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S2 licensed
You are lapped, so:

- stay on your line on straight, dont brake or lift as long as other is behind you. Why? Cause this way your behaviour is most predictable, and lapping driver can adjust to that.
- take outside line in turns and let faster pass inside easily.


Gunn, I appreciate your c&p effort But it is actually really really simple.
S2 licensed
yes, you can race 1-on-1 in your LAN, but you will have to unlock the copy on your second PC too. And it is license-wise allowed.
S2 licensed
Quote from no_one :Is this it? ... o/soundcheck/default.aspx

YEAH! Thanx for finding it!
S2 licensed
Quote from wheeler :Give us some more information how you arranged this???! For 90% of cinema visitors it's just a detail but if you managed to get in the Intel advertising headquarters and sneak Live for Speed in there it's quite an accomplish. Great work Can we expect any more Intel - LfS surpises? Hope it's not a Intel Inside logo as intro for the game

no, afaik, no more intel-LFS surprises. Well, as already guessed up there, it is cause the ESL has that EPS with LFS ( and the ESL is sponsored big by intel. And intel cant take CounterStrike or so for a spot. And cause they sponsor BMW F1 now, they wanted some racegame ingame footage with a aformula car. F08 was the way to go then So they asked me (I have "some" connections there), if I can help with some footage, ask Devs for OK etc., and thanx to several buddies we created some overtaking maneuvres etc. I helped with some updates on the trackside logos and the liveforspeed url in there I am very happy of, cause that was, what I wanted That's basically all about it.
S2 licensed
Yes, that intel spot is only for cinema, it is in germany only afaik, and that part in it is LFS. I had something to do with the creation of that spot
It's the F08 @ BL
S2 licensed
Great stuff! Go On!
S2 licensed
Congratulations Geraldine and Scawen to your great son Leo, and Congratulations Leo, for being an internet-celebrity on day 6 of your life

A kid will change your point of view, Scawen Enjoy everything of this new life!
S2 licensed
No, it's simply because LFS-leagues dont like the FILSCA ideas and vice versa. To put it straight: There's simply no FILSCA approved LFS-League and no LFS-League that wants or went for a FILSCA approval.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Is there a replay of the race? One could have a look at it, and analyse a bit...
S2 licensed
Quote from NaBUru38 :One question: why does "open-source software" exist for?

I'm just picking this one, cause: If you want Open Source Racegame, go 4 RACER. You'll see how fast and great it develops.

Why is windows used on so many desktop PCs? Why isnt it an open source system? Cause not every user wants to check every now and then if some freak somewhere on the world coded som elittle maybe cool thing for his system. Even if M$ sux big time etc. it still gives us the most compatible software platform all over the world. Same goes for a non open gamesoftware:
It gives us a paltform to compete on with the same "weapons" all over the world. And the user and online playing numbers - even small - show that this is the right way to go.

Maybe in the future Eric decides to accept tracks from the outside, but will then check through them and only the best of the best of the best will get an OK. In terms of cars, I dont think and i actually do not hope that this will happen.
S2 licensed
I joined what is written there

Edit: Ah, 2 months earlier or so. I think mid of march was it. And I think, the oldies are just reading those days, cause they got patient over time
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I'll let you into a secret - no roundabout is safe when I'm in the Mazda. And my rear tyres are already pretty slick. And they're the cheapest, hardest, least grippy things I could find so that I could have more fun!

But only when I know it's safe to do so, i.e. safe for other people.

Thank god there is so much water between your place and my place! :P
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I nominate Vykos!

Or Tristan!

S2 licensed
best ones are the posts like: ISI is such a small team, they should not do a forum on their own... hahahahaha
S2 licensed
Quote from Mogar :Now all that we can do is to hope that the devs have soon something interesting to report, to give us an idea of what is gonna come and when.

What maybe, but When prolly not.
S2 licensed
Totally wrong forum here, move to off-topic pls
S2 licensed
Quote from Mogar :I might be wrong, but I thought that I have already seen they asking that kind of thing, at least once.

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But one thing you can't deny, we always had a idea of what was comming on next patch and a estimate date of the release, and usually they surprised us doing more than they said they were going to do on S1 days

Did you? Did you know virtual startlights come? Did you know mrt would come? Did you know skidmarks would come? No, you didnt!
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Maybe they stopped doing that since the several delays of S2 release. If I'm not wrong, it was promised first to something like last quarter from 2004, and then it was delayed, delayed, until some beta tester leaked one version, and the devs almost had to release a demo to avoid ppl playing a faulty version (the leaked version had some obvious faults, that could make angry ppl even angrier).

