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S3 licensed
Same stuff for BF1. Only TC led added

S3 licensed

FO8 No Wheel version.

FO8 With wheel version.

My first ever LFSLazy dashboard

If you drive without enabled wheel, choose no_wheel version. If you happen to drive with wheel sometimes, use with_wheel version (it works okay in both situations, also sometimes you enable wheel to spectate someone, so this variant is more universal).
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :How do you retrieve data, &action=hosts I presume?

You may consinder using :
if your only goal is to get server name. It will use much less data, but be aware that update time will increase with the number of buddies (in that case I'd suggest to place requests in separate threads).

Yes, I use pubstats &action=hosts.

I will consider your suggestion. Thanks. But there is a question of how many requests am I allowed to do. Because if buddy list gets to say 50 users it might get kinda strange both for my program (how many time does it take to execute the single request? and how much slower it gets when I do 50 requests at the same time?)and for the lfs servers (anti-ddos etc).

Also with pubstats I do get some more info like track, conns...

Moreover, I plan to add Favorite Hosts feature to the program, so probably I stick to pubstats stuff.

Thanks Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :\u*** format is the standard (and correct AFAIK) way to encode Unicode characters in JSON and Javascript.

Ok, but those strings we get are not unicode. They have still same byte-to-byte values as encoded inside LFS, but those bytes get represented with unicode escapes.
S3 licensed
Those linear indicators are just great! I already tried RPM indicator. I still don't understand them completely... Like how exactly setting min and max % work... What do 0 and 100% mean? If I have 0 then I get like 3 divisions lighten up when idling.

Just have to spend some time until I can find out how to something useful for perfect shift ups. Also this shift up indicator is great Thumbs up
S3 licensed
New version 1.5!
S3 licensed
If your server name has non-latin letters, pubstat sends something like this for e.g. server name with japanese letters:


Original string here were "**unicode?", where * means 1 japanese letter. First one is in the one-byte range(\u00c8), the second (\u0083v) takes 2 bytes(while in the response it actually takes 13 bytes instead of 3). As we can see, instead of actually encoding this stuff in unicode format, you send just unicode escaped representation (\u) of japanese encoded symbols. I guess you should have pointed that in the readme.

Also I wonder why do we get this creepy stuff:


in Json output. Does it have something to do that some chars might be parsed wrongly by most of json parsers? Ok, but then probably do something different? Like "tcrm": [111, 132, 220, 255]...
S3 licensed
Quote from nacim :Suggestion :
- Create a first launch screen, where it asks for Iden-key.
- Hide Update and Add Friend in menu.

Update now happens on swiping.
Add friend moved to menu. I guess I won't even try to implement action bar for Android 2.0
S3 licensed
New version 1.2
S3 licensed
Quote from Pasci :Any screenshot of your app? Which rights are needed (should be only internet)?

Only internet access, yes.
S3 licensed
Hi. I am developing an android application (GPL3 licensed) and I am interested in using main/java/net/sf/jinsim/ module of JInSim library. However according to this I am not really

Quote : That is, a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by the MPL cannot legally be linked together

Can I get that file with MPL 2.0 (which is compatible) or is there any other way I can incorporate the class in my project?
Friends alert for Android
S3 licensed
You must enter Ident-Key in App Settings that you can generate on behalf of your account on the LFSW => My LFSW Settings => Pubstat access page.

Every time you open the main view of the program, it does it's update. Keep in mind that each update takes around 20Kbytes. Might be more or less depending on LFS online activity.

Managing friends and Team Feature
You can add your friends right on the main program view. To remove friends or to add your team, enter Manage Friends view.


LFSFriends is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


Android 2.0 and up.

Network access.


1.6 Server info view added when click on buddy
1.5 Some colors made a bit darker to look acceptable on white background
1.4 Non-latin servernames now supported
Coloring added to servernames
Fixed swiping stuff, now should work okay with the list scroll if list takes more than screen size
Add Friend menu item moved to 1st position
1.3 "Add friend" moved to menu
Update now happens on swipe
Now distributing minified release type builds
Couple of minor fixes
1.2 Added display of track name and number of connections
Now list has 2 strings per each online user
When adding friend keyboard should appear from now
1.1 "Updated at" line now appers at the bottom of the screen.
1.0 Initial version

Code is available at bitbucket git repository:
Last edited by vitaly_m, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Berseker_d :'70 Chevy Camaro Z28, Honda Integra DC5, Toyoa Prius, Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, VW Golf Mk2, de Tomaso Pantera, to mention few of them.

