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Well, vectrex, the admin is "kind of" (a lot) busy IRL atm. I'm packed with stuff too, and the most important guys, the writers, dont contribute atm. We'll see, what we can do about some sort of "relaunch"
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Quote from Bob Smith :Vykos? 30? Can it be true?

Let the funky dancing ensue.

Thanx Bob I tried dancing yesterday, but I'm too old now. Only sitting on bench and drinking beer
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :

Alonso is still a talented driver and has raced many formulas to reach F1, you don't get off with throwing the car into corners like a `robot` in karting and most lower series so I'm sure he has some ability to feel the car .

I saw him driving yesterday, and it just doesnt look like he has a great feel for the car. It looks so... NOT-sensitive! When he simply turns in full, let the car understeer until he is @ Apex and then uses the TC...
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :From what I can gather it will be back in the REnault next week. But did ferrari not use their Mass damping system this week? Would it have anything to do with Schumacher playing to his home crowd? Seems rather coincidental that it would be the german Grand Prix that had the removal of the Mass dampers and yet they will be reinstated next week.

I'm sure renault would have run them this weekend after the stewards overrulled the FIA but maybe Renault had already put so much work into getting the cars to run without the mass dampers it was too late to put them back. Dunno though.

Stop that Anti-/Pro- Ferrari Bullshit. Ferrari had this damping system too, and didnt use it - as the other teams too, that had it - this weekend in Hockenheim. Renault has the problem, that their car is more dependent on that system, cause they suck in producing a well balanced car without cheating tools Saw it LIVE. Alonso drove like a robot. Nothing like feeling for the car, just "full lock" when entering turn, full understeer, until grip comes... No wonder he had tireprobs, AND it's fully understandable why Renault needs that system that much. It helps in getting grip, when Alonso uses his "steer in" technique. Besides the additional weight on the front axle, which balances the usual rear-heavy Renault way better.
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ocrana Racing (formerly known as Afri Cola Racing), was founded April 2003. Still rocking, even if drunk :P
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Well, you guys just dont read his posts right. He is into LFS for a long time, his behaviour is sometimes not right, but overall he is one of the true understanders of LFS and its internals. He points out the problems of marketing other games have, promising shit, they dont have in the end, he points at the same time and the real important things in LFS. IF he hasnt this attitude about the importance of sky-textures (WHO THE **** LOOKS AT THE SKY, WHEN RACING?), I would like him even more.

To live with him, you need kind of a "kidcodea"-filter on your eyes, then it works fine.
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Tomorrow is the epic day! Get ready!!

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Quote from deggis :
But input-devices doesn't change the tyre physics.

[_]You have understood my point.
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I think, this years tour has it's "own" highlights. It is open, there is no clear favourite atm, stil 3-4 very hard Alpine stages are coming, a long single-timed-stage. I cant really say, who's winning this year, and that makes it quite interesting. Way more interesting than the last Armstrong years, imho.
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Quote from deggis :And after I do that, promise that you do a 2-lap drift on an oval track in real life.

I've seen some Driftmasters drift a whole track IRL (D1)...
Quote :

So you think grip regaining in the current physics is as correct as it can be? Drifting might be great example of advanced physics but I think it is currently kind of turned against LFS's image or at least the way how other people see it.

It's the best out there atm. No other game/sim just even gets close. It is pretty damn realistic, and you should really think about the input-devices and how they change the reaction times and possibilities.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :sorry tristan; i quickly got bored with the whole UVW mapping and everything and thats what i've been doing this whole time and so i pretty much just gave up

heres 2 simple scenes i made up for it and .. mapped.. practically everything (but the car body.. tires i had to redo and all)

carbon fiber didn't come out as well as i hoped.. using my own texture for that and all... kinda a mess it looks like

oh.. tires are modeled; not displaced
only thing displaced is the grass on the first render

.. who needs cheap scenes

I'm really disappointe by those renders. They look like plastic models. Especially the tires look way much too gray and not enough white reflection.

Why I'm disappointed? Well, after your great words, about what cool stuff you can do, I expected something a lot more real than the renders by Kid... But it looks, like you failed. Kids pic, when first shown @ LFS page, brought up comments like: "Nice foto"... Well, yours is no where near a foto...
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Quote from deggis :I think this "drifting sim" image that LFS has is a big factor how many players see LFS as an arcadish game made for childs. It's pretty sad. Of course I don't blame drifters, I blame the tyre physics which makes possible unrealistically easy drifting.

yeah, take GTT, take a DFP with 900 or 720 degrees and do me such an "possible unrealistically easy drift", then you can continue... Oh, forgot about 3 pedals and H-shifter...

If you feel offended, you better rethink about the stuff I say.
S2 licensed
Quote from jtr99 :Is this true? Does LFS really have a younger user-base than rFactor or GTR or games like that? Not disagreeing with you, I just don't know. And I always had the impression that age groups were about the same across these sims.

I could believe that LFS has a younger demographic than GPL though.

Yes, it has. Cause in contrary to GTR or rfactor, LFS is present in younger forums. Especially in germany, where the biggest LFS Userbase is, it profits from the ESL and the coverage of GIGA, which have a really young audience, compared to some 40+ oldies @ RSC. Another reason is the almost zero infos on rf in any games-mag out there.

