Some advantages of the new system.
Everyone will get points. Suppose Super Aguri run their two cars without trouble to finish, even if they are always the last two on the track during the race, they will still get 3 pts in the end.
Big bonus for the winner. 5 pts equal about the pts earned by leading the race for one fouth of a gp distance.
Encourage overtaking. Track positions are vital, any lap that you run stucked behind your rival will mean you are losing pts to him, drivers will be desperate to pass on track.
Championship down to the wire. Do you like the idea of someone clinching the title with 5 races to go? Well with this one it will be a very unlikely scenario. Mostly because there are 8 extra pts up for grab each race. Take this year for example, Alonso won't feel comfortable when he's running second to MS, and he certainly won't win the title finishing second all the time in the second half of the season, which is possible under the current system.
Vast range of possibilities. Let's assume the championship goes to the last race with the leader A 3 pts ahead closest contender B. In the race however, B is brilliant and has a comfortable lead over A towards the end of the race. Although it's not very likely for A to overtake B, A still has a chance to win the WDC by setting the FL. Meanwhile it's up to B to prevent that from happening...What a race that would be!
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It will boost the quality of racing and will be especially helpful for an exciting showdown among the title contenders.