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S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :excuse me? you have both microbumps and normal bumps. just play southcity. if u cant feel them in there, then the problem is on your side not in lfs. also lfs ff comes from physics 100%. just like the realtime tyre deformation (visually reduced to what the poly detail can show).
lfs tyre physics are simply the most advanced (by far) of any sim out there. 200 sampling points for rubber per car.
thats not saying all data it outputs is milimetrically correct yet. but good things aint easy and progress will go on. continuously. this is a wip game. wip deved and wip played. wip stands for work in progress. support in this game is better than in multimillion dollar games.
agora vai preparar umas caipirinhas com uma boa cachaça e muita lima pra nós dois, the baile funk is just starting.

I was just going to say that Kid. Was wondering where the shaking of my wheel comes from, when I hit the curbs on any track...
S2 licensed
well, just drive "real" races which are longer. It's actually real, that hybrids produce more grip than roadtires. So why bother? Well, if you stay for hotlapping and short races, fine fine. But if you go to 10-20 laps on BL, then it will change. so why bother? In a league you can control it anyway, and there you have the competition enviroment anyway...
S2 licensed
if you want to pay more for less content, I guess licensed cars and tracks for LFS will be the way to go
S2 licensed
Quote from WGooden :Just noticed the join date thing, nice.

cool thing 2 and a half years... omg...
S2 licensed
Nice cockpit you have there, Rich. Finally
S2 licensed
Quote from Anarchi-H :10100...

Thats 20 for those that can't count in base 2. Shame on you :boing:

Well, there are 10 different people on this world: Those who can count in base 2 and those who cant

I'm approaching 29b next year
S2 licensed
please move to offtopic
S2 licensed
please move to offtopic
S2 licensed
A little collection of pics, you'll also find her: ... ewtopic&p=24413#24413

And be aware, the tongue returns
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :It can be shorter. ALOT shorter.
A friend of mine asked me what I play. I spoke 3 words. Live, for, Speed.
The same day, he downloaded the demo and bought an S2 license. Can it be shorter than that?

I pulled out a CD with it on it, and just gave it to him without saying anything :P
S2 licensed
Quote from XRRoy :I've allready seen some pics, you guys had a nice guest eh

Ah, I know now, where you found them piccies :P
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :rofl what game did yall play 6 years ago?? wolfenstein ? hahaha (the original )

DOnt remember it anymore... must have been erased by some drugs or so..
OCRANA becomes 9 years old :D
S2 licensed
Today, 30th of october 1996, ocrana was founded. Back in those days only some shooter team, they started early to look over the edge and since almost 2 years now we - the OCRANA Racing Team - are part of them. And a good few of us met together with about 100 other ocranas and friends to a big bday-party at some secret place in germany It was a f*cking good night, pics to prove come later But getting together with my teamies from all over europe is just something super-special


Joe aka ocr.Vykos69
S2 licensed
Happy bday Fordie, i just got home from the ocrana-bday party, we hit the number 9 this year All the best to all the bday-kiddos
S2 licensed
snewhma, I'd say, you relax a bit, and reread Kids post, he wasnt actually insulting, just critic and open. You yourself had been a bit rude too. I was about to slap Kid around a bit, to keep it cool with you, but then again you are a guy, who gives hackers a team... That is actually worrying me a bit. But lets keep it ontopic:

"LFS rocks" - she who must be obeyed, 2004
S2 licensed
rofl, great pic Kid, but it's Offtopic

LFS - it's FOR REAL!
S2 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :
Vykos, when you say " think about it: Any regulation to the demo will
decrease the use of it, and the sales." Well, precisely, i HAVE thought
about it and that very sentence seems to contradict itself. The USE of
the demo IS the problem, some people USE the demo INSTEAD of buying
the full game, this is where it is NOT increasing the sales. I read more
and more about how demo is not helping LFS by giving it a bad name.
So, is it the very fact that sales are affected by this that you contest,
or is it because you are not a demo user and haven't witnessed this?

See, yourself are just putting it up: registration will make the demo more useful for registered user, why should he buy S2 then? And you even decrease the number of possible players. I also wonder where you read bad infos about LFS Demo etc. The only place I read about it, is here, and then people get the good answer: "Go, buy S2, no wreckers there!". Besides the fact, that the sales going on well (germany increased from 19.8 to 20.5% in the license pie over last 2 months ). If people start thinking, how they can get better and cleaner races in the demo, they can even put up private servers or go and buy S2. Dont change the current system, instead of killing your brain with thoughts about it, you all should go visit demo servers from time to time and tell them how great S2 is
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :No, you must register to play online, not to unlock the demo itself.

That's exactly the point. LFS Demo wins, cause u just click Multiplayer and can play online. If I would have had to register to play online, I dunno, if I would have tried it at first back in the days...

From my point of view of Racing-Challenge admin, I would like to see registration for demoplayers, but then again a Registration always frightens people, and it's better a LOT of people see that great online code, than less
S2 licensed
Quote from Don :2 versions

Aaaah Don, thanx for the update to my desktop. It wanted a new wallpaper so desperately
S2 licensed
@all: [_]Understood basic ideas of marketing/advertising/demostuff...

think about it: Any regulation to the demo will decrease the use of it, and the sales.
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :if you dont like being moderated try #lfscentral in quakenet.
also in quakenet you have #liveforspeed but that is moderated.

o_O I'm Op in both channels.. does that make me almighty? illepall
S2 licensed
ROFL, this thread is close to best thread ever award... but misses it
S2 licensed
Time for an update to this thread... While there was the UK meet, I went to Nürburgring the last two days, read it HERE