Devs get money by SELLING LFS which features BMW/Intel/Petronas content, this is a commercial thing, I bet there will be loads of ppl becoming interested in buying LFS should it contain F1 stuff. You can't really tell who benefit more out of this, win-win for both parties, and Gosh, what a partnership!!!
Can't believe my first post in this thread is to answer that, still out of breath now. But for some bubble bursting---will it be merely an updated FO8? Remember F1 today uses V8 engines, maybe the only thing it's got to do with F1 is a BMW-Sauber livery...
Was viewing biggie's Bl1 wr replay and accidentally thought about hitting the "test driver" button to see what would happen. Well I think I was actually driving in the same condition in which biggie drove that lap, i.e. ambient temperatures, setups, everything was the same except the driver in the cockpit was me---am I right about this?illepall
If so, then it might be an easy way to get the setups from whom you're interested in, notably from those wr holders. But I am not sure how to output setup files alone in the replay.