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w00t, Red @ dubai? Good luck there, scorp. You'll rock them, as usual
S2 licensed
good event, maybe wrong day a lot of guys will participate in the 24h race starting today @ 16 cet (GMT+1), and others might want to watch the LIVE-stream from 20 cet on @ Gamer-FM

Good luck and most important: Have Fun on the tracks, guys!
S2 licensed
There've been quite a few, but no publisher wanted/needed. So i would also tell them to f*ck off!
S2 licensed
Happy New Year, LFS! There's a world to conquer! Rock On!
S2 licensed
here you see - err hear - that LFS engine sound is actually really cool, it just lacks a lot of additional sounds. like some whine here, some crackling there etc.
S2 licensed
Frohes Fest, buddies in mind heart and soul
End of the year - driver carousel is on! Nils joins OCRANA
S2 licensed
Well, topic says it all! Welcome Nils "n1lyn" Naujoks to our team. The actual EPS champions joined today and we are happy, he is with us. Have fun!
S2 licensed
Quote from YUGO45 :Yes I didnt recieve any official CD like promised, and I think neither did other people that ordered the same package.

As it was written in your order, you'll receive a CD with S2 Full, not Alpha. That's what you ordered and that's what you'll get. You werent ripped of, your money isnt gone, there was always warning that the CDs will be produced, when S2 Full is there. S2 Full isnt there yet, so relax.
S2 licensed
OMG, NO, NOT ANOTHER FORDIE! :O Congratulations man, and I hope, we see you less online the next few weeks. New LFS-racer-girl needs all time offline teaching
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :
Please community, stop cheating you don't mind about concurrency. Stop cheating you don't mind about graphics, about sound and about other stuffs that yes, make difference.

hahahahaha, guess what, a lot in the community, if not all say, that sound e.g. in LFS is not good YET, but they know someday it'll kick ass
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And mainly, devs, stop cheating you don't mind about market, cause you need to eat, and you need money like we all need, and if you have no money, you will be obligate to find jobs, and LFS will be delegated to a second plane for sure...

Just go read in RSC and several old posts, where scawen said: "thanks to the licenses sold the FULL development of LFS is save."

Bet get your homework (=read, read and read) done, b4 assuming, you are posting nu shit here. It's one of the oldest topics and it was cleared up several times b4.
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We are not here to offend you, we are not here to rule your work, I repeat.

rofl, better read your own post once again.
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When you say that is the "way you choose to develop the game", my doubt is if it's about the final result you are looking for, the target, the great objective of your work, or if you are talkings about the not-ruled-by-the-clock you choose to work...

I thought you dont want to rule him? Step back, go buy rfactor or nkpro, enjoy it for the time being. You'll be back to LFS anyway sooner or later. Just stop that shittie "I demand, you dev. faster, cause I know you wanna sell more etc." It's bullshit, it doesnt work, and if I say THAT, you better believe. Dont wanna sound arrogant, but besides some others I prolly have some experience in especially that topic with the devs.
S2 licensed
Quote from Falkowski83 :
But hey, keep playing. I know I'll receive a physics update. I just don't know when. And I know I have the RIGHT to DEMAND updates, because I PAID for a PRODUCT.

And here you are completely wrong, but damn, I'm a n00b, scawen has beaten me once more... Damn slowpoke I am. As I said already to other guy, you just dont understand the LFS way, so go play any other game, until you get back to LFS. That's how the Devs actually also like it. If there is some better game, go out and PLAY it for gods sake. The day, you'll receive the newsletter from or get info from any gaming forum, you'll download the patch or the new full version anyway, unlock it with your still working unlock password and have a go at it. I simply know, you'll do that. So it doesnt matter if there comes out a sim from EA every year, where you pay 50 bucks each time for updates, or you download the free updates for LFS once in a while. I'd choose the LFS way always, but that's just me then
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :You are not understand me...illepall

The problem is not LFS, but the concurrency...

Scawen, you don't know me as much I know you. You have no idea how I love your work, how I propagate your work, how I defend your work.

I'm not impatient. I'm just saying to you: the market is waking up.

I have my own bussines here. For sometimes I decided to work alone, and that was not a good idea.

Let the others do 90% and take care of the 10% remnant. That is the way to do things before the world ends...

