ROFL a leaguewrecker as best racer? Come on senna, you can do better than that Oh, I see, I'm just working to get to not so funny teamlist j/k I go sleeping, night
In the recent 12hours race several teams had the following problem:
Cause there arent enough places for spectators on the server ( ), the new driver joins the server shortly b4 he takes over the car. When he sits in the car, he just sees always when there is a splittime: "Riding with [my own name]". No laptimes are shown in top right corner, no gaps are shown in the positions list. So basically we are blind then.
I dont know why this happened, but it happened to pretty much every team taking part. No matter, if the new driver was already once in the race or not. It seems to have some connection to joining the server during the race...
Just coming from 12 hours race of MoE and we had this bug too. I had on my screen written "83 litres of fuel" in my FXR (which corresponds to 83%). Then we change drivers quickly after pitstop finish and my teamie only has 72% fuel in.
I hope that will change with the feature that you have to start yourself at the lights, and not like it is atm. Caue then also Dragracing becomes more interesting On the other hand... As for now, my contacts havent reached your continent. I do my very best
GameStar 10/2005
Test: Not the best written test, some errors in it (WTF is a vinyl-editor?) still 83%
PC Powerplay September/2005
Setup guide (4 pages, pdf will be up soon), setups, skins and replays on DVD. (Test in last issue, about 90% )
Now my favourite:
Autobild Nr. 35 (2.9.2005), page 52. see attachment. Well, one wrong link in the text, but short and pretty well written. Edit, NO wrong link
Get the gfx card first. Cause your actual card doesnt support Hardware T&L, which is used by LFS and will give you a lot of performance with the new card. The next step should be the CPU then.
So: First the gfx-card, then the CPU.
I think you see it wrong, Rich. The biggest difference in LFS is, that we know and accept the still not finished parts, bugs, some unrealistic things (oval-setups ) etc. cause we know, we have an open ear on the dev-side and that things will change. Cause we for sure have the Sim with the best support ever, and the best contact from Devs to community. I have no problem with people criticising LFS; if they take into account, that their critics will be adressed and thought about deeply. I have a problem with ISI or GTR fanboyism, that say their game is perfect.
There are posts about wrong physics in LFS, with well written arguments, and they are adressed maturely, while a similar post in any ISI-based Simforum is flamed to death, just cause people think to know you (I) are (am) a LFS fanboy. That is annoying.
I wouldnt even flame Greger, knowing he likes GTR
Best example threads:
Q: I get CTD and 1fps-bug, will there be a patch?
A: Must be your problem, learn to setup your system right, GTR runs perfectly on my sys.
Q: I get CTD when doing this and that.
A: What are ur sys spec? You tried this? can you check for errormessages? Post them here please, I (Scawen) will have a look into it.
God damn, scawen even coded patches cause one single person had a strange bug...
Get the idea?
BTT: I'll have a look at ISI, but honestly, I doubt it will have a huge online Life. There'll be some cool mods, and some cool small mod-only leagues, but you wont have a good overall basis, especially cause ISI goes the hard way of selling over web only. They overestimate there some stuff a lot. F1C was so succesful, cause it was F1 and still easy to buy in shops after a year or so for less money to get the mods. rF wont be in shops, will only reach a limited amount of people, especially cause the community is still really small.
- We have some newer members to the team (check also the NEWS )
Hummer - ESCC, Endu, MoE
BusterOne - ESCC, Endu, EAS, MoE
Alex Marx - MoE, VR, EAS
Vince - ESCC
Besides that we have
VecTreX - skinning, websitestuff, lfsnews (no racing atm, no time )
Bikes - being best drinker in team :P
Limiter - GFX guru
Oldschoolers chriko, thunder, Pallukka and raikz are very busy with RL atm and you'll probably see them from time to time on some publics
IMHO, you should be allowed to block as much as you want, as long as you dont force the overtaking guyof the track. But usually one move to one side is anyway the maximum you can do. Blocking belongs to racing, and in some shorter distance races it's needed. In a longrun, you can more easily give room. But I for myself love to be a "hard to overtake" guy.
hmm, no. MS hasnt resigned yet. His contract ends after 2006 season. And today german newspaper says from "absolutely sure source", that Kimi already signed a pre contract with Ferrari...