Did you see any "Drifter-Team/Clan" in rf?
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Quote from traxxion :I hope not, wouldnt that mean LFS development stops before the next patch comes out?

see, you are dutch, you havent understood
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I think I have seen programs that export LFS results from replays although TBH I doubt it's the main reason the FILSCA is holding back, it's probably more an issue of not really knowing LFS in enough detail due to the fact it is seperated from the (RSC based) racing community.

I am sooo happy, it is separated. A lot of fast LFS-players showed already, that they are fast in other sims too, and the other way around. What RSC-peeps dont like is the much much younger audience, LFS has. It's more "we get the NFS-players to Sim" and therefor you have all that stuff, RSC-old-mediocre-faggots dont like. Drifters e.g.
Besides that, it is very difficult - and I can understand this - to admit, that a team of 3 is doing the best physics and the easiest way to enjoy online sim-racing, while there are old "big" boys like ISI or iRacing (lol).

RSC is like the old DFB, LFS is Klinsmann (germans know what I mean, I think )
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Quote from ajp71 :Yep it's a far fetched dream. I can't see this ever happening and tbh I hope it doesn't. The closest its ever come to happening was probably in N2003 when there were races with an entry fee that was turned into prize money for the winner.

Good morning, welcome to the real world.

In germany we have the ESL Pro Series with 5000,- Euros prizemoney each half year of a season. The winner takes away about 1200-1400 Euros. usually. A lot of the drivers have RL sponsors, that help out with paying trips to events and supporting hardware. The step to a monthly salary isnt far off. Open your eyes....
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Roberto Calderoli.
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Albieg, you won, why do you get angry? As a lot said, you won against us, because Lippi did great tactical stuff, and you have a good team. Without a good team, you would never reach final. Italyhad additionally to that the luck, that you need, to become champion. Still, I dont like Materazzi, someone like him doesnt belong on the football-field. Seen several of his fouls + his behaviour in terms of acting, he is imho a poor man. I wonder, why italy cant simply be happy, but even some of your politicians - who a lot of the italians voted for - go there, after a win, and say that France football team, is a team of muslims without any identity. That's simply sad.

Be happy you won, try to make the best of it, get your whole "Calcio" back into the right direction, and use this World Champion atmosphere for a new start of italian football. Without cheating by the big clubs etc...
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Quote from ORION :The most defensive team wins - modern soccer

No offense, but Argentinia would have pwned Italy bigtime - too bad our German team kicked them out before

Why didnt we pwn italy then? Cause Lippi did the best move ever: Changing from defensive play to offense. Great move! And definitely showed, that you actually need offense to win championships Grats!
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Some german italy-joke: Click! "Italian press delivers video-proof: Zidane chokes Figo!! Zidane banned from final! Italy can win!"


Yeah, FIFA @ its best. First punishing Frings for some not really viewable touch (while the starters got punished with laughable punishment, same goes for De Rossi (only 4 games, what a joke). Then all the referee problems, the portugal-dutch game etc. The rooney story and all. FIFA made a lot of mistakes during this WC and it's sad, that people talk so much about the refs, instead of the games. GER-ITA was the most thrilling with the "wanted" luck in the end from italy (they were fresher and better in ET and took the risk). Actually funny, that ONLY the offensive game-style made them win against us, while everyone complains about defenive teams with 4-5-1 tactics.
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Quote from Albieg :I'm not defending Materazzi. Are you defending Zidane for what he did, Vykos?

Nope. I do not defend him, I was shocked by his reaction. If - what I heard from a lippreader - it is true, that materazzi said something bad about Zidanes family, etc. I can understand Zidanes reaction, but it's never excusable. But it would fit in materazzis behaviour...

I have no respect for people, that go berserk and get brutal, if they are offended by words. It's a sad thing. I am also fully for strict punishment and rules against "counter-attacks".

So, all in all: Not right from zidane, below fairness from materazzi, but maybe a bit smarter to "only" provoke and call Zidanes wife and/or sister a cheap hore... great sportsmanship....
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Quote from Albieg : and I'm not headbutting anyone.

Actually, I think Zidane hit the right one:
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I love how Ronaldo dives here. No where he gets touched at his right leg, jumps, goes flying, looks at ref midair and then grabs his right knee (remeber, he got never hit there, besides not getting hit anywhere else) And the he complains to ref. Great actor.... err actress
S2 licensed
Well, it looks like the 4th ref at the side saw that, and told the ref. So imho that was "ok" decision, and for that action he deserved nothing less than a red card. Even - as some lippreaders already say - if materrazzi said some really really bad words about Zidanes family. Well, "great" final. A questionworthy penalty, a header with the help of the arm on the shoulder of the defender (so it's even out) and all in all a boring tactical game. If France would have brought Trezeguet way earlier they would have won.

But because both teams only played with 1 striker, they had to go to penalty. And that's not a "save" way to win. I'd rather take the german new way then (which was proven even in semis, when italy took the same tactics in ET ).
S2 licensed
Zidane... wtf??? I'm still shocked by his action. Without tha, France would have deserved that win, but not now. Italy was not as good as France during the game, but deserved the win. Congratulations italy, and we only lost to the WC So we're kind of second best team worldwide :P