I got back yesterday evening but was so damn tired, I fell to bed immediately.

Just sorting the pics and movies I made. Will upload them during the day. It was more a trade show, than a public exposition. Therefor it was really intersting for some contacts with some companies that might be interested in the Cyberseat and/or LFS. On the other hand, those guys, who were there all had a lot of ufn, and enjoyed thereselves in it. One thing actually got proven:
Almost every normal driver, who had some experience with games or not, crashed in t1, except a 13 year old girl and a mid-40 year old former real racedriver without any experience in games!!! He impressed me the most, I have to say. He was also able to go with the f08 after one lap gti, and understanding it. So being gentle on the throttle etc. Except him screaming all the time: "I want a track I know, to show you what I can do!!!"
So, pics are coming later, tristan is actually a funny guy, but he is definitely compensating his lack of speed on the track and at drinking beer with his postcount here :P (sorry tristan, you know I had to :P )