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S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Niki's graph is exactly correct shape, just the numbers are meaningless.

Did nobody look at the attachment I posted? That shows estimated percentages. For those too lazy to click it:

No, it is not right, read my post again, and learn some maths
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I like it as it is, although it if was made more accurate (i.e. inner middle outer section) then I wouldn't complain.

I find that with dirty tyres my corner speeds are only about 10mph slower, but as we're all competative we hate seeing any time being lost. In fact, if you have the sense to remember your tyres are dirty, you don't lose THAT much time...

If you like to stay LFS as it is, you are wrong here
S2 licensed
Quote from Nitemare :numbers mean percentage of licensed racers divided by percentage of world's population

And here is your problem: You dont have licensed LFS racers in every country of the world. So the license pie is not comparable to the civilisation pie of the world. You would need to only count the populations of the countries involved for the worlds-pie, so you have the same amount of "pie-pieces" in the LFS-pie and the worlds pie with the same countries on it. But e.g. China: Is there any licensed LFS racer in china? So does it count into the LFS license pie? If not, your whole world pie would change by a huuuuge amount. got the point?
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :omfg i dont want to be new to this game when S10 comes out

Just TRY to imagine how this game would look like, if the progression continues at the same level :O It would be damn worth 120 pounds then :P
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :All ?
Like all all ?

Yes, what happens if you change speed of light in reality? Everything would be different. So all Hotlaps will be useless cause they have been done on an older physics engine. Change engine = ALL cars behave different.
S2 licensed
Happy B-Day, Scawen! Have a good day and thank you very much
S2 licensed
Found a good home there, niki
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Thank you very much Devs !
You're talking about deleting hotlaps, do you have any idea with what cars there will be psy updates ? Any chance that we might get to know later on ? Since I don't have much time I don't really feel like doing hotlaps now to see them deleted in a month (or any time given).

Good patch, having fun already

All cars will profit from the updates, cause all cars work with the same physics engine, and when that one gets updated... So all Hotlaps will be useless then
S2 licensed
Quote from HorsePower :(...) That convinced me, so I got DSL, LFS and a wheel.

Good choice, wasnt it? Have Fun with LFS
S2 licensed
back in demo days there was a version with the femle driver weighting 50kgs, while male driver weighting 70kgs. Result was: Only females on the road (especially in GTi you felt the difference). Scawen then put the femal weight also to 70kgs. You can actually see the weight in the garage. Just click on add driver at the middle left on the screen
S2 licensed
should name some names showing up for the Racing.Challenge finals, to battle it out LIVE:
Andreas Grauel

etc. etc... So this gonna be a battle of titans, I would call it.
Germany brings up the hottest Finish of the year!
S2 licensed
Some of the german guys around here put out a real germanwide LFS-racing tour throughout the next weeks:

Beginning with next weekend, there'll be the Maxlan LAN-Event with a LFS-tournament, while the Racing.Challenge enters the last qualifying week and weekend.

On Friday 2nd of december 10 of the 20 german EPS-drivers (ESL Pro Series, running season 7, 5th LFS-season) will meet in Cologne in the ESL Studio to do the last race of the season LIVE on ESL-TV Internetstream (free for all to view). In the evening they'll pack their things to travel down to Mainaschaf (close to Frankfurt) for the Finals of the Racing.Challenge to battle it out for several brand new PCs and other Hardware stuff. That will last for the whole saturday, and you are free to come

Another week later there will be - again in Cologne - the finals of the EPS. Where they will fight for fame and money during saturday and sunday (10,/11. december).

You think, that was it? No no, there's the 17th of december coming up, with the MoE and another LAN is atm looking into the idea, to put up a LFS tournament.

So get ready for the hottest winter-start you can imagine
S2 licensed
Fordie, well done, and sry I couldnt reply to you last week, but as u now can even better imagine, I have a lot to do :P
S2 licensed
not party pooper, just want to crank up the activity in team-forum, where this thread actually belongs
S2 licensed
move to team-subforum pls...
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Hmmm very true I think. A lot of the legendary drivers of LFS are hardly online anymore, a real drag I think a lot of them are practicing for leagues like you mention here... and hardly going online :worried: S1 was fun, I always saw regulars and new faces online and it was great, but has the online play really grown old for some veterans???

Maybe it is because the faster drivers don't find the competition they deserve, and winning all the time is actually not all that rewarding when playing online against average drivers.... so they resort to playing in Leagues... hmmm. Oh well

I think, the competition in leagues got really tough, and therefor leagueracers like to practice for their upcoming races. That inherits clean racing on the track/car combo coming up. And that you mostly do not find on public servers cause the difference in skill is sometimes just too high, and instead of some cool clean training races you get a wrecking szenario... :/ Only solution then: Go to priv. servers or practice offline...

