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Quote from GeForz :Whats the point of this Thread? It's not even a Bmw Wheel... ^^

The point is, we will race with these fancy buttons in S3. So be prepared.
S2 licensed
The OT button is an interesting one, and I find the lower left switch button preventing drivers from downshifting too much quite funny.

Anyone can explain the price paid for an increase in engine braking?
We want these buttons!
S2 licensed

The steering wheel of Raikkonen's MP4-21.

From top:

+1 and +10 (green, far left and far right)
Used in conjunction with the MSG OK button (marked with a cross, right) to flick through car function menus, allowing the driver to override certain functions in the case of malfunction. The MSG OK button changes the respective menu of each of the two buttons.

PLS (yellow, with P, left)
Activates the pit-lane speed limiter when entering the pits.

PTT (red, left)
Pit radio button. Used to call the pit crew via radio communication.

DRINKS (grey, left)
Provides drinking fluid to the driver. Operates an electric pump to bring the liquid from a reservoir in the cockpit through a tube to the driver’s mouth.

TC OFF (blue, left)
Switches off the traction control. Mainly used during the formation lap to allow the driver to spin the rear wheels and generate heat in the tyres. Also used when exiting the driver’s pit position, allowing wheelspin, which deposits rubber on the tarmac, providing more grip during pit stops.

A and B (black/purple, black, left)
Used to change the traction control setting ,for hi revs and low revs. The various positions enable the driver to find the correct level of traction control interevention. The optimum level changes due to numerous variables, including the level of grip provided by the tarmac, the track temperature, the amount of rubber deposited on the track etc.

Lower left switch (with positions 2 through 8)
This presets the lowest gear for each corner, allowing the driver to change down through the gearbox quickly, without fear of selecting too low a gear.

C, D and E (black/red, black/white, black/blue, along base of wheel)
These switches adjust the car’s differential setting. These depend on various factors related to the overall set up of the car, the fuel load variation, low gear revs and high gears revs.

F (black/green, bottom right)
This button - a very important one - operates and changes the engine braking settings. As the race progresses and the car’s brakes become gradually less efficient, it is useful to be able to increase the amount of engine braking action.

G (black/yellow, right)
This button sets the rev limit for the engine - the highest revs it can reach in each gear before changing up. A higher setting allows the driver to extract more performance; a lower setting puts less stress on the engine.

H (black/orange, right)
This switch changes specific traction control and differential settings in accordance with the tyres being used - grooved, intermediate or wet - to account for the different levels of grip provided by each type.

R (red, right)
Allows the driver to select neutral and reverse gear.

OT (yellow, right)
The overtaking button. This temporarily increases the engine’s maximum rev limit when extra power is needed for a short period. When the button is released the rev limit returns to its default setting.

S2 licensed
I am waiting for the release of your document.

I know none but I am more than interested in trying them.
S2 licensed
Turn to Chinese, where "一 二 三" are "one two three" respectively. It's easy isn't it?
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :
I dream about little things that brings more fun into strategic driving:

- Tyre change (only 1 tyre or just both in the front etc. not just all after %)
- Damage repair (on/off - I don't want to be repaired all the time)
- Short Time based racing instead of laps (I mean less then 1 hour, what about 15, 30 and 45 min. races)

- Oh and let us search the online servers in game by name , ping and by track (not only by cars)

... just dreaming

Your raising very good points here, and I don't think it's a dream to have them on. The damage repair part, I think some damages, for example a suspension damage, should not be reparable during a race. I don't like the idea of entering the pit and magically getting a wrecked car repaired thoroughly.

The server searching feature is long missed.
S2 licensed
Sorry for the strong contents guys, I've edited my post.

Because of my father's job, I saw lots of pictures of victims of car accidents when I was still a kid. So the terrible way to end one's life isn't what disturbs me. People need cars for transportation purpose, that's for life, OK car accidents happen, but that's one of those inevitable things, like keiran said you could virtually die doing anything if your unlucky enough.