And dont't tell me LFS is not a business, cause it is, ok? You sell it, don't you? And we bought it, don't we?

I'm not a business consultant, and I don't know, and have no rights to decide your business for you.

Just listen to your customers...


No, you dont understand what scawen says: He doesnt care a shit for the market. Doesnt matter if there is nkpro out, if any other game might be better, he'll continue on his LFS-way. He has no need to listen to the customers, that they put pressure on him, to release anything faster. Better you try to understand the LFS-way b4 saying to anyone, that he doesnt understand you. I bet he understood you actually quite well, and he actually explain very well, WHY HE IS NOT listening to your suggestions. Let the market awake (ROFLMAO), it wont change anything on the way LFS is developed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :
Scawen, Victor and Erick, (...) you could concentrate yourselves in that is most important, that is, gain market.

HAHAHAHAHA, rofl... yeah sure, cause that is what they aim at. Market. Make money. That's their main purpose of LFS.... If it was, they would have stopped development by now, cause they got some nice bunch of money through S2-licences sold. All the fuzz about nkPro (with a yet untested MP), all the ISI sh1t is fun. There were other Sims coming to market last year, and year b4 that, and in contrary to every other sim, LFS gained people. always. constant.
I do understand some of your points, and I'd vote for some additional coder maybe for GFX-engine departement, but the way you post it is kind of ridiculous, cause the Devs owe you nothing except a Full S2 Version SOME day.
S2 licensed
Grats Nils, was fun watching it in teh crowd with my daughter
S2 licensed
Quote from Slartibartfast : (Blah blah no FF)1998.(blah blah no FF)

You sure know, that we have 2006, that software technology has progressed and there is for sure a reason why all the HQ-wheel manufacturers are working on FF-wheels (BRD, VPP, Force Dynamics System has FF-wheel too). Maybe you should especially in LFS give it another shot, cause this FF is not overloaded with effects, but only shows what you really get back as in your real car...
S2 licensed
Simple thing: LFS is punk, some love it and die for it, some never understand it Nice phrase, huh?
S2 licensed
Quote from P1lot :These meddlers are scum of the earth!

Hmm, what's up with your teampage then, Link doesnt work in your sig there...
S2 licensed
We had one guy filimg the Finals, here you get what he captured:
S2 licensed
move this thread to unofficial addons please.
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :lemme try and put the review more in perspective,
since most people here dont know, and obviously the reviewer wouldnt come here and brag about it, richard towler (the reviewer) is in the top3 of fast people ive raced with.

greger huttu, richardtowler and lefty are the ones that impressed me most over the years.

he recently took escors championship title, but he has way more league titles under his belt for teamredline.
ive also raced him in lfs (besides n2003 and gtp) and he was instantly fast. he also had some WRs in southcity.
i know he tested the game before writing that text.

this is not your avg stupid arcade gaming tester.

still, the text and final rate are obviously subjectable to personal opinion. being fast and experienced doesnt mean you are god, only means that you probably know what you are talking about a bit better than the next fellow.

Yeah, but it's still Rich, and he sucks anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from inCogNito :They just showed that you have no chance in such a field without practice. That goes for both, ESCC and RC finals. Like you said yourself in IRC some days ago vykos!

Yep, you are right. But if you want to win, you'll need practice. So it's each drivers decision, isnt it?

But I'd say we saw some really really great races with a lot of fights, some tougher than the others and I personally hope everyone enjoyed the location and the event. We're just working on the news right now

Eh Phil, wasnt meant to flame Looking forward to EPS-finals on ESL-Tv. First time, I gonna enjoy them at home on my couch

The replays, skins and some pics are up here: ... en=rc_news&news_id=70
Last edited by Vykos69, .
S2 licensed
Replays, Pics, Results news etc. from the Racing Challenge finals will be up later today. But to put it that far: The non germans showed the EPS-Pros where their limits are
S2 licensed
Some Flyer for the Racing Challenge LAN-final tomorrow
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<- me and my favourite job

oh tristan, I'd say most of your posts are somehow on topic, but contribution means to be constructive *scnr*
S2 licensed
thanks for clearing this up nitemare, and you are right: Yes, you should be right with your calculation then.