Seems like there is one:
// You can request information about the current layout with this IS_TINY :
// ReqI : non-zero (returned in the reply)
// SubT : TINY_AXI (AutoX Info)
struct IS_AXI // AutoX Info
byte Size; // 40
byte Type; // ISP_AXI
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_AXI request
byte Zero;
byte AXStart; // autocross start position
byte NumCP; // number of checkpoints
word NumO; // number of objects
char LName[32]; // the name of the layout last loaded (if loaded locally)
But this doesn't actually fix the whole problem, because by a fault some might name layout differently, or add some chikane or whatever making track different.
In the end, the best way to distinguish the layouts is to have the tracks named like this in LFSLazy database:
"AS1X split(x, y, z), split(x, y, z), finish (x, y, z)" where x, y, z are actual values. You don't have to create the database of the A11, A21 and other semi-official LFS Open Config stuff...
Hope I'm not too much annyoing