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please move that big crap of plastic to off-topic
S2 licensed

I got back yesterday evening but was so damn tired, I fell to bed immediately. Just sorting the pics and movies I made. Will upload them during the day. It was more a trade show, than a public exposition. Therefor it was really intersting for some contacts with some companies that might be interested in the Cyberseat and/or LFS. On the other hand, those guys, who were there all had a lot of ufn, and enjoyed thereselves in it. One thing actually got proven:

Almost every normal driver, who had some experience with games or not, crashed in t1, except a 13 year old girl and a mid-40 year old former real racedriver without any experience in games!!! He impressed me the most, I have to say. He was also able to go with the f08 after one lap gti, and understanding it. So being gentle on the throttle etc. Except him screaming all the time: "I want a track I know, to show you what I can do!!!"

So, pics are coming later, tristan is actually a funny guy, but he is definitely compensating his lack of speed on the track and at drinking beer with his postcount here :P (sorry tristan, you know I had to :P )
S2 licensed
have a good flight, cya tomorrow tristan.
S2 licensed
Quote from noemfie :(I presume it was a girl seeing she had a girl name , with pink text and a pink car )

You could have run into the pink phenomenon Henk, who is not really a girl
S2 licensed
Quote from Nighthawk :No Problem... buy ur Girlfriend a S2 Account too ... and everything will be fine :hyper:

Well, dont forget, that she needs a PC with a wheel then too. Else yo'll be loosing yours :P
LFS goes TV once more
S2 licensed
German TV-station GIGA will have one hour of pure LFS racing tonight from 19 cet (18 GMT) on. There will be a review of the ESL EPS Relegation of last week, and one race will be shown. I personally hope, that they continue broadcasting some more of those leagueraces, so we might get our weekly LFS hour @ TV

You can watch it either via satellite or via LIVE-stream:


Astra digital 19.2 ° Ost
Transponder: 103
Freq: 12.460,5 MHz
Pol: H
Symb: 27.500
FEC: 3/4

Have Fun!
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :Blackwood is rather long track. Aston Club or even Cadet would fit perfectly with the GTi if that's the car you are going to use. The problem with Blackwood is that it looks too much a fantasy (of course it is fantasy but e.g. Aston and Kyoto looks like a real life track).

Your are right about Aston cadet, this is probably the only other track, I'd consider interesting and drivable for n00bs (in gti), while GamesConvention 2004showed, that t1 and the downhill chicane is a newbie killer. Aston Club is way to difficult: the chicane in sector one is a more: "I have to know where to go cause i cant see" - thing, last turn/chicane is a killer too.

Quote :
So you don't even consider that?

That is not in our hands, besides the fact, that it doesnt attract people.
S2 licensed
well, those are both unofficial addons with a quality of design (especially the Nordschleife) which are way below, what i call "buyworthy". rfactor itself hasnt got real tracks, except one maybe, and the PCC-Mod is called mod, because it's a mod, and not original content of the game. So please stick to the facts, or write it in other words:
Quote :rfactor is cool, cause you can use addon tracks, which you cant in LFS

got it?

BTT: I love a very good fantasytrack more than a WIP Mother which is quality wise below GPL-releaseyear standard.
S2 licensed
rfactor has the same amount of real tracks as LFS has real cars, afaik.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :I'd say please don't use Blackwood. It has great scenery but on the other hand (at least for me) it's the most "fantasy-looking" track. Maybe you should use different track (and car?) combo every day.

It is NOT a matter of what YOU like, but what is most useful for newbie drivers, controllable and entertaining. And there you need a rather short track and a driveable car for people who have never driven a sim. The city tracks are too difficult, fern bay isnt graphically up to date and Aston, kyoto and westhill are boring with the slower cars (always pov of a newbie). Blackwood has nice trees, turning windmills etc. At the moment, a visitor comes back several times, and there is some time, he can have a drive in another car and on another track, but that's the minority. You dont have to change track and car daily therefor, cause the visitor from sunday doesnt know - and doesnt care - which car was driven on saturday, except he takes part in the competition. Then he might want to drive exact same car and track combo...

Quote :And the the extra monitor idea would be very good to get on. As we all know one of the best parts in LFS is that how real it looks from the outside. Just get some league replays. Or playback some racing movies (without sound/music, so the legal problems are solved and you don't need to edit them ), you just need to contact the authors.

this is a simple money and place issue.

All those who give nice and fast ideas, please remember that this isnt the first show, cyberseat is doing with LFS, besides the people at the booth arent the first time on such a show. There already exists some experience, and as you can read from my answers, which are based on experience with LFS and some shows over the last couple of years.
FFS, let the pros do their work! j/k rock on guys
Looking for some two funny days in vienna, guys!
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Heh ok, I think we can scrap the idea of replays then (but maybe keep one handy as a backup, better safe than sorry). Yes of course they'll be racing from inside the car, but should there ever be a replay shown, or just the outside view used, every car should be skinned.

Next question: track will be Blackwood only? What car(s) will be used?

To get newbies into the car it is always best to use gti on BL. BL has everything you need to show to a newbie. straights, different turns, chicane, nice looking scenery etc. Skins wont be a prob too, and as experience tells us, everyone who wants a faster car gets it for one turn (yeah talking about wall in t1 here :P ).

About idle times: At GC2005 the cyberseat booth was smaller and at the side of the wall, while the force dynamics stood more in the middle with GTL on it. There were always more people wanting to have a go on the cyberseat.... :hint:

Eh Android, better look for smilies next time, huh?
S2 licensed
tristan, you are right with your presumption. People want to test the seat as much and as often they can. Showing replays on a show like this is not working and not interesting for the crowd. No need for that. Besides that the experience of the seat is the main interest, LFS comes second. So it actually would be annoying to be on a server then, wait for a race, or destroy a race and the onliners start calling them n00bs, even kick them...
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :IF

S2 licensed
btw, is Tristan snoring or farting in the night? We share hotel (not room) for a night, just want to be save.. I'll arrive friday mornign at Vienna and stay till saturday evening. cya there
S2 licensed
Eh Tristan, ready to meet the TONGUE? MUHARHARHARHARHAR...
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Dont forget you can drag on the Blackwood backstraight (like we did pre-S1).

Now THAT explains a lot...
S2 licensed
Belain, can you turn right? :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Those fast aliens will have serious problems when engine and suspension damage gets to "visible" level. Driving over 20cm high curb at 200kph without any suspension damage is something I'd like to do in real life

...Or at least to get to that 200kph

They wont, cause they will attach to the new physics maybe even faster than you...
S2 licensed
Quote from JoeCool :here you go
impressions, racescenes and stuff - all about 4 minutes

Anyone have a mirror to that? Did you removed it already, Joe? Wanna seeee
S2 licensed
well, vienna is in austria, while bratislava isnt....
S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :yes vykos but it IS also used IRL as a penalty for drivers. Some series add for example 20kg to the driver who wins, 15 to second, 10 to third etc... it is an effective way of keeping the racing close and enjoyable for the spectators.
To be honest i wouldn't mind being penalised with a weight penalty for winning, it would make the races more interesting

OK, I dont like it, but if it's used that way IRL too, then we need it in LFS.
S2 licensed
Ballast in touring car racing series is used to even out the different car types... so in LFS, if a FZR wins in a series, the whole FZR would need ballast, not only the driver, cause else it would be a penalty for his skill, not the too fast car.
S2 licensed
Inco, you are right, but this vid just rocks! :o Awesome carcontrol, nice making, good sound. Cool stuff!
S2 licensed
Weeee, now that is WELL DESERVED! Or "damn right to", as robbie would say