But most of all cars are private mods cause conversions from other games (as said, I'm more focused on physics). I wanted to know how some of the cars I like could feels in real life and I was not much satisfied with the actual modding scene. At first time I though rFactor sucks at all until I started researching how to manage physics.

I wonder if it is possible to get into a proper formula car in some other game than LFS...
S3 licensed
Quote from Berseker_d :I have made cars in rF that feels like LFS, just making physics allright.

What those cars were?
S3 licensed
Quote from Berseker_d :
And another question, is it confirmed if the S3 will be moddeable? Since I've been modding for rF my dream is to be able to do the same for LFS.

I never heard anything official on the topic but this:

Moreover, whenever someone dares to talk about it, some people start to whine that this will make LFS loaded with crap like <some other sim name here>...
S3 licensed
I know a guy that will easily brake it. He's uytp7 username. He races FBM on Kn. When people first see him no one can beleive it Smile You can try to meet him at [AA] FBM servers Smile
S3 licensed
U can try to set 3d mode and see on your usual monitor. I tried and got 90 fps instead of 120 (Fern Bay openconfig track)
S3 licensed
Oculus rift resolution is only 1.5 times bigger, so I gueess you shouldn't be afraid so much. You can expect around 140 fps.

However with oculus rift there might be a little bit more CPU calculations.

The only thing you can rely on is if someone tells you how much FPS they get when switching to OR and before that...
S3 licensed
Quote from Jaco1991 :I downloaded the Logitech Profiler for the g25 yet it doesnt work properly sighh

Do you see at least 3 axes? If not, then you didn't set separate brake and throttle axes. Go to Options => Global Device Settings and remove switch "Report combined pedals". Then go to Edit => Specific Game Settings and remove all switches there.

Then enter LFS and see how many axes do you have
S3 licensed
Did you install logitech profiler? Get it here:

I can't say if it fixes clutch, but after you install it you can set separate brake and gas pedals inside the profiler.
S3 licensed
Press clutch looking at this screen

If you don't see any movement of any axe indicator, there is a chance that clutch is broken on that wheel.
S3 licensed
When I enter the first link, I see 404 Error... Isn't that page supposed to be entered after you log in? Smile

I don't see any pricing. And this AIRIO FULL stuff -- do you mean you can run it for your client without any additional payment?
S3 licensed
Seems like there is one:

// You can request information about the current layout with this IS_TINY :

// ReqI : non-zero (returned in the reply)
// SubT : TINY_AXI (AutoX Info)

struct IS_AXI // AutoX Info
byte Size; // 40
byte Type; // ISP_AXI
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_AXI request
byte Zero;

byte AXStart; // autocross start position
byte NumCP; // number of checkpoints
word NumO; // number of objects

char LName[32]; // the name of the layout last loaded (if loaded locally)

But this doesn't actually fix the whole problem, because by a fault some might name layout differently, or add some chikane or whatever making track different.

In the end, the best way to distinguish the layouts is to have the tracks named like this in LFSLazy database:
"AS1X split(x, y, z), split(x, y, z), finish (x, y, z)" where x, y, z are actual values. You don't have to create the database of the A11, A21 and other semi-official LFS Open Config stuff...

Hope I'm not too much annyoing Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :IS_SPX and IS_LAP is exactly the way current comparison work. However I do not have info about exact track in use. For example AS1X doesn't really mean much, because split times does not depend on track but position of checkpoints. I would need track name like A11, A12, ..., however that isn't available localy. Of course Airio has this information because it is the one loading layout.

Then could we ask Scawen to implement some package like layout name? By then we could test this with entering layout name manually in LFSLazy when enter some open config track.
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Main problem is correctly detecting open config tracks. That would most likely require reading loaded layout and comparing checkpoints position and heading. Of course in that case there should be hardcoded data about checkpoints of all open config tracks. And still even if I do that only thing I really gain is realtime gap and gap on splits.
Position list work based on nodes for MCI, as there is no nodes on open configs not sure that there is much I can do.
First thing is most likely to be done, but as there are so much open config tracks and it would require modifying quite some code I'm not sure I will do that anytime soon.

But what if you just rely on IS_SPX and IS_LAP packets? You can refresh info only when u cross split or finish line. This goes both for gaps in the position list and for the PB comparison. The same way Airio does and it is good enough for me Smile