if you felt lost on track Darin, then I have to put that on some lack of preparation. Every other team uses in MoE Teamspeak for communication, there are always people telling the drivers what's going on, Using tools like the RaceSpec and the official Moe-tracker. Due to the fact, that when you are flipped, your endurance experienced would have been over IRL too, you should call yourself happy, to be able to continue the race

Why should a sim provide then some help in positions actually? The thirdparty tools do that enough, and as I said again: You and/or the team you drove in was then not well enough prepared. I'm actually frightened that you will put a little wrong view on this subject, as the race showed for all the well prepared teams, that it was close, that infos were where they belong and every team had it's helping teamleaders/pit-talkers at hand.
Actually that's more real than any computervoice telling me to pit next lap....
e.g.: We recalculated our last two stints and that put us very close to third place, put some pressure on cyber, they did the mistake and we finally could ensure a podium, after being in the race for first place till hour 5 or so and then dropping back due to own mistakes and bad luck.