But the point being, motor racing as well organised events, put both the spectator and the drivers' lives at high risk. The second video featuring a bike accident totally disgusts me, the marshal helping to pull the bike out of the track got hit (probably dead), and all thses happened so slowly under our eyes. That tragedy was absolutely avoidable had the organisers had a way to notify the racers of the dangers on track, racing events like this should be suspended.
What is the good of motor racing
S2 licensed
Every now and then we hear about casualties in motor racing, well we feel sad, but it's not until the visual evidence stroke me that I began to question the meaning of racing. I guess it's there merely to meet the mysterious passions in human's blood, it's magical, yet at the same time, tragical.

The first time I watched it I was deeply dejected, and blamed myself for falling in love with such an evil sport.
Last edited by wE1l, .
S2 licensed
Having the community get involved is a genuinely good idea. However, getting involved doesn't necessarily mean getting involved in everything, it could be as simply as handing some of the jobs to the volunteer members without being hampered by the disadvantages of a big dev team.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Whats the rush? Why get it finished as quickly as possible? We are all "developing" it in a way, so why not just enjoy this?

Fully agree. I won't like the development to come to an end, it'll be quite depressing.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :Chinese invented football!!

(hence the reason we sucked)

Yep, good point. I find it astonishing how late the world finally admitted it originates from antient China. Below I quote wikipedia:"Similar games include Tsu Chu and Kemari in ancient China and Japan respectively. Tsu Chu, documented as early as the Qin Dynasty, (255-260BCE), is depicted in Han Dynasty (25–220 CE) frescoes being played by women.[1] There are, however, a number of opinions on the dates involved, with the earliest estimates at 5000 BCE."

Despite this, the Chinese played football more as a game, not as a sport. And it's widely accepted that England is the home of modern football.
S2 licensed
If we could have rain, then it will be guaranteed a great race.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :
Oh, and here's a little hint for the future. I often use this page to enhance my vocabulary.


Thanks for the link Vain. It may help me pick up some German.
S2 licensed
Quote from alliennas :how do you know prices? maybe S3 will cost 24 GBP + for example another 24, equal 48?

If the price increase corresponds to the leap of quality in S3, then I'd be glad it's 48 quids.
S2 licensed
Just wondering how many out of the 15 people who voted for option 2 are serious.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Think i'll head on over to RSC and ask them if it's pronounced "Gran Prick's Leg-end's", but i have a feeling i know what they'll say

Now that's interesting.:ices_rofl
S2 licensed
Ha, with me FXO is pronouced "FOX OH". I don't know why, but it's just those things that start from day one.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :nae chance!

OK, easy mate. Just remember watching an interview of John Higgins, and he said something like "enjoy my lif".

I do think the difference in accent and pronounciation is interesting.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :"The meaning of liff" doesn't make any sense. I think you mean "the meaning of laif" as in "life".

I suppose "the meaning of lif" is a Scottish accent?
S2 licensed
Just a thought---will a German native speaker who doesn't know English well tend to pronounce "Laive For Speed"?

Never thought about another pronouciation, but it sounds cool.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :why is his reputation in danger and not his team's? it really seems like barachello doesnt have the best car under him at all...

He's about 1 sec slower than Button in the race.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :My mother watches F1, believe it or not, and Rubens is her favourite driver because he's such a nice guy. I'll have to disagree with you though - I don't think he's fast enough.

He's always been in the same league as Coulthard; a fast and consistent racer but somehow missing that vital ingredient that world champions have.

Er, what that vital ingredient you're talking about? Luck?
S2 licensed
Anyone can tell me why there isn't a UK team, but instead we have England, Scotland...

S2 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :it might be the worst race of the season but i think it's going to be the best qualifying of the season. 22 cars trying to set a quick lap in 15 minutes? CHAOS!


Yeah it could be a problem, the track is so narrow there, if you encounter traffic on your flying lap you are done!
S2 licensed
Quote from snellejowan :no one diserves an f1 championship titel more than rubens barrichello.

well thats what i think anyway

he realy seems the nicest guy on the track. if he was in a ferarri without shumi in he's team he would have had a fair chance 2. not a sure thing but good ods i think. i'm hoping he wins at least one gp this season.

His reputation is in danger at the moment...