It was not promised to be released at a given time, there was one mistake in an interview by victor, who said, it might come b4 xmas
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But we can't forget that the Devs were much far from what they have expected to released in S2. Damage modeling, new diffs and some other things were planned only to S3. Maybe they didn't plan accordingly, or thought that they could do more than they actually could do.

LOL, no. They know what they do, and they plan. Maybe a lot of us have other ideas, of what could be important, but it's their game, their way to do it, and there is no real way to change that.
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Anyway, I still think that it's much more "healthy" to LFS to keep the community informed about the developing process. Today, we know almost nothing, that gives margin to some ppl think wrong things, and maybe make ppl angry.

There you might be right. Still, compared to other games, you know way more
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I think that although there is no way to make everyone happy, the strong supporters (like I was) liked much more the days that we were informed about the developing process, than today, that we know nothing (we just know that someday somehow the devs plan to make a workaround on the aero and tyre bug, and maybe they will make S3, nothing more than this).

wrong. They will never do a workaround, there will be redone aero and tyre physics. And you are informed, what they do. They code. They said it, and now they do it. There were longer times in S1, where you didnt hear anything from them. ATM your latest information is: We are back in coding since end of 05/start of 06. That's 5-6 weeks away. Not a long time imho...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mogar :
This don't prevent him from keep contact with the community talking about what he have been doing about LFS, asking the community what they would prefer to see in the next patch (I doubt that anyone would prefer the language packs instead physics improvements) like the old days.

He never ever did ask, what you would prefer to see next. The three has good contact with the community, cause they listen to bugreports, concerns and everything, but there is a line that the community will never cross into development. And especially one thing is clear: The three decide - and decided in the past - what will come next.
S2 licensed
HERE you get "Szwei" from Kraniwani.
S2 licensed
Check his second one then too:
Edit, url not working, putting it to some better webspace
Last edited by Vykos69, .
S2 licensed
2.94 GB LFS-versions
6.5 GB additional LFS-files (skins, downloaded patches etc etc.)
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Oh no! Damn you Jo. Damn you to err, Frankfurt and back!!!

PWND!!! :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Falkowski83 :I really don't understand why all this balllicking towards the devs.

Let's discuss the FACTS, and not subjective things:

1) LFS is beta. Yes, it is. For almost 8 months now. We absolutely should have had some progress reports, or as Mogar stated, know we are fixing this and that.

no, alpha
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2) Why the BHM and AutoSimSport awards? Because the community voted. Not racing experts. Not professional drivers. We already know this, and 9 out of 10 professional drivers will say GTR and GTL are WAY better than LFS (can't disagree there. And btw, yes, I also play GTL, so don't come with the nonsense "if u dont like it dont play it")

I saw real racedrivers play LFS, and they were really impressed.
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3) WTF is this that whenever someone has any complaints about the game or the physics you will come flaming everyone?????? We said over and over again that we UNDERSTAND how LFS is being developed. But it comes to a point where you just run out of patince waiting for something that should already be done.

because you simply do not have the right to ORDER a progress report. If the devs want to/can, they give you one, if not you dont get one
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4) In the other "brazilian" thread, SpeedSoro warned about the other developers. And was FLAMED for that. I need to say that I really have high expectations for GTR2. And if the LFS Team doesn't keep up to par, they will lose a lot of supporters (even the hardcvore, that will have to understand the REALITY someday).

you know what? I might even buy gtr2 the time it is out. But if any new patch for LFS comes after that, I'll be back as everyone. Yes, just go and enjoy it, play other games, but the moment you get the email with the newsletter, you'll be back, I'll promise. And you know why? Cause you wont have to pay 50,- Euros for that update
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I know I will be flamed for this, but Forums are places to post OPINIONS, and also COMPLAINTS and SUGGESTIONS about games. It shouldn't be a protective place where if the developers are criticized there will be a lot of "ball-lickers" to flame the other guys.

[ ]'s

you arent flamed, you just showed that there is still some lack of infos and understanding in the part of the "EA gives me every year an update for 50,- euros, I want one in LFS too" part of the community