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Quote from [RCG]Boosted :well im not really a big F1 fan, what means ive just seen a few races.
so.....i just can say ive seen some nice racing in that vid

Glad you like it, cheers m8.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I agree, it's become more of a corporate event than a racing event. We don't have those crazy gladiatorial racing drivers in F1 any more - instead we've got whoever looks good for the media, or whoever can bring sponsorship, or whoever can provide commercial opportunities in new markets. It's all a big glitz parade for investment banks, and financial products are not exciting, regardless of how many racing teams rely on them.

Unfortunately, it's so true that F1 has become more of a corporate event, but maybe you have been distracted too much, F1 is RACING above all things around it. Commercials aren't really what fans care more about. Even in 2005, a year which saw Renault dominance, we still have great races like Imola and Suzuka, and this year F1 has become more exciting than ever, I predict a great season, maybe only 2003 could better it.
S2 licensed
Hello everyone, I just did a rmvb version of this vid
only 19MB, enjoy
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :to the vid...some crashes on the beginning, after that nice fights, suited with a falco song...nice!

haven't u identified those BIGGEST HISTORIC MOMENTS OF F1 in it? honestly that's one of the most inclusive F1 vid i've seen.
S2 licensed
Quote from Messiah :It doesn't make it superior for me with adding a Formula 1 car, even if its the third real car (along with the MRT5 and RAC). I know F1 from years ago and I formerly watched it with interest but I don't think its the kings of all motor sports. Maybe the kings of formula motor sports? There's speed, drama and excitemen in other motor sports as well

I also never liked F1 games that much

And for some reason I cannot sleep tonight.. and I tried. I just went for a shower *sigh* ... now I'm a believer *sings*

Yeah I know, maybe I should've said "the pinnacle of open wheel racing". But that's what's amazing about LFS, people with slightly different interests could still race together and have good fun.

I love F1, but at the same time love racing in general, it isn't hard at for me to get into another racing event. For the speed, drama and excitement.

Advise: sleep late, and get the patch when waking up late in the afternoon.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Let's see if we can make 100 threads about the BF1 before it even ****ing appears in the sim!! Come on guys, you can do it!

Honestly I'm 100% more excited by the prospect of an improvement in handling for the RWD road cars than I am by the addition of an F1 car, and I consider myself a big F1 fan (I have watched the pacific-region races live for the last 10 years or so, getting up at 5am here in the UK).

Sorry if this thread annoys you in any way, yes I agree with you that technically the physics improvement is a bigger step, but adding a F1 car while it hasn't been done for years isn't something you could do in a new little patch every time. I feel that lot of LFSers are here because of the road cars, GT or drifting stuff, I may be wrong about this, but BF1 will attract lots of potential buyers that's for sure.

And if your a F1 fan, download the vid and watch!
Last edited by wE1l, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Thats for those of you confused by the smiley code in the URL

Thanks for pointing it out , I made a quick fix.
The Official *F1 comes to LFS* Celebration Thread
S2 licensed
As I noticed, it seems that F1 does not have a solid fan base on the forum, some even go as far as opposing to a F1 car appearing in LFS.

Adding a F1 car in is a huge step IMO, it proves the devs' determination to make LFS THE sim, and will probably make it the most well rounded racing sim. Moreover, I think it will draw big attention, there're reportedly 300 million tv audience per GP, as the first pc sim that features a F1 car since 2003, people may become more interested in LFS than ever.

Personally I never get it when people interested in racing dislike F1. It's the pinnacle of motor racing...well, words may become powerless in such situations, I highly recommend everyone take a look at the attached video, it shows what F1 is all about. Speed, Drama, Excitement and a lot more...

Above all, I hope BF1 won't let us down, GT cars are superb in LFS, but I am not convinced that the open wheel ones are well simulated. A few hours time we will find out!

Thanks for reading and welcome to comment!
Last edited by wE1l, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :You bet I'm the same Marty. See the country flag? Chilean all the way.


Your welcome mate, playing with a wheel will make you love racing sims even more, although there will alway be keyboard geeks.
S2 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :Honestly, I think it's gonna be quite a headache for some folks out there. 750 BHP, rear wheel drive and 600 kilograms... illepall

I'm getting money for a decent PC, a good wheel and the S2 license myself.

HI Marty! Is there any chance your the same marty at planetf1 forum?

Anyway hope your upgrade plan goes well!
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :lol, and 99% of that 0.01% are on cracked LFS.

And believe it or not, there're more hong kong LFS registry than in the whole China.

*where do you live?

Oh, I just checked that, yes there're 934 who from Hong Kong.

But a big problem there is, Hong Kong is selected as a COUNTRY, this is a fundamental mistake,illepall I hope devs could notice it and have it changed.

Surely it's not that hard to change "Country" to "Country/Region".
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Dubel-uu-tee-ef?

lol, sorry dude, was talking to JJ72 who's from HongKong, so I decided Chinese would be more handy.

What I said was that the majority of ppl in China don't even get a clue of what is LFS, let alone cracking it. And that if u use the search option at lfsworld there're more than 500 registered drivers from China.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :I just know mainland china is full of crackers.

*you from

Full of crackers? 呵呵,恐怕99.99%的中國人連什么是LFS都不知道 !

