I really had to think hard to understand how the red could even make sense to anyone, but I guess it's the observation that two people pulling the string tight in opposite directions would cause it to be suspended in the air. Increase the distance until their backs hit each other, and you've got yourself some levitatin' string.
Complete nonsense of course, but you can see how they got there.
Wouldn't be much of a string though. Hard to tie your shoes with anyway.
Indeed, but the content I consume is by and large produced by people NOT doing it for the money. There's not enough of it in it for that, hence you see people like Murdoc planning to charge for internet "news".
If I can help it I stay away from stuff exclusively produced by people motivated by money instead of doing a good job. Not always doable obviously, but I do what I can. I buy LFS and not hiPricing, I buy music from Jonathan Coulton instead of whatever the mainstream hits are at the moment, I buy games from 2Dboy and Telltale instead of EA, and I don't pay for the sorry excuse for "news" that the mainstream media are pushing.
They do indeed, and they're miserable because society has become completely and utterly focused on the notion that collection of money and things are the way to success and happiness. It's not. Doing good work and feeling useful is, and that should be the primary motivation behind most endeavours. Not money.
No, I would not buy a newspaper in this day and age. I'm not willing to pay for 95% crap in case there might by some good stuff in there. I'm not going to subsidise the intellectual decay of society by giving money to those capitalist ****s. I've had it. They can run themselves into the ground by focusing solely on profit and I'll point and laugh while they do it.
I can keep more informed with better quality sources (for free) by browsing a handful of online sources armed with a pinch of critical thinking. The recent turmoil in Iran was a great example of just how useless the media is these days. I knew about it for almost two days thanks to freakin' Twitter before the mainstream media slowly started to cover the damn thing. They're completely useless.
But don't you see that the reasons why socialised Fire and Police service is a good thing for society as a whole are the same as the reasons why socialised health care is?
It's cheaper for society to pay for fire protection for everyone than having entire cities burn down because some poor sod couldn't afford to broker a deal with the freelance fire fighters when his house caught on fire.
Likewise it's cheaper for society to pay for the treatment of people suffering from entirely treatable conditions. That way people can get back to work and pay more taxes instead of going on welfare or dying in the streets.
By paying a little now, you avoid big damage later.
This is even ignoring that socialised medicine is inherently cheaper than what you currently have by its very nature. You're already paying more per capita, while treating people worse, than anyone else in the world thanks to your royally ****ed up system. Every other country with socialised health care pays less per capita than you do.
And don't give me that tired "ZOMG immigrants" tripe either. You're already paying for them as well. Anyone who stumbles into and American ER will be treated if need be, you're currently just paying for that through your insurance instead, +25% profit margin for the stock holders of course.
If you can say that with a straight face after the last 8 years and the huge government spending they resulted in, you've gone completely off the deep end. But I guess that as long as you use your socialised institutions to kill people, it's all okay.
Better start campaigning to dissolve your Fire and Police service then. Wouldn't want to have to pay for some other guy having his house lit on fire. Every man for himself.
I am indeed miserable, and I'm not afraid to admit it (which is why I'm on the internet talking to people that annoy me to the bone instead of doing something constructive). I just don't feel the need to drag other people that are obviously happy and content with being their own costume wearing selves down with me. Just stop being such a holier-than-though shit, and mind your own damn business.
Yep, you're such a happy and well adjusted guy that you feel it's important to post snarky comments on internet forums, just to let other people know how childish they are by having fun in a way you don't approve of.
In fact, it only has a single contact point per tyre. This means when this single contact point crosses a sharp incline like the edge of a curb or a ramp the physics engine sees a (relatively) large movement upwards over a small amount of physics steps. Large movement across little time = lots of energy, so off you go. Wheee!
I think the best way to test this is to do two completely new installs of Z and Z17, and test those. That way we can rule out any differences in settings, mods or driver profiles between the versions. You don't use the same AF settings in those shots, so it's not easy to compare them.
Most likely your new CSS rules have the same or lower specificity than the forum CSS rules. That means they get overridden by the forum's own rules. Try adding the body tag to your selectors and see if that helps. You may need to be even more specific depending on how the forum rules are constructed. Something like so:
body a:link {color:red}
EDIT: According to my web-developer toolbar, the links are styled by the following rules:
Are you trying to argue that our experiences have no influence on our future behaviour? He had it in him, hence him playing GH in no way influenced his desire to play a real instrument?
Yes he had it in him, that much is obvious. Yes he may possibly have started playing regardless. What I don't get is why that is important? In this particular instance GH was the thing that provided the motivation. Why do you feel you need to argue that point somehow? Lots of people live their lives without realising their potential. If GH can get some kids off their asses and into garages so they can realise theirs, isn't that a good thing?
Of course it's him, but ignoring the influence the game had seems a little simplistic. This is a kid who listened mainly to mainstream hip-hop (not the good kind) prior to being introduced to Guitar Hero. Even if the desire to play music may have been latent in him, so to speak, it was the fun he had in the game that gave him the motivation to pick up a real guitar and give it a whirl. Sometimes that's all it takes.
Offtopic, but: I'd say Guitar Hero is doing more for the music industry than many people realise. Take my 15 year old brother. Guitar Hero has so far opened his eyes for the good old classics in music, gotten him interested in playing an instrument, resulted in him buying and playing a (real) guitar, buying and playing a (real) drum set, and him now playing in a band of sorts with a few of his mates, also raised on Guitar Hero. I'd say more people enjoying and playing music is entirely a good thing...certain horror-stories involving compulsions to buy effect-pedals for one's bass excluded of course.
Well, the final mix has fairly good dynamic range if you look at the numbers, but the individual tracks are still compressed all to hell. There's little that can be done in mastering if the damage is already done earlier in the process.
The drums are very important in metal though, so the increased clarity the remixes have in that area certainly increases my enjoyment of the album. It's an area where added dynamic range is very noticeable. It still nowhere near what I'd call "good" though. Metallica's black album for instance is worlds better, but then that was recorded in the early nineties, before the music industry went completely mad.
Last edited by wien, .
Reason : Late edit due to horrible, horrible spelling.
Why do you feel the need to second guess them at every turn? If it's taken five years, then that's because that's how long it takes to do whatever it is they've done. If you think the devs are sitting on their asses all day, just come out and say it instead of dancing around the point.
There is a difference compared to how it worked back then though. S1 users can now play on what would earlier be considered S2 servers if it only uses content they have access to. Same thing when S3 is released. S2 users will only need an S3 licence if they want to play with either Rockingham or the new car. You won't get the situation we did when S2 was released where one lonely guy was lapping South City by himself, wondering where everyone went.