- stay on your line on straight, dont brake or lift as long as other is behind you. Why? Cause this way your behaviour is most predictable, and lapping driver can adjust to that.
- take outside line in turns and let faster pass inside easily.
Gunn, I appreciate your c&p effort But it is actually really really simple.
no, afaik, no more intel-LFS surprises. Well, as already guessed up there, it is cause the ESL has that EPS with LFS (www.esl-europe.net) and the ESL is sponsored big by intel. And intel cant take CounterStrike or so for a spot. And cause they sponsor BMW F1 now, they wanted some racegame ingame footage with a aformula car. F08 was the way to go then So they asked me (I have "some" connections there), if I can help with some footage, ask Devs for OK etc., and thanx to several buddies we created some overtaking maneuvres etc. I helped with some updates on the trackside logos and the liveforspeed url in there I am very happy of, cause that was, what I wanted That's basically all about it.
Yes, that intel spot is only for cinema, it is in germany only afaik, and that part in it is LFS. I had something to do with the creation of that spot
It's the F08 @ BL
No, it's simply because LFS-leagues dont like the FILSCA ideas and vice versa. To put it straight: There's simply no FILSCA approved LFS-League and no LFS-League that wants or went for a FILSCA approval.
I'm just picking this one, cause: If you want Open Source Racegame, go 4 RACER. You'll see how fast and great it develops.
Why is windows used on so many desktop PCs? Why isnt it an open source system? Cause not every user wants to check every now and then if some freak somewhere on the world coded som elittle maybe cool thing for his system. Even if M$ sux big time etc. it still gives us the most compatible software platform all over the world. Same goes for a non open gamesoftware:
It gives us a paltform to compete on with the same "weapons" all over the world. And the user and online playing numbers - even small - show that this is the right way to go.
Maybe in the future Eric decides to accept tracks from the outside, but will then check through them and only the best of the best of the best will get an OK. In terms of cars, I dont think and i actually do not hope that this will happen.
Did you? Did you know virtual startlights come? Did you know mrt would come? Did you know skidmarks would come? No, you didnt!
It was not promised to be released at a given time, there was one mistake in an interview by victor, who said, it might come b4 xmas
LOL, no. They know what they do, and they plan. Maybe a lot of us have other ideas, of what could be important, but it's their game, their way to do it, and there is no real way to change that.
There you might be right. Still, compared to other games, you know way more
wrong. They will never do a workaround, there will be redone aero and tyre physics. And you are informed, what they do. They code. They said it, and now they do it. There were longer times in S1, where you didnt hear anything from them. ATM your latest information is: We are back in coding since end of 05/start of 06. That's 5-6 weeks away. Not a long time imho...
He never ever did ask, what you would prefer to see next. The three has good contact with the community, cause they listen to bugreports, concerns and everything, but there is a line that the community will never cross into development. And especially one thing is clear: The three decide - and decided in the past - what will come next.
no, alpha
I saw real racedrivers play LFS, and they were really impressed.
because you simply do not have the right to ORDER a progress report. If the devs want to/can, they give you one, if not you dont get one
you know what? I might even buy gtr2 the time it is out. But if any new patch for LFS comes after that, I'll be back as everyone. Yes, just go and enjoy it, play other games, but the moment you get the email with the newsletter, you'll be back, I'll promise. And you know why? Cause you wont have to pay 50,- Euros for that update
you arent flamed, you just showed that there is still some lack of infos and understanding in the part of the "EA gives me every year an update for 50,- euros, I want one in LFS too" part of the community