我在那裏註冊過,不知道這樣是不是就算 “from” there。

S2 licensed
Quote from silent_wind :are we gonna have the Fast B&R settings for the F1 car ? cos i dont think it's a realistic way to set an F1 car suspension without those, the GTR cars need them too IMO... what ya think ?

I doubt if it would be featured in the upcoming patch, but it is a must have for s3.
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi,

1st congratulation to you realize that DEVs really deserver their money for all their great work and supporty they gave us.

Many its time for SCAVIER again to split LFS into 2 packages .
1) DEMO part
2) updated/additional part (full version) in secured section on WEB where you can have access only after you payed for the LFS.

A good idea for protection, though I am not very sure it will only do good to LFS, you know there are many people who decided to buy it only after they had played the cracked full version.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :A countdown ... in=00&sec=00&p0=0

Any chance we could get it earlier than that?
S2 licensed
Quote from silent_wind :huh just a question WE1l (outta the topic i know) , you're not originally chinese, are you ?? Smile , i'll bet you're just working there or moved there... Smile

Hasn't my weird English given away the fact that I am not a native speaker?Big grin

FYI, my Chinese nationality is perfectly original.Cool And now it's my turn to be the curious one---why u ask? Are u interested in learning some Chinese?Big grin
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Yes I also remember this. Cars were getting way faster times, and doing impossible turning maneuvers. :pillepall

I had a video of it once of someone doing absolutely outrageous times on various tracks... I just cannot agree on the fact that the times are very similar to reallife because of this, wE1l.


This is the wr (advanced) in F1C for Nurburgring 2002.

And this is the outcome of qualifying 2002 European GP, note that back then they used 12-lap qualifying with light fuel, basically everyone carry 3 laps fuel and do a flying lap, pit and repeat this four times. So that should be very close to the maximum what the cars could do.

Worth mentioning that those top drivers in F1C tend to drive only in pro mode, which means TC is not active, I'd say with TC on it would be a safe bet that Binz would've made into 1:30s.

There are 11 driving aids available in F1C, with many of them turned on, yes, people can do much faster laptimes, maybe that's what you were talking about. And please cut it, I think talking excessively about another sim ain't that wise now that we are in a LFS forum and should of talk about the upcoming BF1.Big grin

Final words on what F1C has to do with this --- I just want a sim that allow people to drive real cars on real tracks doing similar times at each split to real life pros, experiencing most realistic car behaviors, that's what I get from F1C. In addition, please feel free to check out this cool F1C vid http://idefix.martijnbogaard.c ... ula1_compilation_Mart.wmv end of story.Tilt
S2 licensed
Quote from ste_ :Turn 1 on _all_ tracks is called "n00bs' corner"

Or "Crasholic's Club".
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :53.525

Unfortunately, we don't have a timing system that advance.
S2 licensed
Quote from marsaz : ... 167&q=car&pl=true

This is not an F1 but still. Tyres DO sound even if you can't really see car going sideways. Looks like tyres can slip a little bit before they lose traction (still friction or whatever it is in english)

Nice video, well although I never drove a car that frantically I guess in the vid it DOES go sideways a tiny bit. It's worth mentioning that the sound only happens when the driver takes slow corners, which means that the sliding might be too tiny to be noticed.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Yep getting into the 'zone' maybe easier in a sim but that's what real drivers have to do. Sure loss of ground effects maybe an issue on bumps but then again it didn't stop Stefan Bellof driving a 956 round the 'ring bloody quickly.

Thanks for pointing out Woodcote at Silverstone, but it seems that it has a fairly large radius

while at we1 it's like

S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :besides point 3 your argument seems to be just based on your personal perspective? I don't think the first two points are supported by real life references strong enough to prove that LFS has it way off.

point 3 should be addressed with the tire physics update.

1. Think for yourself---reaching 270kph at the backstraight, taking a fast chicane and remaining that speed, and then flat-out a 90 degree corner without even a touch on the brake??

2. Do u recall San Marino GP 2005? In qualifying, Michael Schumacher ran wide at the penultimate corner, everyone was puzzled how he faltered, later MS explained he braked a bit late but unfortunately hit a bump and lost front downforce for a thousandth of a second, which saw him in the gravel. Aerodynamics are so delicate in racing that a little disturbance would totally mess it up. Well in that FO8 sometimes the you could feel the wheel almost leaves the ground yet it comes back safely as if it's glued to the ground. That's why I don't feel it "right".
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :What's the problem with the FO8 being able to take fast corners flat out? it's a downforce car.

I don't see your point with the vibration and tire sound either?

1. Westhill International, Turn 1 --- 90 degree, no significent banking, flat-out.

2. At FE Black, when attacking some tight chicanes, in real life those violent vibrations would easily result in a total loss of control of the car, yet we get away with it.

3. Annoying and extremely unrealistic tyre sounds when at very low speed (1-10 kph) should be a well-know one. Sound of tyre scratching the ground means your car is going sideways, and in a formula car, it's a situation you would never want to be in. Most of the time you will lose the car, because the sliding friction force is much weaker than static friction, your car will be sliding all the way to the barrier.

Hope you could get a better idea of what I was talking about.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :i was thinking the same thing. 3 seconds is forever.

depends on the circuit I think, 3 seconds at bl1 is definitely disaster tho.