating while moving your mouse left and right like crazy and hoping tyres will last for the final turn
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I've still got seven days or so

It is just that I need to practice A lot with this car
S3 licensed
Any LFSCART news? ^^ It is end of april now
S3 licensed
Was fun action in the middle of the field after my spin at first lap

Thanks Rony and everyone.
S3 licensed
Anything decided about LFSCART?