I for myself try to practice on public servers, but I see that it often gets boring to new guys, cause they simply cant keep up that fast without practicing (except next league race is on Aston National :P ). It's a difficult situation actually
S2 licensed
since 2003 in OLFSL and later that year in EPS and then endurance league

Still running in EPS though
S2 licensed
:spyoda: Well done, young padawan
S2 licensed
you will never get that information from the devs, just think a bit, and you know why
S2 licensed
put some real cars in it:

Carrera GT, Ferrari Enzo, SLR, Murcielago

911 Turbo, lambo gallardo, F460


WRC Rallycar, Group B Rallyecar

Groupe C Prototypes :O (slicks, slicks and fatter slicks)

Only Highperformance cars? Well at the lower end, we almost had everything
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :AMD XP 2600+
Radeon 9600XT
80 GB Maxtor hdd
250 GB medion external USB 2.0 hdd
onboard sound + Logitech Speakers, Plantronics headset
MOMO Force (red )
Logitech MX510 Mouse
Samsung 19' SyncMaster 913v TFT
LG DVD and a CD-R burner.

But I'm just in the upgrading process (x850xt just waiting for it's new home here already )

Hmmm, upgrades:
AMD 64 3200+ (Venice)
Epox 9NPA+ SLi
Radeon x850XT pice
nu PSU (450W)


rest stays as it is
S2 licensed
Thx kid, you're the man to get my thoughts onto the screen In those times I sometimes feel a bit offended by people calling me a blind fanboy etc. and then I have exactly those thoughts in my mind...
S2 licensed
As an option.. why not?
S2 licensed
Well Nick, you really point it out perfectly: You are pessimistic. Look for example at the zillions of track coming right now for rf. Name me one of them, that really matches the quality of the S2 tracks. Just from the texture, bumps and trackside objects point of view. You might find one, but then look for a fantasy-track for RF, that nearly comes close to Erics tracks. You might find one in the next three years. That's where the worktime goes. It goes into quality.

Besides that, if you believe it or not, I am a damn critical guy, and the devs might hate me for that from time to time, when I go on their nerves. And that's like a lot of LFS-fans are. They are critical, they KNOW the failures, they posted them in thousands of threads in the improvement part, but the difference is: They know, that they are read and the things will change, the appreciate the progress. That is the difference. Got the idea? Most of other gamefans dont accept that, when I say: "Yes, you are right, tire-phys, sound etc. arent good atm, but it's being worked on". Cause a rf fanboy cant say: "Yes, you are right, gfx-engine is too cartoonish, the cars look bad, the physics has errors at slow speed, but it will improve", cause they simply DONT know if it will improve. They just can prey for a patch, or prey that the devs listen to them. Same was it with GTR. The community mentioned a lot of stuff, especially in terms of dedi-server for example. And how were they threated? Nothing happened to a lot of the well known bugs. I take myself the right, to point at those bugs in other games, cause I also point at the bugs in LFS, damn I dont know how often I said, the tires are wrong.

Take your critics about the formula suspension: I havent looked into that, but you might be right, and that's a worthy post for improvement suggestion, but take your post about not spinning brakediscs... Come on, that's a: on the list since years but b: a feature - thank god - way way down the list of important improvements.

Last thing: Whenever I talk with the devs, I am always surprised how far they look, how deeply they understand the problems and I can say for sure, that they are their own biggest critic, with an insight into the real problems of the code that no one of us can match.
S2 licensed
[_]LFS-community knows how to handle Trolls.

Good thing in that? We always try to explain "our love" Wink Bad thing you see, when reading this thread.

Problem of newcomers: They simply did not experience the way the devs work, they do not know, how S1 was released, how patches were coming with new features, how even patches has been developed for some single persons. So the newbies come here and expect a community and a relationship devs-comm. like in other games. I mean even Nick_II somewhere posted "why they dont answer me here?"... Well, he should check scawens and victors post-count. They are active in the forums. Now tell me any other game, where the devs have that connection to the people? So all I can say to you Nick_II: The Devs are more than aware of the problems and little wrong things in LFS, and they are working on it. And you will see it. If you have the S2 licence, you can be sure to be able to play LFS for the next two to three years with constant physics and game updates. This is - as Kid said on page 1 or 2 - a WiP game Wink Enjoy that oportunity, cause no other game will give it to you.